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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Thanks a lot. I will do that. I really like to go to the games, but I only really like to go if my dad can go with me (he is a huge Bills fan also) and he decides to only sit in the clubs (due to some previous experiences over the past 20 years throughout other parts of the stadium).
  2. Sure I would take them. I really would like to go ...
  3. I would like to purchase season tickets in one of the clubs ... is there a waiting list, and if so how long? Can you shed some light on the average cost per ticket including PSL's?
  4. Where is she going to law school?
  5. Agreed ... or have the fans vote only count for about 5%.
  6. Sorry if this was already mentioned ... I looked around but couldn't find a thread on it. If so, then bash me appropriately. How in the WORLD! did Vince Young make alternate for the pro bowl? Is this the same Vince Young who has one more INT than TD? Is this the same Young that has a mid 60's QB rating?
  7. AKA if we dont make the playoffs we only have ourselves to blame considering we lost to DETROIT!
  8. Punters/Kickers ARE football players. People sure love to say they are NOT football players up to the point when they need them to make a game winning field or pin the opponent back deep, and all-of-sudden they are hero's.
  9. I saw that when watching online ... good block.
  10. Give me a break. He sucker punched the guy. It was wrong, but dont make it into something its not. He didnt kill, rape, abuse ... etc anyone. The person who was hit wasn't exactly innocent either as he was taking part in the fight. He lost his temper ... Im sure we all have at one point or may in the future. Those who judge should be judged the hardest IMO.
  11. Something that I havent seen anyone mention yet (sorry if I overlooked it) ... but by letting Clements go just because we dont want to pay him big money, sends a message to all Free Agents that Buffalo is not a place to go if you want money. Especially now that we have let Winfield, Williams, Washington, and Cowart all go ... mostly due to money.
  12. Im going to be buying my Clements (Bills) jersey while he is still on the team.
  13. Just wondering ... has anyone here not been in a fight? Ever?
  14. You do realize this is all in good fun ... right?
  15. I figure about 300 of his posts are towards hating on Losman, so I figure after he has 300 posts of supporting Losman, everything will be even and maybe JSP can scooch over and give some room on the bandwagon for LSI. Not even close man.
  16. JP was in his 3rd year ... Young is in his first. Thats probably the main difference to the media. It seems like many people on this board get very angry over what the media thinks.
  17. You not only gave up on him, but you were stupid and stubborn. I believe I made a comment to you then (paraphrasing) 'if your off now dont expect to get a ride back on the bandwagon' ... so sorry dude. Your hitchhiking.
  18. You just described Losman until about 5 games ago. Remember: Young is a rookie.
  19. Second straight week bashing Young ... hmm.
  20. I just downloaded the pogram then clicked on "channels" and scrolled until I saw Buffalo VS Miami ... I clicked on that once, then twice.
  21. I cant really tell for sure (watching on a fuzzy computer screen), but it sure looked like it hit his hands.
  22. Pardon the ignorance, but a 'Slingbox' allows you to see blacked out games? P.S. SopCast just started working for me also.
  23. He isnt arguing the rule ... he is saying that even when we are NOT sold out we still have a higher attendance than many other stadiums in the league that ARE sold out. I am in agreement with him, and I believe there should be a league wide rule of about 68,000 for it to be a sell-out. Its saying "The sop adress is not valid" for me
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