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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Yeah I know its selfish ... haha
  2. You think 262 yards, 1 TD, and 1 INT against GREENBAY is a "great" game? Im a little speachless. If this is a great game then JP Losman has had great games every game this season. Maybe I didnt word it right ...what I was saying is that if you take away Rex Grossmans only amazing game then his starts are average at post ... a little over 750 yards, 4 TD's and 3 INT's .... while other good QB's you take their best game away and there stats are still darn good. I think Grossman will be a good QB some day but right now he is taking advantage of 2 bad teams, 1 decent team (a team the Bills beat), and a team without their best player. Thats all im saying. I mean if were gonna be kissing teams butts for how good they do in regular games, then I cant wait until we play the Colts. We could go into the game 6-2 and posters here will still say the Colts kill us 34-0. Yet the Colts are more understandable. The Bears are 4-0 against average teams ... yet the Colts are 42-10 in the past 3 years. Thats insane.
  3. Ridicule is the only way some posters know how to respond with something they dont agree with on this board.
  4. Please go post this on my thread about kissing the Bears butt and watch you get flamed away .... but I do agree with you.
  5. Because what is stupid to you is normal to them. People are very selfish these days. They cant think out of the box ... if its not normal to them, then they need to stare and comment on the other person.
  6. If you have checked this board lately then you will see that many posters on this board believe the Bears are the greatest team ever too and we have no chance at beating them. See my post about kissing their butts ... Also. Grossman had one amazin game and then 3 average games.
  7. Well hopefully we wont be picking near the top 12, so we wont have to worry about the picks above ...
  8. I have been here since 2002, although under a different name and I dont exactly understand it either ... To me a fan shouldnt be labeled a realist or non-realist. Why would you go into a game thinking you were going to lose? Oh well.
  9. When did I say his posts are embarrassing??? Fill me in here.
  10. Maybe im just thinking weird today but it just doesnt seem right (at this time of the day) that people who call themselves FANatics are calling a game a loss before the game is even played. If your so confident, then why shouldnt the players be? Why should they even show up to play?
  11. Why dont you go and find a time where I did what you said above. I dont. But if the Bills do beat the Bears Im sure you will find some way that they messed up and the Bills arent that good ...
  12. Thats pretty awesome. Although I wish you would be a little more optimistic about your favorite team.
  13. You have got to be kidding me
  14. Sometimes my brain cant remember exact scores from 3-4 years ago ... can you? P.S. i didnt use google . i used nfl.com
  15. I might think it in my head or laugh, but no im not going to say it on a message board or outload.
  16. I actually did follow up ... we actually lost 5/6 to the Patriots between 2002-2004 the games we lost, we lost by a combined 108 points or an average of 21 point differential victories
  17. Oh how it is embarrasing to be a Bills fan ...
  18. Sounds dreamy.
  19. How sad. People cant wear a hat the way they want to ... for goodness sakes
  20. Let me tell you. Im going for my bachelors in Business with a major in Law .... there are a ton of cases. People punch eachother for anything and everything. This goes back to the brain damage arguement ... you folks are some of the most unforgiving people I have ever seen ... "For whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." Gal 6:7
  21. That logic doesnt fly for me ... did we keep the NE games in 2003-04 close because were in their division and needed it more? No --- in fact I think we lost 3/4 and those 3 were by a lot. So while your secretly rooting for Chicago, I will be a Bills fan and be FANatic about my teams chance of winning this game. edit: follow up ... we actually lost 5/6 to the Patriots between 2002-2004 the games we lost, we lost by a combined 108 points or an average of 21 point differential victories and more important? how is one 2-0 team playing another 2-0 team a more important win for one and not the other?
  22. On the shootout ... the kid is amazing. I love watching his moves.
  23. Your seriously making fun of people because how they choose to wear their hats? There is a difference between griping about fans being annoying and complaining all game and your preference of hat style/angle.
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