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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. That is what it's about, but it's based on nothing. Literally just throwing it out there.
  2. Jim's no better than the average fan at this. Before the season and last year he said he really liked TE and thought he had what it took to be a great QB.
  3. Or losing to a team that's been playing like crap, using a backup QB who had a history of playing worse, and then watching as that teams owner had so little respect for our team that he flicked them off?
  4. Doesn't matter. I think it would be perfect!!!! Thoughts?
  5. Or at least speed up transition to Johnny5!
  6. Funny (in a horrifying kind of way) fact: If every bit of debt that was owed in the US dollar was paid off, there would be no dollars left.
  7. But they're not BCS ranked. I really don't get your point here.
  8. Do you really think this will matter? Maybe on the health care issue. Maybe on a lot of issues. But I don't see it working in regards to the economy. It takes a pretty special kind of character (not to mention the right understanding of economics) to make the tough choices that are needed to get the country headed in the right direction, and I doubt there is enough of that character out there to fill enough seats in congress to make a difference. Not to mention, the direction that we need to go will bring some big hurt short term. Even if the right people were voted in, they'd be lynched before they had a chance to make a real difference. As unfortunate as it is, I don't see a single realistic chance that we get out of this in one piece. The only good advice out there right now is to do as much research and soul searching as you can, and find the best way to protect yourself and your family.
  9. Laptop Steering Wheel Desk Check out the pictures.
  10. Okay, even weirder.... Why is it paired with this?
  11. Doc Brown would be so happy!
  12. I think Andrew Jackson started it.
  13. Go for greenbacks....they're due for a comeback.
  14. It's funny really, when it was announced that the WAC hired a publicity firm to help get them to a BCS game, everyone laughed about it. And immediately everyone is up in arms at the first propaganda piece they put out.
  15. How is it a money grab to charge for shipping? The Super Saver Shipping isn't a right, it's an added service for people that don't mind waiting longer for their stuff. If the wait is too long, you pay. Most likely, due to Christmas coming up, the free shipping has been given a longer time-line due to such high demand. Amazon isn't "forcing" you to do anything.
  16. I think you get life in prison with no parole for that.
  17. I think saying "find the right company for you" should really be the end of the argument. But everyone has to have the best and trash the rest. Just the way of things.
  18. Normally I take the stance of "screw em" on this type of questions, but I do kind of agree that taking away the possibility of parole seems too far in some cases. For starters, I think it's time they officially lower the age of "minor" (I know some states have already done this for certain crime). I think 16 is plenty old enough to make the right decisions, especially when it comes to major crimes. After that, I don't see the harm in allowing someone to take a look at the case sometime down the line as long as they stick firm to a minumum sentence (if it's no parole for at least 30 years, don't give them after 20 for good behavior or something). IMO, if you are going to give a 13 yo a life sentence with no possibility of parole, you might as well just kill him and stop the pretenses.
  19. Comment from the link:
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