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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. No im not fit to work in the NFL either.
  2. Give me a break. Were human. We make mistakes. Every time someone punches someone there is a chance that it could cause brain damage or eye damage or nose broken. Does that mean that everyone who punches someone should be banned from working in their respective jobs for life? If so 4/5th of the country would be out of jobs.
  3. ... and thus why people like this do not work in the NFL. I heard that 5 games (6 weeks) is an un-precedented suspension from the NFL (Jeff Fisher)
  4. Wasn't the down and distance painted on a big blue arrow that would stretch across the field on every play?
  5. oh please . you think this guy is going to do this again? give me a break
  6. I thought metal spikes were banned? None-the-less ... a life sentence is ridiculous for a spur of the moment stupid thing that he apologized for an hour later.
  7. How ridiculous. He made a really stupid mistake and he should be punished for it. but NOT banned for life. Thank goodness you are not the commish ... most people in their life have had times when they say or do things in the spur of the moment that was dumb. He had one of those times - he did a dumb thing but it was not planned a week in advance or anything. It was a spur of the moment stupid thing to do that should have warranted a year suspension (in my opinion)
  8. Just to confirm peoples questions, I am watching the short cuts that DirecTV gives to its subscribers and the sound of the firework and the crowd when McGahee scored the jumping TD isnt even 1/2 of what it was at the stadium. Also the boo's that came after the ref announced that we wont get the ball after the pooch kick is REALLY lowered. The crowd was VERY loud with boo's after that was announced.
  9. And the reason for this being, just because they dont want the chance of London getting injured??? Well its been 2 years and he has not goten injured, so I say they stick him back there. A return can change the whole momentum of a game.
  10. Even the best of people do dumb things that they truly regret and is truly stupid ... but that doesnt make them animals.
  11. Thus why Im asking it now ... Benjamin. What are you talking about?
  12. Heart, heart, heart ... blah blah blah There getting payed millions to win
  13. your consistently getting better at taking posts completely out of context ... great
  14. I would like to revisit the topic that lori and others tried to make me look dumb for talking about in week 1 or 2 ... Well its the end of week 4 and moving onto week 5 and Terrence McGee is ranked 19th in the league and has had 12 returns for 280 yards and a 23.3 avg (his shortest avg in since his rookie season) Anyone have any thoughts? EDIT: Anyone have any thoughts as to what is causing the drop in production?
  15. I dont think you are understanding my point. There is a different between being full time because there are so many games, and being full time because its your job to know the playbook inside and out. And yes - I have made mistakes at my job. But guess what - my job does not affect the lives of 53 players, some odd number of coaches, an owner and a million-billion dollar business. Also. A few mistakes are acceptable. But mistake after mistake after mistake is not acceptable. They should stick an NFL Referee Expert in the booth and whenever a SIGNIFICANT play is calling wrong, he should buz down and change that play. He would have th knowledge and the rulebook with him, and also multiple camera views. Im not talking about him changing false starts or offsides but if there is a 60 yard pass interference that would put the team on the 1 yard line and it was definately not a pass interference or if the play would forfeit the ball to another team. As I said - SIGNIFANCT plays should have something done. Its simple. Something needs to change. I bet if we lost the game by a few points we would be even more outraged that we didnt have the ball at their 40 yard line.
  16. So he gets 5 games vacation??? Thats like when I would get suspended in high school ... I loved it. I went home and played sports. HAHA They should come up with more creative punishments examples: 1. 5 weeks of public service (each Wednesday during the season + every Saturday from February - June 2. Donation of $100,000 to the community + $100,000 fine to the league + $50,000 fine to the player he kicked Now thats a good punishment if you ask me
  17. Welcome. Here we accept: - Losman lovers - Losman haters - People who love losman one week and hate him the next - McGahee Bashers who love him after he makes 1 good run - Jauron boasters who think he is stupid when he goes for it on 4th and inches and much much more! Wohoo!
  18. The answer is YES! Make them read the NFL rule book and basical football officiating and then test them every friggin month to make sure there reading. Officiating (and that call specifically) is not a skill position. Its simply based on knowledge. It was originally ruled our ball, so they had to huddle for 5 minutes to CHANGE the call. Thats just knowledge. You would think that those 4 or 5 (cant remember how many) refs out there, one of them would know the rule. So to answer your question - YES!
  19. I dont understand why thy didnt just keep primetime ... if they needed to change the name then just keep The Blitz but with the same format as primetime.
  20. I like this idea. Make it a full time job. Pay them the darn money (we know the NFL has enough) and make them take 6 months of classes. I dont care that its long. Stop making mistakes.
  21. And of those passes how many led to points ... 0 He is a good CB
  22. Cant really agree with you. I also saw a thousands of people strolling up the aisles and when I looked to the right out past the scoreboard (I sat in the Jim Kelly club) you could see thousands strolling out
  23. So what? How many 1 yard TD's did Shaun Alexander have to break the NFL record for TD's in a season ...
  24. Yeah its kinda clear that you didnt see the play ... but how are you going to go against the NFL rules ... refer to the original post .. if the ball is still in flight it is fair game - fair catch or not
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