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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Sounds similar to Leverage, which is on TNT right now. Not a bad show, I think it will be better if when the characters are developed more. Firefly is without a doubt the number one show canceled too early. It's simply a shame that it didn't get to keep going. While I don't consider it a great show, I was disappointed that Bionic Woman didn't come back. It was a good mindless entertainment kind of show.
  2. What I really liked was how Big Ben, a relatively fragile structure on an island, seemed to be doing okay.
  3. He said bring tissues.
  4. Great player for WVU. Needs to stay AWAY from the microphone!
  5. Along with our banking system, yes.
  6. It's cool, I bet the auto bailout turns out much better.
  7. I know how salt works, by lowering the freezing point of the water. My sugar comment earlier was tounge in cheek, but true. You can use any substance that dissolves in water. I didn't realize they combined it with Calcium, or that that would make a difference. I looked it up, and as the salt dissolves, the calcium produces heat that will actually melt already frozen ice. Only works on ice that is about 15 F or above though. Sorry, didn't read the links you provided yet, so I may have just repeated that.
  8. We should create some sort of document that limits what government can do. We could base our whole country around it. It would be beautiful.
  9. Ice-melting salt? How does that work?
  10. Sunny and just below 80 in Honolulu.
  11. Yep. As long as we're forcing people do what's "right", there's nothing wrong with it.
  12. Can't help with the package deals, as I tend to stay at the cheaper places (Bills Saloon is perfect). I generally advise others to do the same, but since your working with a specific request it probably won't fly. As far as shows, I loved Penn and Teller. I really like those guys and seeing them live was great; the highlight of my last trip actually. Do NOT see Bite. Had pretty decent reviews, and since I was there over Halloween we thought it would be fun. Biggest waste of money I've spent in Vegas. EDIT: If you're there before the 8th, put some money on the Gators. I put a grand down on them over Georgia...paid for my hotel bill!
  13. Yes, obviously. My original point was that if, say Pete, wanted to be a trainer, it wouldn't take much. And while many jobs will have different qualifications, the certifications you can get doing an at home course are the same as the ones you would get anywhere else. Of course if a gym were hiring, and they had an application for someone who was certified as a trainer, and someone who was certified as a trainer with a degree in health/fitness/etc..., they would probably choose the second. IMO, and I've been into fitness for about 15 years with various degrees of involvement, is that personal trainers are overrated. You're far better off in the long run doing some research and getting a dedicated buddy to go with you. I do agree that if you've never worked out before and have no interest in looking up the information yourself (books/internet/magazines), doing a couple sessions with a trainer might be for you.
  14. Nope. Do some research on it.
  15. There are hundreds of different theories about what to work out, on what, and when. Best advice I can give you is try different things. You've tried the way you explained. Next week try doing 3 sets on each and moving on. Couple weeks from now mix in some free weights and see if that feels better. Not only will you get a better idea about what's there and what you like, changing your workouts is one of the best ways to increase your overall fitness. People that do the same thing week after week get stuck in a rut, and the changes they saw when they first started pretty much stop. Most important thing, KEEP GOING. It's a slow steady process, but it doesn't pay off if you stop showing up.
  16. Anyone can get a training license for about $300 bucks and an at home test. Doesn't really mean much. And he's just asking for basic advice about which machines to use and when, you don't need a trainer for that.
  17. How is it cheating? Instead of paying fees to import, they are giving americans jobs that they obviously need (the jobs are being filled, yes?). Isn't that the point?
  18. Hey now, lets stick to things that have to do with this thread.
  19. Yeah, but can you get in to the Bills games with them? In other words, that has nothing to do with the Bills. Keep pluggin away though.
  20. I did it after the Monday night game. Just can't take it anymore. It's slowly killing me.
  21. So what you're saying is, the foreign companies are finding ways to do things differently than the American companies, are NOT going out of business, and we should hate them for it?
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