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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. I feel like I've stumbled upon the crossroads of every horrible football discussion of the past 20 years.
  2. Dude, Thelma's not a zero.
  3. I would say not too smart. Hey, I'm all for Ralph putting his money out there to get a good coach, I just don't think Shanny's worth it. I honestly think everyone's gone a "little" crazy for these name coaches.
  4. Can't say I disagree with that at all.
  5. This year's Tax Freedom Day was April 13th.* *Some say the numbers are skewed (too high) due to the way they calcuate income, but since they don't address inflation, I'd say they are probably on the low side.
  6. I'd say I'm the opposite. When I said "hard to believe", I meant it. I'm not saying it's impossible (I just don't know that much about this medical conditions), but I'm far more inclined to belive it's fake.
  7. So now we're resorting to ex-Bills coaches?
  8. Hard to believe he's sane enough to communicate.
  9. But think of those poor defenseless plants.
  10. Go get yourself some watermelon vodka and take a nice a bubble bath. You'll feel better.
  11. This country has been drifting away from what it was founded as since the late 19th/early 20th century. I'm not sure why war seems to catch so many people's attention as a turning point. Look at when more and more laws started being passed, stifling individuality and promoting a nation of sheep. Hell, prohibition started in 1919! That was a pretty major event depicting how far from the intent of our constitution we had traveled. BTW, I like having the occasional political discussion on this board, and it is usually more civil, at least through the first few pages, than anything on PPP, but a post slamming the current administration as if they are the only ones responsible for everything wrong in with the country today is pretty much the definition of what belongs over there. Edit: I guess someone agreed.
  12. Predictable.
  13. Explaining how you endanger lives on the road really isn't so off topic.
  14. This isn't the original artice I read, but this one basically says the same thing: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4671906
  15. I can't remember where I read it (might have been the link in the original signing thread) that he decided to come to Buffalo despite GB offering to sign him to the active roster. Makes senese as Buffalo's QB situation gives him way more opportunity to climb the depth chart.
  16. There are very few people who saying Brohm is going to save the team and be a great starting QB. Even the ones who are calling for him to start are either being sarcastic or are basically saying "can't be worse than what we have now". More of an opinion on current QB's than favoring Brohm. But none of that has to do with what was thought of him while he was in college. If you don't remember back that far, or don't pay attention to that part of football, that's fine, but don't spout about what other people can actually bring to a conversation. Most likely Brohm will come in and barely make the team as a 3rd stringer or get cut (probably not till training camp next season though, since he signed a two year contract). There's maybe a slim chance he finds his way and turns into a very solid backup. And if a miracle happens, we get the coaching staff in here who knows how to groom a QB, and he can become an Aaron Rodgers type who can make a name for himself after a few years of learning the system and getting a chance to show his stuff. No matter what happens, what's the point of crapping on a discussion of the guy?
  17. "Almost a number 1 pick" is of course an over-exaggeration, but most projected a top 10 pick if he had come out early. With so much changing between the end of the college season and draft time, who knows where he would have ended up, but the norm is for QB's like Brohm to move up the charts as the draft approaches, not down.
  18. Again, just going by what I'm seeing there on Amazon, but the whole "Get everything you need from one workout a week" is a bunch of garbage. Nothing more than trying to make money of laziness. On the bright side, it does seem like it has potential to offer a decent workout. As in 1 of your weekly workouts. And since it's only 12 bucks, it might be worth looking into. But don't fall for the hype of it.
  19. A lot of it depends on your goals. From what I gather from your post, you have a couple. The "slower" workouts will help you lose fat (of course diet is 70% of any fat loss program). If you're looking to increase your cardiovascular fitness (make your heart stronger and be in better shape), you want shorter more intense workouts (ease into them) Weight lifting is great as part of a fat loss program and is just good for you body overall. When I was younger (around high-school age) I used to lift big and bulk up. Can't stand that anymore. I do relatively light weights for high reps, enough build muscle but not so much that I'm killing myself trying to get big. The BEST workout program will integrate all of these things. Have a couple workouts designed for weight loss (long, slower runs, eliptical type stuff, whatever...), some high intensity workouts, and a some strength training. Sorry, can't help with specifics on the links you provided, but in general they sound like any other kind of "gimmick". Like most gimmicks, they will probalby work if you actually use them long term, but almost everything works if you do it long term, and you don't need any special product to do it. Come up with some things you enjoy doing (you don't have to LOVE it, but things that aren't torture for you) and eat right. After that, it's all about dedication. If you really stick with it, you'll see results.
  20. Why DJ was fired now:
  21. I'd be excited to get Shanahan, but seriously, I remember thinking the guy had gone nuts his last couple years in Denver. The way he seemed to be compulsively signing every Browns defensive line castoff he could get his hands on! And things just kept getting worse and worse.... Like I said, I would be pretty happy with the hire, but hopefully the way things fell apart in Denver have given him a new frame of mind about defense.
  22. It also says that it would be possible for Marty to take over for a set amount of time, and then have an easy transition to Brian as head coach down the line.
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