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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Same with me. Over the years I went from Gator fan, to SEC fan, to anything College football fan. I also think that's why these off-seasons are getting longer. I used to love the NFL. I'd watch, listen, and read everything I could get my hands on. So back then, I was all about the start of the NFL season, and the start of college ball was like a nice early preview. Now I only watch the Bills (when I can actually get the game), and watch every college game I can manage to see (between watching live and TIVO it's getting to be a bit ridiculous!). I'd write up a Gator report, but "2008/2009 National Champions" should really just about cover it.
  2. Lauren Graham is my number 1! Also: Connie Britton, Friday Night Lights
  3. How are they treated?
  4. How can you possibly care about this?
  5. I need bands! I need a bunch of young drunk college kids making fools of themselves and rushing the field for no reason! I need 70 yard completions, missed extra points, trick plays, and triple overtimes!!! Where the hell is college football??
  6. I don't get it. The tribe is real and they are still a tribe that has had no contact with the outside world. I didn't go back to the original article and read it, but I remember during this whole thing reading that they were trying to get pictures of the tribe with the flyover. But even if I'm wrong on that last part, who cares if they knew the tribe was there or not?
  7. It's the responsible that are screwed. When the hair that's currently holding our economy together finally breaks, those that have been trying to make wise investments are going to be SOL.
  8. Apparently....you can.
  9. Maybe now they'll leave the Great Lakes alone.
  10. In my opinion, yes. Any girl that would tell me how much I should spend on a ring by quoting a percentage of my income (not to mention that much of a zombie to TV commercials) would be out the door. But to each his own as far as that goes. More on point, asking anyone other than her is pointless. She's the only one that can give you an accurate answer.
  11. Only according to the diamond companies. It's like car companies coming out and saying you shouldn't spend less than a years salary on your next car, and everyone believing them. Only good answer...ask the (future) fiance.
  12. Most recent one I went to was a Jack Johnson concert (Dave was there) and it was great. Relaxed atmosphere, everyone friendly, totally into the music. A few idiots, but that happens anywhere and it was the exception. I think overall you're right though. Normally I would probably pay for the seats, but it wouldn't seem right for Jack. Think I would just rather not go.
  13. Who says that? My guess is that if this is drug related, it won't be pot. But really, just an random assumption on my part.
  14. Yep, this was most certainly a political thread.
  15. This was the first thing I thought too, but then I realized that might not work. Only throwing them out may not have much affect because at that point, they've already seen what they want to see. What do they care if they get thrown out?
  16. So not only is reading comprehension out the window, but so is your "only have what you need and save the rest" thing.
  17. I have a fully funded IRA, a savings program through work, own an investment property, and put money into savings every month (that I move around to various savings programs...CD's, etc...). I manage my money very well to make sure I can retire very comfortable and never have to worry about where my money will come from. After that, I ENJOY my life in whatever way I see fit. I spend money on travel (been to 6 different countries so far for pleasure, many more for work), and whatever toys I decide I want (and I make a very average salary). I WANT my cell phone and entertainment system. And there hasn't been one person in this thread, including myself, who has asked you for financial help. So go pound whatever you want. As for a reason for a kid to have a cell phone, I'll give you a personal example. I have a little sister who got a cell phone when she was 12. I live half way around the world, and only get to see her maybe twice a year for a few days at at time. Our time zones are 6 hours apart, so by the time I'm out of work, she's sleeping. With a cell phone, I get to call her anytime our times match up and no matter where she is I get to talk to her. She does the same thing. She's called me in the middle of her school day cause she was having issues at school and needed someone to talk to. Without the cell phone, we MIGHT get to talk once a week, if we are both home at the right times on the weekends. I would love to have my sister living right next door and see her all the time, but since that's not possible, I have to deal with the next best thing. Without a cell phone, I wouldn't even have that. Just because you can't imagine a reason to for a kid to have a cell phone, doesn't mean they aren't there. And just because you either can't afford or aren't able to manage your money correctly to save AND have the unnecessary, fun things in life that you may desire, doesn't mean that's true for everyone. (And yes, I know that's not true. You don't NEED to drink expensive wine, do you?)
  18. Yeah...that's cause of cell phones. Come on, I'm sure you can find a worse argument than that to annoy everyone with. Don't be lazy now.
  19. What is all this "need" crap? People "want" cell phones. Adults, kids, everyone. And if someone wants to shell out the money for one, who the hell cares?
  20. You know yall talk about this stuff when you have all your girlfriends over for the slumber parties. Somewhere between the tickle fight and the showers. There's no reason to hide this from us.
  21. Or electricity....or indoor plumbing. I just don't get why people actually utilize new technology.
  22. Yup. I could get into a 800 sq ft condo here (one that isn't falling apart) for about 400,000. Craziness.
  23. My Verizon contract expires in December and I've already decided I'm switching to Cingular. Right now it's going to be a toss up between the new iphone and the BlackBerry Bold. I'm leaning toward BB right now, but iphone is tough to ignore.
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