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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I do. Same as I have for the past two elections. How anyone can vote for the main stream candidates we've been force fed for the past few elections is a mystery to me.
  2. Paz Vega Schue Already mentioned, but I've had a crush on Jenniffer Connelly since Labrynth! And the one who melts me!
  3. PASSING the law is!
  4. I read about that. I think I have the game on DVR, I'm interested to see how that went down. Auburn wasn't supposed to be a power offense this year, but 3 points against Miss? Strange.
  5. MORE government intervention! THAT'S what we need!! THAT will fix everything!!!
  6. She's someone I don't often think of, but every time I see her I'm blown away. Sexy as hell.
  7. Just another case of the man trying to keep us down.
  8. Can we PLEASE wait for these guys to beat a decent team before putting them anywhere near the top of the rankings again?
  9. So the real warning is, Do NOT get yourself onto one of these shows! They catch you every time. They should start showing the ones that never got solved. Then we could come up with a good "Do" list to compliment this one.
  10. I'm sure they will sing a different tune when the government tears down their homes to build a solar farm (or some other non-sense). I really don't know much about the legal system there, but if this ruling doesn't get overturned they just opened a very bad door.
  11. While I don't think that's necessarily true, it does end up that way unfortunately. The reason people want the government to step in for the big guys isn't because they feel bad for them, or want to line their pockets. It's because they feel it will indirectly help them. This is why we will NEVER have sound economic policies in this country. People are willing to let ANYTHING happen if it means even a very small, very short term possibility of good for them. Very few people look at the true implications or future damage these things cause. And those that are do are generally ridiculed.
  12. No, it's not. Profits are so high because speculators are so good at their jobs. They buy for X, and the prices end up being so much more than that. Good for them. And the lower consumption of oil HAS caused the price of oil to go down. Yes, it takes longer for the price to change at the pumps when it's going down than it does to go up. OF COURSE IT DOES! Not only is it natural for people to want to make money, but there are other market forces at work that are causing things to be more expensive. Where do you think the money is coming from to bail out the banks? Where do you think the money came from to offer up $300 to most of the US? It comes from printing excessive amounts of dollars, inflating the money supply, and causing prices to shoot upwards. The cost of gas is not simply affected by the sale of a barrel of oil. The US economy is in the crapper, and it's NOT because of the big bad oil companies who aren't doing anything different than every other business in the world....making profits.
  13. Talk about a quick publication.
  14. So do they ever show full episodes of trying to catch a killer and then NOT find them?
  15. I do understand the issues with Galveston, and yes, those people are in a for some trouble. But again, I lived in Cocoa Beach, about two blocks from the ocean, and it is surrounded by water. We'll see, I guess. All I know is that when I was living with this kind of thing, we didn't start worrying about evacs or potential death until there was a storm approaching Cat 4. Only had one of those while we were there; we evacuated and came back to minor damage (mostly flooding) and no electricity for about 2 weeks.
  16. I'm not sure I get all the hysteria. I lived on the coast of Florida for a few years and dealt with multiple hurricanes in the 2-3 category range. It was pretty intense, and at times scary, but all this "certain death" talk they are playing up on the news seems like a bit of a stretch. What is so big about this cat 2 hurricane?
  17. I know quite a bit about the situation, thank you. Now, on to the subject that was actually being discussed. Claiming in any way that the deaths of those who died in one event over another are any more or less tragic because they "knew it was coming" is ridiculous. If you're intent on continuing to make a fool of yourself over the political aspects of the two attacks, there is a forum for it just a few clicks away.
  18. They're excellent at what they do, that's for sure.
  19. The one barrier oil companies/speculators have on raising prices is that if they raise them too much, people will stop using their product. This has to come from finding alternate means of travel (car pooling, bikes, etc...) or new technologies (hybrids or alternate sources of power). The fact that people are going so nuts about fuel prices is a good thing, it will force them to use less of it and in turn make costs go down. In the mean time, blaming the oil companies for making a profit is kind of absurd.
  20. Yeah, because people need the media to be idiots.
  21. I think it's good advice for you too.
  22. Yeah, cause they've proven that they're just that overwhelmingly good. The heat in Jax alone makes us an underdog.
  23. What? The truth? Okay.
  24. Their coach said that, not me. I saw it in a write up before the game. They asked why Texas would accept an away game at UCF when they could have easily made them come to TX, and they said for recruits. Too long ago to offer a link, but it's true. I don't have any reason to make that up.
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