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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Honestly, you're getting worse and worse in this. How can you actually be saying that's these cops should have risked dying in order to possibly subdue a thief who obviously was going to fight them? How do you know what would happen if these 3 guys tried to take him down? Even if he didn't have a weapon on him, which they didn't know for sure, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN IN A FIGHT. He could have gotten a lucky position and broken one of their necks. Hit one of them just right to either cause death from the blow or a fall. Gotten a weapon from one of them during the encounter and endangered everyone's lives...including bystanders. Look man, I know you're a pretty smart guy with a straight head on your shoulders, but in this particular case, in this thread, you are coming off like someone who watches and believes too many movies. You just don't give a guy like this a chance to hurt you....period. And he did nothing to deserve that chance. He broke the law, and tried to fight off and hurt police officers. Given the fact that third cop came and saw the fight going on actually proves that the first 2 cops were TRYING to keep it non-lethal (which again, was a BAD idea at that point). This guy EARNED being shot! Now, maybe if he had been shot 41 times, we'd have something to debate...
  2. I just watched it again, and I don't see anyone scurrying away. Looks like everyone groups up on the sidewalk. One guy stops a car, probably asking the driver to call 911? And by the time the car shows up (1:05 after the hit), most of the group had made it to the street. Granted, no one was down next to the guy, but like others have said, unless they have training there isn't anything they could do. And I think people are underestimating the shock that goes along with something like that. No matter how heroic some people here think they are, there's not always and immediate natural reaction to do the perfect thing in these situations. Who knows what would have happened if it had taken 5 minutes or more for the cops/medical personnel to show up. 1 minute is FAST in this situation. There wasn't even time for these people to be sh-- heads.
  3. (the family is sitting around the dinner table, and Lois walks in) Peter: Oh, finally! Some of us have been waitin' all evening for a certain wife to come home and feed her starving family. Lois: Peter, I told you I was gonna be late. Couldn't you have handled dinner? Peter: You can't ask me to make dinner, Lois. That's like asking me to choose between Sarah Jessica Parker and Kirsten Dunst in a "hot body, weird face" contest, it can't be done
  4. A good day in Liberty City.
  5. Lucky Number Slevin.
  6. You want to be banned until he smells better?
  7. We should just save time on these threads and call them "every good movie you can think of".
  8. Sounded like he was talking about the OTA's.
  9. You got lucky. Could you imagine if you had EATEN a microwaved hamburger??? The diet gods were watching your back.
  10. That's what I keep thinking. I have visions of a perfect "office linebacker" spear!
  11. Ummm, how much acid did you do dude?
  12. Now I have visions of Bobby beating the hell out of Hank. And you guys can't find humor in this.
  13. Find some banjo music, maybe do a search on youtube or something, and get it playing in the background. Now read it again. EDIT Wait, THIS is better.
  14. True, but he hasn't been saying it for years. That guys been pretty down on the Bills for a while now and never really says a whole lot of good about them or their drafts. Good to see a change in heart.
  15. The entertainment in Vegas has gone to sh--.
  16. See, the difference is a guy would have just broken a window, climbed out, and then blamed it something else. Friggen women.
  17. Enhanced pic (No, it's not the pixie dude)
  18. You must spend forever on your responses.
  19. I'm so lost. Did everyone go insane?
  20. I'm guessing Sexual Deviant.
  21. Yeah, when you're trying to get your "dancer" daughter married off to a guy who just cashed in on a 30 million dollar contract, you'll pretty much do whatever he wants.
  22. They should pay the coaches off jersey sales (whatever's left over after NFL gets their cut). Bet they'd give a sh-- about what our uniforms look like then.
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