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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. Eh, bunch of nonsense really. Injuries can kill any group when you're hit like the Bills were. The Bills are one good WR away from an excellent group. Talent wise, Watkins is a clear 1 and Woods is very good 3. Justin Hunter is solid depth and redzone WR, and if Listenbee can catch at all, his speed makes him a threat in the right situations (but obviously he's an unknown at this point). If the Bills can get a solid #2 WR, the entire group is made better and they're a little further from disaster if the injury bugs hit.
  2. 1. You're a Bills fan. 2. It's the off-season.
  3. It's only 1 bathroom for every 2,100 sq ft. Not excessive at all. Having a 56,500 sq ft house on the other hand...
  4. Childress isn't as flashy as McCoy, but he's a solid hire. He has a LOT of experience in various positions and hasn't really had a big fail (outside of his last season as HC of the Vikes). I lived around Philly during his time there and saw the development of McNabb. I'd be confident that whatever QB we end up with will be getting solid developmental coaching.
  5. Your response has almost nothing to do with what I wrote.
  6. This thread is crazy. It blows my mind that people judge this organization based on how they talk to the press....especially the Buffalo press, 90% of whom openly try to twist every single sentence into some conspiracy theory and tear down everything in sight. Christ, this team hasn't made the playoffs in 17 friggin years and it's the press conferences that get everyone in an uproar!!! JW, I appreciate your attention to detail in your reporting. Your question yesterday about Laycock was perfect and gave me more insight into who SM is as a man than I could have expected going into that press conference. I have no history in writing or journalism, so my opinion probably doesn't stack up, but I will always make a point to read your stuff as soon as I see that it's out there (as opposed to intentionally avoiding others'). That said, while it may be naive to not understand how the press can sway public opinion, to stick up for the bullying ways of modern media is reprehensible, and especially so from someone like you who seems, at least from the outside, to have more traditional journalistic values. People like Sullivan and trash like the sports reporting of TBN should be ridiculed by the rest of the media, not supported and defended as doing their jobs. Listening to these press conferences and their tabloid "tough" questions is embarrassing and uncomfortable. There's absolutely no reason for anyone in the Buffalo Bills organization to feel comfortable releasing ANY information other than from fear of being dragged through the mud by butt hurt columnists and then having those opinions picked up as fact by national media who are too lazy to do any actual fact checking into the stories. Yeah, I can't really blame Whaley if he despises the press. What reason is there for him to feel otherwise? Standing there in front of a group of people who are there for nothing more than to make you look as bad as possible in order to get a few more views for the ads on their webpage? I'd probably be nervous and come across like an !@#$ too.
  7. Not sure why so many seem to be discounting the local population as a fan source. There's A LOT of people in the area outside of the strip, and frankly there's not a lot for them to do since they only visit the strip/tourist areas when they're hosting friends. I have a few friends that have settled in the area and they're pumped about a local team.
  8. If nothing else, it will make for a nice side story if McDermott actually succeeds where so many since Marv have failed.
  9. This kind of mediocre acceptance is where I'm at as well. There wasn't any candidates out there that got me excited. I knew I didn't want Coughlin, and I mostly didn't want the Seattle DC, but everyone else was just kind of "meh". Everything about the guy sounds great now that he's hired, but I just can't get excited right now. I'm not expecting much until the season starts this year. I really don't even expect all of the inevitable high praise from the players about how great things are under the new coach when camp starts to budge my enthusiasm level. It's just time to see some results already! Unfortunately, there's nothing to do about that for about 8 months.
  10. One of my favorites.
  11. Who was the poster who used to go on long rants about how stupid everyone was for thinking a team would ever end up back in LA?
  12. Really, that's true for most of the league. The Patriots success story was nothing but luck (hiring a former HC that failed at his first job, drafting Brady in the 5th round and not starting him until they HAD to). There's no perfect formula for hiring the next great head coach. There's no guaranteed way to draft the next great QB. You do as much research as you can, hold your breath, and take a shot. I have no idea if McDermet will be a good coach. But he doesn't seem to have anything major against him, so at least we're headed in the right direction there. Time will tell.
  13. It's not an article, it's basically an ongoing coaching search blog. Add the latest click bait at the top and move the old stuff down. Pretty common format lately for sports "reporting". Much like everything else that has come out lately, this just doesn't make sense. Why would you decide to give a coach more power within the organization before even knowing who you are hiring for your coach?
  14. Yep, I haven't stepped foot in one in probably over 10 years. Once upon a time I loved Sears. You could find quality stuff with great customer service, especially for any problems that popped up. I had a few really bad experiences in a row (right during the time Kmart took over) and that was that. Without the customer service and some pride behind the Sears name, they're just another crappy box store.
  15. You can get whatever you want made in China; they make it all. If a company wants to make high quality stuff, they can find a manufacturer in China to make it. The problems are with the companies that cut corners on quality. They figure they can get it made in China for cheaper, might as well skimp on the quality as well to really maximize on the profit. But there are companies who do it the right way and contract quality materials and build, no matter where they actually order from.
  16. Good thing. If they were made in the states I couldn't afford them.
  17. If Oakland under Al Davis and Cleveland kept/keep getting coaches, I think we'll be alright. And who exactly would that be? There's not a single hire out there that won't be complained about by at least 1/3 of the group here, and 2/3 (or more) of the media.
  18. This post finally has merit, but frankly everything your saying is just an opinion that could go either way, and really doesn't justify your railing against people who think Whaley can still do a decent job or don't want to blame him for everything. For example, here's my take: People have different opinions about the Watkins trade, personally, as a general rule, I'm not against trading up to get a guy you think will be great. Watkins had/has that kind of talent, and I don't think they over paid based on draft position. But I get the argument the other way. Just keep in mind, the talk about getting the same level talent later in the draft is hindsight. I never saw ANYTHING prior to that draft that expected OBJ to be better than Watkins, or even as good as he has been. He was certainly supposed to be good, but Whaley traded up for an elite prospect; OBJ was a level below that. The draft is a crapshoot. BTW, I was dying for Mack, so I was disappointed with the pick, I just don't think it was such a horrible move like some people do. I disagree about your 7-9 roster statement. The team finished 7-9 and was ravaged by injuries (fact) and had a crap head coach and defensive system (my opinion). To me, that roster without so many injuries and better coaching is good for another 3 wins. Even more if they get the "bounces" (something I never count for Buffalo). And you took out the part about EJ...that's good cause it was flat out wrong.
  19. Didn't see this post prior to my last. Whaley has been around the league for a very long time, and was pretty well respected in Pittsburgh and prior to the current fiasco. If he hasn't been given the reigns to do things his own way, what makes you think he can't succeed now that he is (supposedly)?? Everyone wants to "blow things up". Hell, from what I can tell, we ARE doing that. If Whaley is finally being given control of this team, it's different than everything we have done before. For the first time in as long as I can remember, a well respected football guy is making decisions for this team.
  20. He wasn't the GM for the Marrone hire. He was for the Ryan hire obviously, but he Pegula wasn't sure what he wanted at the point, and he lost out on Polian, so he made the decision himself. Please, tell me all of the things that you don't like about Whaley. Keeping in mind that if you don't give him credit for the Hughes trade (which is fair), everything before that is on Nix...period. It's also VERY well established now that he wasn't responsible for the Rex hire. So please, go ahead. What exactly do you blame him for?
  21. Personally, I do. I think there are holes, just like every team, but overall I think the roster is talented enough to make the playoffs.
  22. Important add first that he didn't get to pick Ryan. If he picked the coach, picking the players the coach wants goes with that, and then Whaley is responsible for it all. Don't get to pick the coach, and then be responsible for picking players that coach wants for his system...it's all a mess.
  23. Might slow things down a for a minute, but I imagine it's as easy as finding a way to pay that doesn't directly link to the profits of the trolling.
  24. Awesome! I might finally be able to cash in on www.americanpharoahisatriplecrownwinnerandadad.com
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