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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Doesn't this one sentence blow that whole argument out of the water? Everybody thought he would be available until at least the 15 pick...but Buffalo picked him! Any team that was planning on taking Whitner had to reevalutate what they wanted because he went earlier than everyone said he would. Who is to say there weren't 3 or 4 other teams in the middle who would have taken him "too early"? Other than the teams who said they didn't really want him anyway AFTER the draft. Buffalo could have gambled and taken someone else if Whitner were gone, but there just wasn't any point. They got who they wanted and he is doing a pretty decent job so far.
  2. When do we learn how to do that?
  3. The point is that the original argument of "could have had Whitner AND traded down," is just a guess. Nobody knows. That point stands with or without rookie of the month.
  4. If anyone can prove that the Bills could have traded and still got Whitner, then their argument would be well founded and worth making. Otherwise, it's worth nothing.
  5. And hey, at least we have a broken record to listen to.
  6. I guess your right, but this is kind of freaky.
  7. That play was unbelievable. I was just sitting there laughing out of complete surprise. I knew the guy was fast, but holy crap.
  8. For such a small girl, this can't be natural. Hingis
  9. Maybe they can start having cheeseburgers before the games again to offset the uniform issue.
  10. He's fine. Next question.
  11. Let me add that while I don't blame JP for the fumble, he MUST learn to feel the pressure better (yes, I think this will come with time) He had a great pocket to step up into....which he did start to do when the outside guys started getting close....but instead of taking off (there was a HUGE hole he could have gone to) he did that stutter step with his armed cocked back getting ready to thow thing that he keeps doing. (Is that driving anyone else nuts besides me??) Losman is showing a lot of improvements, but his inexperience really does shine through quite a bit. I really hate MM for screwing up his progress last year.
  12. I just went back and watched "the whiff" again (hadn't watched it since the game), and you know what...I'm less pissed at McGahee now that I have another look. (Unlike most who seem to get more pissed each time they watch it) Yes, he screwed up, but I swear from how a lot of people around here have been talking you would think that he was just kind of lounging around watching people run past him. What really happened? He took the wrong angle. It's pretty much that simple. He saw the blitzer, ran out to meet him, and took the wrong angle. Losman took a 7 step drop, and the defender changed to direction and took the straightest line to him. McGahee ran to block the blitzer was originally taking. If it had been a 3 step drop, McGahee would have been in perfect position. Is this McGahee's fault? Absolutely. He should know the call and where Losman is going to be (at least as far is the 7 step drop goes) and know have some clue as to the angle the defenders are going to take. That said...and this is in response to KD in CT "how hard is it to get in his way and slow him down from a full sprint?", it wasn't an easy block. The guy already had a full head of steam, and McGahee was in the process of moving torward him to stop his progress when the move was made to go outside instead of in. When that happened, McGahee was put on his heals trying to get back into position and just couldn't get there. IMO, he shouldn't have run forward to make the block. He had good position and if he had let the defender come to him, would have at least slowed him down long enough. So yes, he made a mistake. I'm sure he has been shown the film and will be coached and try to learn from it. But I don't think he deserves to be called out the way he is. Yes, it gave up 7 points, and that just can't happen, but hopefully it's a learning experience and our league leading rusher can keep getting better at his lacking areas.
  13. As I've just learned? You're great! Did you get up and look in the mirror and pat yourself on the back after that one?? Hey, I'm not the one who comapared how an Offensive Linemen and a RB are treated as far as blocking assignments. As I said in my post, he needs to get better. But he isn't having a bad year just because he whiffed on a block. There are about 20 other teams in the league that would beg to have a back like McGahee running for them. Learning to pick up the blitzer can be taught. We'll see if he gets it this year.
  14. Maybe because MW was a LINEMAN! His ONLY job is to block. Willis McGahee is a.... Wait for it... RUNNING back. Did he screw up? Yes. Is he playing very well this year? Yes. He needs to improve his blocking skill...guess we'll see if he does.
  15. Or....people with taste.
  16. Reggie Williams. Not that I was expecting him to get a lot of points, but the last two weeks he pulled in about 8 points on my bench, this week I needed to play him and he got 1.4. Nice. Luckily my opponent had about 6 underachievers, so I pulled out a win. I should also give a big F.U. to the Jets for the Coles crap all week. Hopefully Gore doesn't have too many down weeks either.
  17. This is pretty much how I feel about it. Part of me wants to say there's no way in hell people try to push games in one direction of the other, but I've just seen way to many things to think the contrary. This isn't to say I think most games are "pushed". But I think when the opportunity is there and people really want a game to go a certain way, things are worked out. And I didn't see last nights game. The last Super Bowl was the "straw" for me.
  18. So instead of Spikes coming back and both of them playing where they should, cutting Spikes would be the way to go? Even in your sarcasm you make no sense.
  19. Well, to be fair, that was the score very early in the 3rd quarter, and it was a playoff game. Very big difference. This is not to say that I think it's okay to leave early. I think it sucks, especially the home opener.
  20. Has Royal been dropping passes?
  21. Why buy a mini van? No, that's all.
  22. If his reads consisted of a 3 step drop and then looking at the grass, then yes, he completed his reads. He had about 3 seconds before he was on the ground. How you can say he had held the ball too long is beyond me.
  23. This is the key. When you aren't putting any pressure on the QB, they will eventually score. It's that simple. The defense had plenty of solid drives, but rarely got close to Pennington. You just can't let a QB get THAT comfortable, especially on your own damn field.
  24. Ugh....I think I regret bringing that punt all up at all. It wasn't a horrible call, it just wasn't the right one IMHO. (and what the hell do I know??) I think too much focus is being put on it.
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