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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Not much in Rochester ... maybe a flurry or 2
  2. You guys are equally kidding yourself to believe that he is not still a starter in this league somewhere.
  3. Boy you all have short memories. This is the man who had 66 tackles and a team high 4 interceptions with 4 pass deflections and a forced fumble last year. Not to mention he played every game last year. Not to bad for being "injury prone" ... I would hate to be a player and have to play for the Bills. The fans are ridiculous, and have absolutely zero memory. He could have won us the SB and as soon as he misses a tackle a year later, the fans would be calling for his head.
  4. Personally I kinda think it was Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas who were Bill-Killers ... we just couldnt seem to play good against Dallas.
  5. I can give kudos to that ... I think Bills fans will cry when they see what our secondary is without Nate Clements.
  6. The only thing he said out of that entire report that sounded bad was when he said "You don't want to be in a place where you're not wanted." But before I judge I would like to see the entire interview. It has been my experience that interviews like to setup players by asking questions that strain them towards the answer they want. Do you have the whole interview?
  7. Are you basing those McGee comments off of two games?
  8. I appreciate your enthusiasim, but didn't you say last week, the Bills had a great chance to beat the Bears, because the Bills were better than anyone thought, and the Bears were not as good as everyone thinks? So what gives? Is Chicago now pretty good, or the Bills pretty bad? Neither. The Bears played like any good team should play AT HOME, and the Bills missed many opportunites that the Bears handed to them ... AT LEAST 3-4 interceptions that were in the hands of Bills players. Your right. The Bears planned that right? Why did you and others think that the Bills wins over "powerhouses" like Miami and Minnesota, and "moral victories" over the Patriots and mighty Jets gave them a realistic shot at beating the Bears? When did I say the Bills would beat the Bears Does the Bills victory over the Vikings mean nothing, because a stupid penalty, and a drop by a wide-open Vikings receiver helped them tremendously? In the end, the Bills won, so we think it was a good win. I suspect the Bears feel the same way about all of their "crappy" wins. Does the Bills-Vikings game mean nothing? YES! If we beat the Bears 63-0 last week, this week it would mean NOTHING because we are playing another team. That being said, that score shows that we beat a team and we are a good team. But if we continue to beat teams like the Bears over and over and over again then it will mean something. But if we continued to beat Teams that have a combined loss record nearly double their win record, then NO its not going to mean anything because as soon as you play a team worth its salt, their gonna kick your butt. This isn't college football. The very best teams are very capable of losing to the worst teams, on any given Sunday...5-0 is nothing to scoff at... 803282[/snapback] The Colts were 13-0 and then lost in the playoffs
  9. You are the 601, 259th person to post about being dissapointed in Clements play since Game 1 on this board .... I only wish he was gone already so you guys would see just how good of a player he is for us.
  10. "I understand the nature of the business and I understand that injuries come along with the business," he said. "I'm a big boy, I know the ins and outs. And I understand what is best for the team and to not be selfish." Thats a sour taste to you?
  11. I cant stomach NASCAR either ... oh well ... whatever floats your boat.
  12. Why do you say that? Because they beat a Bills team who dropped about 3-4 gimme interceptions? Or beat a Bills team who who had a WR (price) drop 2 balls, 1 which would have resulted in a near first down? Beat a Bills team who's QB threw 3 really bad INT's? Or because they barely beat Minnesota, a team we handled? Or because their opponents overal win-loss record is 9-15??? Listen. I get what your saying and Chicago looks like the best bet to win the NFC this year, but I wouldnt call them the real deal until after week 14 when they will have at least played Giants, Patriots, and St. Louis, who have a current win-loss record of 10-4
  13. With the same information that you use for every single thread/post you write. Its what I see with my eyeballs and hear from his teammates/coaches from the past 3 years Except Im not leading the votes for tard of the week every week. Wow ... thank-you
  14. Seeing how he was helping our young players, is their any chance he comes back to coach for us?
  15. Sure but how does that answer my question about why people like horses running in circles?
  16. Then dont watch the interviews. Spikes is a hyper emotional guy and thats what he thrives on to rehab and to play. So shut up and let him do what he does best, because you know when he actually DOES come back and plays he is going to be going at it 100%. Tiresome? It tires you out to listen to someone have a fever to come back but have to be held back a week? Give me a break. He is trying his best.
  17. I do live in NY and I still hear almost nothing about it. I dont get it. You watch horses run, while these little men sit on top of them and beat them with a whip. How is that fun? Is their drama? Does the jockey and the horse get into it in the locker rooms? Press conferences after the race? The horse just stands there and chews hey? Well anyway, you get my point. I think I see horse racing on ESPN about once every 6 months.
  18. I wonder if we will always be comparing ourselves to the Patriots. Watch them go out and go 2-15 on 3rd downs next week. Blah.
  19. If I remember right, the Jets had 2 rookies starting on OL , and they still beat us.
  20. I dont remember him saying their injuries were similar, but either way its simply size ... when a bigger guy hurts a muscle it takes longer for the muscle to heal because (more than likely) more force was put on it, when it was in fact injured. This is not always the case, but sometimes it is. Also. Passing a physical doesnt mean your ready to go 100% and play. I bet Spikes could pass a physical right now easy ... doesnt mean he is ready to go out and burst on that leg and play 100%
  21. I think we had to release him in week 6 anyone (can anyone confirm that?) and wanted another roster spot??? Im not sure. Just trying to remember what I heard before.
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