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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I think there's a good chance Oakland takes Dorsey. They have a very tough choice ahead of them!
  2. Smart pick for Atlanta. He better not start, but a year or two from now, he'll be a good QB I think.
  3. Commercials during their pick????? It's a conspiracy I tell ya!
  4. Did I respond to myself and say that was cute???? Or did I respond to your immature "idiot" response and say that was cute (kind of like a little kid trying to act all growed up!)???? You'll have to go back and look, you seem ever so capable of going back and reposting what people have said. Good luck with that!
  5. awww, that was cute.
  6. My guess would be that in general, most cops are bunch of douche bags with superiority complex. Don't get me wrong, I think that anyone that tries to ram a cop with their car deserves what they get, but most cops certainly aren't angels. And yes, I know, and have known, many, many cops.
  7. Me too. I always watch from beginning to end. Though this year I may have to TIVO some of Sunday...priorities.
  8. Dude, I loved Bionic Commando...but it's not a very well known game. Can't remember how much time I lost on that thing.
  9. No. An actual trade scenario will always trump an imaginary one.
  10. I have the same reaction I had when everyone discovered we use torture: Duh.
  11. I friggin LOVE it! I can finally wake up at a decent hour to watch the draft!
  12. He better hope that show ends quick. Once he hits puberty, he's done.
  13. Basic Open Water certification can be done in 3 days in most places (standard class is a week, but they have 3 day accelerated courses), and on vacation is how most people end up getting certified. But keep in mind it's 3 FULL days, so it's not something to do if you're wanting to spend your nights out doing other things (very draining). There's also a lot of places that will take you out one time without a certification. You usually go in for about 3 or 4 hours before the dive and learn the very basics that you'll need for an easy dive, and when you go out the instructor is with you the whole time. Overall a lot cheaper, one day, and you get a taste of it before getting into the full thing. BTW, for this post and the one above, I'm talking PADI certification (which I recommend, look them up). There are different certs that I know nothing about.
  14. Every dive shop had different rules, but by "regs": You shouldn't need your dive log at all as long as you have your card. And really, if you only had your dive log they wouldn't let you dive unless they checked your status. The dive log is used more to find out how experienced you are to handle different types of dives. You'd be surprised how stupid people can be with diving, telling divemasters how great and experienced they are when they really don't know crap. Anyway, it's a good idea to keep track of your dives, but not mandatory. You do not HAVE to complete a refresher before going out again, but it's not a bad idea. There is no expiration date on the cert. but jumping in the water again after 3 years could be disorienting, and that's not the place to be disoriented. Again, a specific dive shop may have their own rules about this one.
  15. I love to dive and go at least a few times a month. Right now I've got my rescue diver certification, and probably at the end of the year I'm going to get into a dive-master program. Anyone who hasn't done it should do it whenever you have the opportunity. One of the coolest things out there to do!
  16. I really don't think that has much to do with it. Outside of Kristy, who is this years Sanjaya (vote for the worst kind of deal, he's was right there in line to go. IMO, the bottom 3 were right on and any of them could have gone. John's was just too damn in to himself and it really came across in his song choice and his performances. Same reason I want Sayesha to go. And Carly will be in there too, cause while she has a great voice, she just doesn't use it well enough. One or two big notes in a song doesn't make the whole song good (a lesson A LOT of this years top 12-15 need to learn).
  17. He'll have success close to what Bucky Covington has had. Can't believe so many people like this guy. I was rooting for him and Sayesha to be next two to go (KLC can go whenever, she's pretty much nothing).
  18. Might just be me, but I think you misunderstood the quote.
  19. Has more to do with the possible spread of diseases from needles than anything with the ink. Red Cross They have to err on the side of caution, and make a sweeping rule like that. But any decent tattoo shop will be over top clean to put their clients at rest. They'll open new ink, new needles from sealed packages (new needles throughout the job), all done in front of you so you can see it happening. It's not an unclean business.
  20. I never understood that argument. What the hell would anyone care what some 65 year olds hip looks like??? Or anything on a 65 year old for that matter.
  21. I'm disgusted with that Bambi clip. Did you see the remarks with the people not knowing what song that was??
  22. Are you the same guy who can't figure out how to introduce yourself to the ladies you like?
  23. Dude...he does shot put and discus. He's got to be a wuss.
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