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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Good solid pick. Another guard at 28 and I'm overall happy with the day.
  2. Damn, damn, damn
  3. As much as I HATED the talk about Brown at 11, I'd be down for that too.
  4. In my opinion, with their next two picks the Bills can SET the inside of the offensive line. With Hangartner and a combination of Unger, Mac, Duke, Levitre, and Urbik, we can start building the line from the inside out, which is what I want to see.
  5. eh...damn Oh well. Still hope to see Mac or Unger with the 28
  6. Can't write or do math. You rock dude!
  7. Has it's negatives and positives. Used to suck waking up at 7 to watch games, but the DVR has fixed that. Of course going out to sports bar for breakfast to watch games on occasion is still a little bizarre. Cool thing is that MNF comes on at 3pm!
  8. The people on the east coast outnumber the rest of the US and world, huh? And I guess it's unfortunate for you, since I'm the one watching when I want to.
  9. Well I for one love it! First time in 4 years I haven't had to wake up at 4am to watch the first round. There is more than one time zone, people!
  10. I lived in Jersey for 6 years. The ONLY thing I miss at all is WAWA. Everything in that place was great! On topic, I used to drink about as much as you, without all the cream and sugar mixed in. About 6 or 7 years ago I pretty much quit. Now I have a cup or two over a weekend.
  11. I think there's a difference between relying on these guys to fill holes, and hoping you find a gem while at the same time filling those holes other ways. If the skins are desperate for Oline help and avoid bringing anyone else in or drafting someone just because they signed MW, then it's a stupid move. But if they're just saying WTH, we'll see what happens, then no harm done.
  12. Now THAT would be a big-time smokescreen.
  13. Certainly nothing to get excited about, but I'm sure he's getting the minimum and has 5 months to get in shape if he's really motivated. If he does well, it's a great deal. If not, he's cut in training camp.
  14. Maybe most, but not all. Not me.
  15. Exactly. It's not so much anything against Smith, just the situation. As a top 5 pick, he'd break the bank. So we'd spend too much money on a risky player to fill a hole made because we didn't want to spend too much money on a proven player. I HAVE to believe this is bull, but if it's not....
  16. Yep. If they actually did do this, I'd be out. Done. EDIT: Here's the original article: http://buf.scout.com/2/859364.html
  17. Good point. The thing that keeps me thinking there is a possibility that they take Pettigrew is that every year we need a TE, and every year they wait until later in the draft and take a less hyped guy with the excuse that they favor a "complete" TE who can block as well as be used in the passing game. They went out and got Royal with that exact thing in mind. And now...they have the prototypical complete TE that they want in Pettigrew, and they dumped Royal. Maybe I just don't expect it to happen because I would actually be happy with the move.
  18. I'm assuming you mean first pick, not first round?
  19. All depends on wether you believe in drafting best player available or strictly position of highest need. My guess is the Bills go with the later and pick up a DE or T, but I generally prefer the BPA method of drafting.
  20. I think everyone's assuming only Philly and Atlanta need a TE. The fact is, almost any team between our picks could take the guy. He's close to a can't miss pick, it's just not something everyone will pass on. Is 11 too high? Maybe. But I'd bet $50 any day of the week he doesn't last till 28. EDIT: Just reading this from Peter King's article today: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...raft/index.html
  21. So in other words you wanted to post your mock, and not have any others around it? This time of year is for mocks and ridiculous speculation. That's all there is.
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