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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Sorry, it just amazes me how little respect FL gets. I think they deserve the 4 seed and wouldn't argue to bump them any further, but I can't believe someone could rank them below a two loss team that they played great against.
  2. Oh give me a break. Ramius started talking crap two weeks ago, and now has to make all sorts of excuses for his teams loss. Whatever, the records and the score tell the story. And unless you are Ohio or Auburn, nobody can talk crap to FL (so far). I actually have a bad feeling about the Arkansas game, but we'll see.
  3. I'm tellin ya, typing in "USC" into the BCS computer system automatically adds points. It's all a bunch of crap. I'm kind of glad though as I think that the more times it screws things up the closer we'll get to a playoff system. Though I think it's still a ways off. Oh....Bart, you were surprised by LSU's jump to 5 but then you rank them 4? Above both teams playing for the SEC championship this week? IMO, the top 5 should be: Ohio Michigan USC FL LSU
  4. Yep, enjoyed all of it, thanks!
  5. Um, yeah...burn.
  6. One more win and FL is the SEC champion. Before the season started that was my hope for them this year....given the status of the BCS teams, it kind of falls short of my current frame of mind, but it is still a strong step for the team and Urban Meyer. It's going to be tough for a team that hasn't seemed to find their groove against an incredibly tough defense. Sorry Ramius!
  7. I would like to have him out of the SEC, but I would hate to see miami return to glory.
  8. Nope, it's still out there.
  9. C. Clearly you haven't met crayonz.
  10. I seem to remember a picture floating around here somewhere.
  11. If they have an internet connection...yes.
  12. Thanks everyone. I'm visiting my father and he swears he remembers Kelly sitting down in the 2nd quarter saying he was hurt. He's the most stubborn man in the world, and even after showing him the breakdown in Wikipedia and your responses...he says I'm still wrong. But at least I know he knows....
  13. I'm traveling right now and dont' hav my video of the comeback game, so I can't check on this: Did Jim Kelly play in the comeback game at all, and if so how much? Thanks!
  14. Well, at least I've learned not to talk football with you.
  15. 1. Ohio State 2. Michigan 3. USC 4. Florida 5. Notre Dame 6. Rutgers 7. Arkansas 8. West Virginia 9. Wisconsin 10. Louisville Pretty much what I expected, although I thought zero losses would be enough to put Rutgers above ND.
  16. You're talking about individual teams and games. I'm talking about conferences. The big east just doesn't stack up. And lets look at that last line. For starters, what does any of that have to do with the Big East? Are you trying to make the point that other teams lose too? How can ND losing to Michigan be an argument? Michigan is one of the best teams in the country....someone has to lose that game. And all this "should" have crap is just that. And yes, everyone wants to talk about how FL barely beat SC. Besides the fact that I have already said FL has not played like they deserve to be champions (I'm not quite much of a blind homer as you), but SC isn't that bad a team, they just can't quite keep up with the rest of the dominating SEC. They have 5 losses this year....but they lost to Georgia, FL, Arkansas, Tennessee and Auburn! 4 out 5 of those teams have been in the title hunt until this weekend, and two of them still are! Georgia is a good team too, but falls into the same situation as SC. Do you really think Rutgers would be undefeated if they had that schedule? Hell, the SEC is going to be even better in the coming years, as SC is at the top of list of recruiting now that Spurrier signed on.
  17. Well, AP is out.... 1. Ohio State (64) 11-0 1,624 2. Michigan (1) 11-0 1,561 3. Florida 9-1 1,436 4. USC 8-1 1,433 5. Arkansas 9-1 1,331 6. Notre Dame 9-1 1,302 7. Rutgers 9-0 1,212 8. West Virginia 8-1 1,075 9. LSU 8-2 1,074 10. Louisville 8-1 1,028 Only 3 votes seperated USC and FL. I'd still be surprised if that isn't reversed in the BCS.
  18. Come on....this is just blind homerism. That's like saying that the Buffalo is just as good as any other 1A school. There are differences in the conferences, and while I won't use the grade school "Big Least" defense, I can't imagine even the biggest homer ignoring that fact.
  19. Hurry up grandpa Marv, draft Mike Williams or Robert Gallery!!!
  20. I think there is almost no doubt the top 5 after this week are: 1.Ohio 2.Michigan 3-5: USC, Rutgers, FL How 3-5 turn out is a crap shoot at this point. I put USC and FL on fairly equal ground. So far I think FL's SOS is tougher than USC's, but both of them have played like crap at times and have had some ugly wins. I give credit to how Rutgers has played, but their SOS just doesn't compare. IMO, it turns out: 3: USC (for some reason, being USC seems to automatically add points to the rankings) 4. FL 5. Rutgers
  21. Now all I need is Oregon to pull one out tonight.
  22. That's cool. As long as my faggy QB is actually scoring TD's and my team is actually winning games, I don't mind how they go about it. Hey....remember when FSU was good? Those were the days...huh?
  23. Hey, just cause those morons up north seem to fall down at the mere sight of an opposing football team this year, don't blame UF.
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