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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Comes pretty close out here.
  2. Creed: It's a real shame about Ed huh. Michael Scott: Yeah. It must really have you thinkin. Creed: About what? Michael Scott: The older you get, the bigger the chances you're gonna die. You knew that. Creed: Ed was decapitated. Michael Scott: What? Dwight Schrute: Really? Creed: He was drunk as a skunk, he was flying down Route 6. He slides under an 18 wheeler. Pop. Snaps right off. Michael Scott: Oh my God. Dwight Schrute: That is the way to go. Instant death. Very Smart. Creed: You know a human can go on living for several hours after being decapitated. Dwight Schrute: You're thinking of a chicken. Creed: What did I say?
  3. Less cleanup and easier for people to watch.
  4. Legal or not legal it's a bad situation, even leaving out the trying to kick your wife's friends out of their house part. Real Estate is weird right now with the economy the way it is. Everyone's trying to bail on houses without losing their asses, so prices are all over the place. But whatever the situation, you shouldn't come across anyone who is RAISING the price...and you certainly shouldn't be accepting a price raise so that the current owner is able to get a better house! When friends are involved, business deals go to hell. Look around and find some desperate sellers...they're out there and now and their numbers will be increasing. EDIT: After reading your last response....same basic theory, but screw these guys. They're trying to get one over on you. If you really feel the current price you agreed on is good (I have my doubts if they have raised it more than once), hold them to it or tell them to rip up the contract....period. Either they will give you what you want or you'll get away from a deal with some jerks who are trying to take advantage of you.
  5. Then how the hell do you order a marble cake???
  6. Much like stevestojan of years past, that's a TBDism that's made it's way into my regular vocabulary.
  7. It is what it is.
  8. I'm in this class right now for work...there's this guy behind me that keeps raising his hand, and when the instructor says what, he says "I got a question...." NO sh-- SHERLOCK....GET ON WITH IT! Back off topic: Drives me insane when people say they give/gave/should give/etc... anything over 100% Back on topic: That's some fugged up sh--.
  9. Last year I picked Georgia to win that one, this year I pick FL. Everyone is riding Georgia's play at the end of last year into this season. I think that at the end of last season Georgia was playing better football than anyone in the country (including LSU), but FL is going to be tough this year. I think Georgia and FL are #1 and 2 going into the season. I probably give Georgia the nod in week 1, but FL will get their feet under them and be able to take them out by the time they play.
  10. Your pop-tart's getting cold.
  11. Nixon only finished things off. The US government went off the gold standard in 1933. Between then and 1971 there was an exception for foreign central banks who could still trade dollars for gold. But as the dollar started losing it's value and we were printing money like it was made of toilet paper, those foreign banks started trying to bail out and trade all of their dollars in for gold. Nixon stopped that in 1971.
  12. While I'm sure HelloNewman is a great guy in his own right, I doubt he has that ability.
  13. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE partisan politics , but the falling value of the dollar has been the fault of horrible monetary policy dating back as far as the early 1930's when we decided to back our money by......ummm, nothing. What can you do? Do your research and find politicians to support who are not morons when it comes to economics. Look at the bills and resolutions in front of congress that involve (in any way, shape, or form) the government spending your money in unnecessary, not to mention unconstitutional, ways (this could include bureaucracies, foreign aide, war, etc...), and write to your congress men and women to oppose them (no, I don't expect much change from that, but at least it's doing SOMETHING). If you are asking what you can do with your money to help the value of the dollar? The answer is not a whole hell of a lot. The government (both sides of the line) have been destroying the dollar for decades. There is no quick fix to this problem, NO MATTER WHAT POLITICIANS TRY TO TELL YOU. No matter what stupid bills they try to tax to divert YOUR money to different programs to "stimulate" the economy. You can also learn about it: Mises.org An incredible amount of information on that site that can keep you busy for months if you wanted....and point you in the right direction for even more info.
  14. Yeah, as opposed to the toothless redneck trash 2 hours up the road.
  15. Hey, knock it the fug off! Gone for two days and my thread gets hijacked by friggin state fans. Don't MAKE me delete this thing!!!
  16. Every college season I always wish I still lived in FL so I could go to the games. For now I have season tickets to the Warriors....so I get a fix that way. But from tailgating to the actual game, it's no SEC, that's for damn sure.
  17. No age limit on a MILF, and the thread is TV MILF's. They have kids on TV. And since I just remembered she had a kid (and really, she should be linked every now and then just because): mmmmmm
  18. That's arlight man, they have medication for that now...
  19. We have a winner. I don't know why I am ALWAYS surprised by the level of gullibility around here.
  20. Can't wait to read your reports! I didn't get ESPN Insider this year (first time in a while) and I'm in a bit of withdrawal. It's crap for a lot of things, but they have a lot of college football write-ups this time of year.
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