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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Not to me. Two years ago I was in Vegas in mid July, temp was showing between 110 and 115 while I was there. About two weeks later I was in FL (just outside Daytona) and it was about 95. Florida was MUCH worse. It was uncomfortable, but I was generally fine walking around Vegas all day, occasionally going inside to cool down and grab something to drink. I didn't even want to step outside while I was in FL, and it was that bad as early as 9am. Unless you're living right along the coast in FL, the humidity is just insane.
  2. The government had their hand in this problem just like they did the mortgage and wall street problem. Trying to get involved with the cleanup and making things worse is (was) a bad idea for all of them.
  3. Yes, apparently I totally misread your original post and your reply. Personally, I think this is key for almost all foreign situations. And you're right, any American involvment is going to take serious heat from all sides. Not that this is based on anything at all, just my meaningless opinion, I think this all quiets down without too much coming of it. I think Tom's right in that this pent up frustration, but really it's nothing new. They know their system, they understand it's a problem. It's not like this is shock to everyone and the government completely trashed their normal laws and way of life in order to get someone elected. It's very possible this could be the final straw that leads to revolution, but it just doesn't seem like it's there yet. And really, I'm not sure if I hope I"m wrong about that or not.
  4. I understand, but the council could be made up of any group and there would be the same tensions as there are now. I get that politics and religion are one and the same there, but the people don't seem to have any problem with the religion. It's the fact that this group is making all of the decisions despite what the people want.
  5. Sounds a lot like you have a problem with them not being a democracy or having a separation of powers. Not having legally separated church and state can cause all sorts of issues, but I don't see how this is one of them.
  6. Not sure how much of what is going on right now has to do with religion.
  7. Maybe there's more to this than I've read, but I don't see where asking christians to vote with their principles is trying to institue any kind of law. While I'm not religous, I think voting based on your beliefs instead of strictly down party lines or for the most popular candidate is the better way to go. But again, I've only read the link provided, maybe there's more.
  8. Yeah, but he's not actually doing that.
  9. Are you kidding me? Have you read anything I've said? It's like talking to a wall.
  10. I don't think so. It's mainly only been you and him that have said the cop was obviously wrong. Everyone else has sided with the cop or said it could go either way or there wasn't enough info to tell.
  11. What is it with you and fruity drinks??
  12. Pay attention to what I'm saying, having an opinion one way or the other about what he did is one thing. But saying that it was a clear choice is downright ignorant given the difference of opinion shown here. It's OBVIOUS that it wasn't a clear cut choice. Champ. Maybe next time I should stick with: Sine that seems to be more your cup of tea.
  13. I think the fact that so many people disagree with you makes that easily NOT the case. Right or wrong, there is obviously a debate going on here, with you in the minority. How that equates to this being an open and shut decision, I don't know.
  14. I'm not arguing that or trying to give them a pass. I'm only saying that I don't think this team is "missing a piece" (unless by piece he meant experience, which wasn't how I read it) They're a young team in playoff/finals experience, playing a very talented team that has been there before. Add a healthy/non rusty Nelson to the experience this post-season has given them, and all the pieces are already in place for a dominating future. And again, I'm really high on Lee. I think he's really going to be a solid, aggresive player for this team, and that's exactly what they need.
  15. I don't think that's true at all. They have, very aggravatingly, given away two games by missing last second shots (Lee's layup and Howards free throws). Other than that they have played right with the best team in the league. There's two things Orlando is missing: Experience and a healthy Nelson. Injuries suck and are a part of the game, but the Magic don't have to do anything but keep their young team together and they will be a shoe in for the conference finals for the next few years. All through the playoffs I keep thinking how exciting this team is going to be next year, with Nelson back and Lee in his second season! The only bump in the road is getting Turk signed, but I have (blind) faith he'll be back.
  16. Howard's playing soft because that's what the league wants. He has 5 technicals, and 3 of them were for petty crap. It doesn't appear that they are calling them so quickly in the finals, but he can't take that chance.
  17. Thanks for the clarification. That wasn't really the point.
  18. I see what you did there...
  19. As long as he's working out enough to cover for the calories and food intake, no he's not.
  20. The thing that I want to know is why was she out of the vehicle to begin with. The article says that she was tasered because she wouldn't sign the ticket, but the video doesn't show that. If the cop made her get out of the vehicle because she wouldn't sign, then I would find him far more at fault. A signature on the ticket (which, as others have said, isn't an absolute necessity as far as I know) doesn't justify the added safety risk of having someone out of their car on the side of highway.
  21. But you honestly don't think that if he man-handled her off the side of the road and forced her to stay there it wouldn't be a big deal? You'd still be bitching that he used too much force. The women was endangering HIS life by not following orders. What gives her that right? The fact that she's pissed she got pulled over for breaking the law? Screw her! And again, I don't think using the taser was the correct action to take here. But since she wasn't listening to him, and pushing her apparently wasn't working, wrestling her away from the road and forcing her to stay there was, and I'm absolutely sure if he had done that he would be in the same amount of trouble because he "roughed up a little old lady."
  22. It doesn't matter if she is headed toward the road, she is standing stationary next to the road, which is still dangeous. It seemed like he was telling her to get on the other side of the vehicle (away from the road). Like you noted, there were times where it seemed she was going to walk right into the road, but that isn't the only time it was dangerous.
  23. Like you said, it's obvious he could have done something other than taser her, my guess is a similar story and suit would have been brought against him if he had used the force necessary to get her to comply with his orders and get away from the side of the road! Hard to say with such a small piece of the tape that only started as he was screaming, but standing along the side of a vehicle on the highway is dangerous, and if he was just trying to get her away from traffic so he could have her sign the ticket, he was within his right (to tell her where to go, not to taser). And on a personal note, I'm glad to see it. One thing that I can't stand is when people, for whatever reason (sex, race, age, etc...) think they don't have to follow the rules. Just get your ass off the road and shut up already.
  24. Best thing about this thread is that it's filled with people who just don't care about it!
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