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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Why would we have to "deal with them"?
  2. Uhhh....pot, meet kettle. Now, if you want to yell at him for his horrifying grammar, I'm on board.
  3. Bastard was before bastage....
  4. I miss the days of "bastard".
  5. Oh yeah, every year I get sick of all the people screaming about the those mighty Vandy teams. Way to pick one of the 3 team in the SEC that sucks. Florida is playing 3 teams in the top 20 (Georgia, LSU, Tennessee) (it's an off year for Auburn or it would be 4) and 6 in the top 30 (Alabama, SC, Florida State). The Miami games was set up years ago and SHOULD have been a tough game. They can't help how bad Miami has gotten (and who knows, maybe they will progress this year). How much more can be expected of a team in one year? They don't have the luxery of only having two or 3 top schools in their entire conference.
  6. A good guy to have on the roster for camp. Fast, good hands, and is able to catch up to bad passes. Very exciting player for Hawaii.
  7. So the comic book movie wasn't realistic enough?
  8. Can't see him ever making it as a starter in the NFL (he won't survive against the faster, better defenses), but in those highlights he looked just like he did in college! He's was fun to watch, I'm going to miss him this year. I wish him luck!
  9. Shark week...
  10. One jersey, or one season ticket....hmmmm.
  11. Yeah, but Alaska's not really the US. I agree with you on that, and that's how I basically envision it happening. I think they would increase the taxes over time, just like the did with cigs. I guess I have a bleaker view of things. We still have the illusion of a free market held up mostly by denial, but as you alluded to, it's only matter of time before that too shatters.
  12. Whatever do you mean?
  13. But they don't do that with cigarettes. I agree that there would continue to be a black market, even if for no other reason than whatever the government put out on the market would be weak compared with today's standard. But the legal stuff would still make a killing. People buy brands, no matter what else is out there. BTW, where are you exactly that you are welcoming people to the free market? Certainly not the US.
  14. What are you guys talking about a midget?? 1. One guy in back 2. One guy in front 3. One guy on his back No?
  15. There are a lot of other things in there that can go wrong with a tv, so while spending all that money may make everything look great, there are still a lot of other parts in there that are 5 years old. Might as well get a whole new product if you are going to spend that much.
  16. How many DII schools is FSU playing this year? It isn't the SEC's fault that other conferences need to look outside in order to get top games.
  17. Fuggin Ohio St.
  18. They also don't look ANYTHING AT ALL LIKE WHAT'S IN THE PICTURE!!!
  19. Why would I possibly have hard feelings over if you like where I live? In fact....why does anybody in this thread care what people think of where they live???
  20. You just listed the two that I avoid. Atlanta can be tough because they are such a big hub for overseas travel, but I do what I can to stay away. I refuse to fly into Chicago ever again. I have never once gone through that airport without a big delay, almost always causing me to miss a connecting flight. I've spent more or added time to my trip to keep away from that place.
  21. What kind of freaky ass zoo's do you people go to?
  22. I'm surprised they haven't started trying to figure out whose fault this whole thing is yet.
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