Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE partisan politics , but the falling value of the dollar has been the fault of horrible monetary policy dating back as far as the early 1930's when we decided to back our money by......ummm, nothing.
What can you do? Do your research and find politicians to support who are not morons when it comes to economics. Look at the bills and resolutions in front of congress that involve (in any way, shape, or form) the government spending your money in unnecessary, not to mention unconstitutional, ways (this could include bureaucracies, foreign aide, war, etc...), and write to your congress men and women to oppose them (no, I don't expect much change from that, but at least it's doing SOMETHING).
If you are asking what you can do with your money to help the value of the dollar? The answer is not a whole hell of a lot. The government (both sides of the line) have been destroying the dollar for decades. There is no quick fix to this problem, NO MATTER WHAT POLITICIANS TRY TO TELL YOU. No matter what stupid bills they try to tax to divert YOUR money to different programs to "stimulate" the economy.
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An incredible amount of information on that site that can keep you busy for months if you wanted....and point you in the right direction for even more info.