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Everything posted by Acantha

  1. True, but he most likely would have been gone anyway. I suppose it's possible that he stayed, but I think going form interim head coach back to special teams coach was unlikely. It's a shame to lose him.
  2. What was the excuse for the rest of the starters not coming out in the second half?
  3. IMO, the order of preference should be 1. Okung 2. Cody 3. McClain Okung will be gone, but one of the other two should be there. McClain's talent and Cody's game changing ability can't be ignored by a team that is so bad against the run. There really isn't anybody else to consider as far as I'm concerned.
  4. By who? Does anyone with these questions actually watch the games?
  5. There's also plenty of privacy options on Facebook. If your kids are worried about what you would be seeing, they can restrict certain areas. I do that with some of my family who are a little too nosy.
  6. Hey, there it is again.
  7. How about "frothing at the mouth" over him and "crawling back". He's a solid OLB. A very good back-up I think. Given that we are already PAST using safeties in the LB spot, he's practically a Hall of Famer.
  8. Nothing like a little exaggeration.
  9. From Brad Biggs (NFPost.com) http://twitter.com/BradBiggs/status/6951035510 Looking for a replacement for Scott? This season needs to end already.
  10. How is that ironic?
  11. I always think of Murder in the First when I think of him. I thought he was excellent in that part.
  12. Wrong. At least in the way you mean it.
  13. This is the second thread about Chad in the past week and both have been overwhelmingly positive, yet the naysayers still demand that he's bad for the league. That's awesome!
  14. I don't expect anything more from him than what he had done his whole career, but judging him on this game is ridiculous.
  15. Yes, when you did it the stupid was much more perceptible. Weird.
  16. I like that one. 127 levels Levels won 81.89% Fastest speed x13.6 Longest Streak 11 levels
  17. It doesn't address Oline, which is a big deal, but IMO #3 gives us the most talent on the field. Our defense would be very tough, and if Maybin makes a year 2 jump it could be top 5 in the league. Even though I've been pushing Pike for the last 4 months, I think we'd be better off in the long run with McClain, Bulaga, Williams (if I'm sticking to only using the players listed here).
  18. Obviously. If he knew anything about him, he'd know everything about him.
  19. Just got the chance to run through the last couple of Rams games. Have to say WOW about this guy. Granted I'm only looking at about 2 1/2 games, but he seems talented as hell. Saw him miss 1 block the whole time and saw him throwing people around quite a bit. He does seem slightly off his game when he's running in space, but even then he was making good blocks. The problems: The thing I saw most often was that he hits people from behind A LOT. It's like he just wants to keep blocking and hitting until the play is over, and just doesn't care how he does it. Seems like it would be an easy fix if he cared at all to do it. Apparently he doesn't. I think the "anger issues" and overreacting stem from what I just said above. He hits hard and he hits until the whistle blows (through the whistle maybe, but from what I saw not too late), and it pisses people off. Add to to that blocking people from behind, and I think the other teams' players retaliate. Once they start pushing or even trash talking, he goes too far with it. The last game, the head butt was flat out stupid and in response to the other player jawing at him after Incognito kept up his blocking throughout the play. It was good, physical, nasty blocking. If he could just ignore the trash talk, it would have been fine. The second penalty should not have been on him. Once again he blocked until he heard the whistle. Once again he hit a Titan player hard late in the play....but it was legal. Another Titan got pissed about it and hit him (well after the play was over). They didn't show anything after that so I'm not sure what RC did in return, but it was in retaliation. Once again stupid, but he wasn't acting "crazy" and just randomly hitting people (kind of the sense I got from what I was hearing). At that point I think he got the penalty due to reputation more than anything. As I said in an earlier post, if he has had these same problems since his college days it's doubtful he straightens up now. But man he looks extremely talented to me. Guess I'll hope for the best and expect the worst, as any good Bills fan will.
  20. I'm assuming you're joking, but just in case.... Between the air recycling and the altitude, the air on a plane is very dry which causes dehydration. I can't remember the details, but the 787 was supposed to have something in the air handlers that helped with that.
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