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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I'd love to, but I rent an apartment and dishes aren't allowed.
  2. Cable companies and NFLN really, really, really need to get this crap worked out.
  3. IMO, simple answer to your question is no. If you don't like how the powder is changing the taste of your shakes there really isn't a better way to do it. You can test different brands out, as they all have slightly different tastes and textures, but they will most likely all change the shake. If you're lifting and exercising regulary I would recommend adding the extra protein though. You'll really notice the difference in how fast you recover and how well your muscles react. I am NOT into getting BIG, but I lift a few days a week and like to have a toned look. Even just with that I add a high protein shake a day to supplement what my bodies using, and I definitely notice a difference between when I do and don't (more in how I feel than how I look). So if you are enjoying your shakes and don't want to ruin them, you may just want to consider adding another straight up protein shake to your diet. Wont' taste great, but you can suck it down quick and the calories vs. benefits would make it worth it.
  4. Good deal! It's become one of the few shows I make a point to watch.
  5. Custom Time
  6. Yep. She isn't my "type" at all, either in looks or personality, but she slays me.
  7. Didn't she leave Oregon for Texas? And Fezmid, blondie was signed to a label too. She didn't get millions of dollars put behind her, but that's just cause she's crap in comparison.
  8. Best performance of season so far! I like the guy, but don't think he'll have the backing to win. He'll have to be that much better than the others every week to get to the bottom 3. Huh? Whatever, I guess. I like the guy, but I'm a big Jack Johnson fan and he is the same kind of artist. This is the male Kristy Lee Cooke. Good looks, decent voice, bad performer. Completely over rated. Do not underestimate the Polynesian vote. They'll keep her in as long as they can...my guess is between 8 and 6. Yeah, I'm pretty much in love with Brooke. Pretty much agreed. When it started I had her as one of the best, but lately she's boring. Can't stand this guy. Gimmicky and thinks way too highly of himself. He's straight up Kareoke. Needs to GO. She definitely needs to go, but you're a fuggin nutjob. Top 3: David Cook by a mile. Brook White Archuletta Bottom 3: Kristy Ramiel Chickckczie
  9. I was living in a dorm back during the homerun throw-forward. Had to patch 3 holes in the hallway wall the next week.
  10. Probably the two most important words every placed at the end of a post.
  11. Wasn't all the talk on Jones when he came out that everyone would try to make a TE out of him? I've paid no attention to him at all since he came out, but given the write up about him it seems it still might make sense. I'd say he would probably need to go to a team with a stacked O-line, cause he probably never learned to block.
  12. Did you MISS the ARTICLE that was written about him??? They don't write those for just anybody, you know.
  13. As someone who knows how hard it can be to find someone who will come by and take care of the pets, I say keep a good bottle around for her next time too! Okay, so I'm only half serious. I've dealt with alcoholics many times throughout my life, so I'm really not taking this lightly, but my first question is are you sure she just isn't inconsiderate? No doubt she probably drinks too much, but maybe drinking your stash had more to do with her not knowing how much it was/not knowing better than it did her having an insatiable desire to drink that she couldn't control? Outside of that, I agree with the general consensus. If this girl is an all out alcoholic, she's had close family and friends giving her the speeches about it throughout her whole life. A quasi friend confronting her (either face to face or through a friend) isn't going to do much. Consider yourself lucky that all you lost was a bit of booze while you learned that lesson about her.
  14. It must be referring to off time. The Bills always have great attendance in their "voluntary" offseason program, but I'm guessing he means there are vets there throughout the offseason?
  15. Strictly football wise, I don't think it was the best decision. I really think he could have thrived at a couple other schools. Even given that he wanted to stay close to home, I think he should have chosen Michigan. Redshirt a year, and by his Junior season he would have been the guy that ushered in the spread to that school. All that said, he'll do good enough at Ohio to make it to the NFL, and I guess that's all that matters.
  16. Over dramatize much? Do you really think anyone is going to remember or give two ***** about this skank anytime after the hot pockets are done cooking? You really think think that there are girls, who aren't already out there slutting it up, who are now idolizing this scum and dreaming about their lucrative lives as prostitutes?? Women have been trying (with mixed results) to whore their way to fame and fortune for hundreds of years. This bimbo doesn't even come close to being an event that will impact our society.
  17. Really?? You're going through all this? Just tell him to RTFP and STFU!
  18. What's this "cagey" crap? It's like the new buzzword around here. Did you see what Lee did this year in GB??? Bubba Franks WAS a good TE on a team (with a QB) that LOVES to go to the TE. For the past 3 years he's done next to nothing with that same team and QB. Lee showed everyone that it wasn't a change in offensive philosophy or a change in the way Favre liked to play. It was the TE, plain and simple. The Jets just signed another "name" that won't get them anywhere. It's amazing that these teams have watched the Redskins do this crap for years and have actually said..."hey, we should do that!".
  19. Absolutely. While I still expect to see WR #1, going strictly off depth of available talent I would go CB, WR, TE.
  20. I haven't noticed any problems.
  21. While I completely agree with you about the talent aspect, the thing that comes front and center to me is the money. On a team like this that isn't willing to spend boat loads of money on most of it's players, an elite CB on a cover-2 defense doesn't seem to be in the cards. If this team is going to pick and choose who gets the big contracts (who the "elite" players they are willing to pay to stick around) it has to be the front 7. The whole cover 2 system depends on great play up front.
  22. Yeah, Sweed is the picture of health.
  23. Yes, in year one that's the direction a brand new coach and GM decided to go in when faced with an entire team full of holes. In year two, they went in a totally different direction to fill holes in other areas...despite being very short on talent and experience at the CB position. Yes, I would say anything is possible in year 3, including actually drafting a position of need if the talent is there.
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