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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Wohee ... now what was I saying about putting Afinogenov on a shootout?
  2. In the AFC playoffs yes ... because the AFC doesnt play the NFC until the SB ... so who cares? I dont think Denver or Pittsburgh will make this playoffs and I think even Jacksonville may struggle. That leaves San Diego, Baltimore, NE, and Cincy. So the Colts are probably #5 ...
  3. No im not saying 11/16 is good ... im saying that considering HALF of the teams above them probably wont be in the playoffs, then there defense will be in the top 5 then ... see what im saying? maybe im not articulating it right. And yes I do see some equivalance to Dan Marino (although it looks like Manning will break his records) ... But Dan Marino's team was around 8-8, 9-7 and some seasons 10-6 or 11-5 ... in fact his best 3 years with Miami was a record of 31-17 ... In the past 4 1/4 years Manning is 50-16 .... Marino never got close to that. Say whatever you want about teams, but Manning's team has a much better chance of taking them to the SB. I think Jacksonville's offense is pretty good ... there the 6th ranked offense in the AFC ... not amazing but at least good. So I think the Colts defense is kind-off a 'bend but dont break' defense. They beat the 2nd ranked offense in the entire NFL (NYG) ... then they beat the 4th ranked AFC offense (NYJ) ... so I dont think there defense is that bad. Now lets talk playoffs. Out of the top 10 offenses in the league right now, only about 3 of them figure to make the AFC playoffs. And considering that the Colts will have a first round bye, there is a chance that their defense may not even see a top 10 offense in all of the playoffs.
  4. And Im not questioning that I will have the same attitude when i have a daughter .... Im just saying that it is an interesting thing to see. I dont know about "touchy feely" but I do love my God ... and Im not really sure what me telling a story about someone has to do with that?? I dont think I have ever intentionally tried to injure someone ...
  5. I have one comment on this and one funny story. The comment is ... why would you want to hurt someone if they made your girls cry? OK dont flame me yet - just listen. If its physical, thats one thing. But I have made girls cry before and their parents have gotten mad, and I didnt even know that I hurt them. It seems girls get mad over everything. Also. If a guy doesnt think its gonna work out and needs to end things and breaks up with her (for the best of both of them actually) and she cry's thats gonna make you hurt him? Kinda broad statement if you ask me. The 2nd part is. Kinda funny story. It seems like Dads and older guys in general (not you, dont take this the wrong way) think they are the strongest people on earth. Someone I use to know (not really a friend) hurt his ex-girlfriends feelings by going on a rant about how she is a whore or whatever. Her dad met him at the doorstep when he came to appologize and proceded to push him a few times. Now if you know this guy, he was around 19-20 at the time (older than I was at the time), had a temper, and worked out (he was sculpted, but not jacked) ... this dad proceeded to swing at him, when the guy ducked his punch came right under him and gave him a bad upper-cut right before swinging over with his right hand and smashing the dads jaw in. This being said, I have also heard stories of Dads winning the fight. i just think its interesting that most Dads (including my own) think they are the strongest people in the world when it comes to their daughters.
  6. So thats where Ralph's suite is ... I never knew.
  7. Im not saying that they are any better than last year. But I think other teams are not as good as last year. Pittsburgh has fallen mightily. New England has shown flashes of good play, but also bad play, Cinci lost to NE, and Denver has shown glaring holes. Maybe we can put a small bet on it? But I see Indianapolis going to the SB this year. As far as the running game goes? May I remind you that the Patriots won a SB with Antowain Smith at RB ... woohee. Well anyway if you look then you will see that the Colts running game last year WITH Edgerrin James has only 18 more yards through 4 games than the Colts have this year. So I dont really think that whole 18 yards is going to kill anyone considering thats around 4 yards a game difference. Joseph Addai is actually doing quite well with an average of 4.5 yards a carry. Also. What is your definition of Elite? If they go 14-2 are you still going to be calling them "good" but not "elite" ??? They have the 11th ranked defense in the AFC and shutdown Jacksonville's offensive attack that led to a record 12-4 last season. Not to mention that 5 of the 10 defenses above them dont look like they will make the playoffs at this point in the season (although things can change) KC, Miami, Oak, Pitt, and Buffalo. So going into the playoffs they will probably be in the top 5 of defenses. So you want to talk about Chicago's running game do you? Well put it this way ... the Colts (who you made fun of their running game and praised Chicago's) have more rushing yards than Chicago and their great running back Thomas Jones is averaging 3.3 yards a carry this year. Wait to this Chicago team meets Baltimore or San Diego who are giving up 2.6 and 3.3 yards per carry. Way to put your foot in your mouth. Personally I think that calling a Chicago team that couldnt win even with having an extra week to prepare and being at home in the playoffs last year, and who is off to a 4-0 start against VERY weak opponents better than the Colts team who has gone something like 42-10 or something in the past 3 years is somewhat ignorant. But thats just me. Lets just make a little bet here. No need to be bitter. But I bet that they go to the SB .... although I dont know if they win it
  8. How is that possible? I think myne was about $180 ...
  9. POST OF THE WEEK! I completely just laughed out load ..... thank-you for that. Much needed.
  10. It is wrong and I really shouldnt be laughing, but I just find that funny. Im sorry. It is wrong and they should not do that, but for some reason I always end up laughing when people do that kinda stuff. Kinda makes the game more fun. Maybe im weird.
  11. I dont agree. I cant think of a team that is better than the Colts. I think the Colts will beat Denver, New England, Buffalo (sad I know), Dallas, and Jacksonville and may lose to Cinci because Cinci can move the ball ... but I see Indi going 14-2 (like last season) or maybe even 15-1. For some odd reason I really see them going all the way this year. I think the only teams who can comepete with them is Cinci, and NE. Cinci because of their high scoring offense and NE because of Belechick ... but I dont think the Ravens can score enough to outscore Peyton and Co.
  12. Baltimore is the pride of the AFC? I think the best team in the league ... aka the Colts ... might have something to say about that. And im sure if the Bills beat the Bears it will be because it was a "trap" game or because of the referee or something. The NFC has been weaker than the AFC for many years now.
  13. At least Jets fans think they will win each week ... you guys can take a lesson from them.
  14. And thats the boss's opinion on your clothing ... but the fact is that your not going to a job interview. Your going to a football game. And those people probably dress appropriatly to work and then the way they want to when they go to a game. Either way normal is different to everyone. Normal to me is sweatpants and a Bills jersey. Yet to one of my best friends, normal is pressed black pants with a button down shirt covered by a mahogany sweater over it. That to me is uncomfortable and I wouldnt do that. Normal is different to everyone.
  15. So if Dan Marino at his age plays for the Dolphins again and JP Losman throws 2 Touchdowns, then that means he had a great game just because the Dolphins are a fierce rival and Marino is good? Come on man. Favre is getting old and the Packers are not very good. And passer ratings are pooey ... most people dont consider them anything really important. Its just an interesting little mathematical equation. Sure their fun to mess with but thats about it. I dont know if you remember how bad Rob Johnson was but he had 3 straight seasons of 102.0 + passer ratings. As I said - passer ratings are pooey. And a record after 2 years is different than 3 years ... because 1 year can change you from a winning record to a losing record.
  16. I could not imagine anyone voting for the Sabres ... I love them but there are 81 games to go.
  17. Yeah and I doubt the Bears would be chalking up the game as a loss like some Bills fans seem to be ... ... Besides I think we should be 3-1 or 4-0 right now. NO WAY we should have lost that game to the Patriots and if not for about 2 plays, we would have beaten the Jets.
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