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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Clements only gave up 1 pass in the Lions game .... McGee was getting torched. Holy cow. Im done with this thread. My head is going to implode.
  2. He will be signed long before he hits the market.
  3. Again you dont give a solution. We have the money. Have you ever thought that the reason he has to play deep is because of the scheme? Also ... think about it ... when the D gives up the run it opens up the passing game.
  4. No one is giving a solution. We let him go to free agency and then we have about what? 15 million of free cap room to do what? Pick a few free agent scraps that other teams dont want? We have the money. Use it.
  5. You are not one to talk. You put your foot in your mouth more than any other person on this board other than Joe Six Pack .... anyone needs to simply go to the gamethread and see myself and about 5 other posters tear you apart to see that. I am a usually nice person. I love my fellow men, but seriously dude. Clements is a good CB. If he wasnt then no one would pick him up in free agency and pay him the money he wants. Yet they will because he is a good CB. Yes I do critisize Bills players ... such as Rob Johnson, Travis Henry (15 year old girl thing), Peerless Price, Sam Cowart ... etc But I am also a optimist and a fan .... try it someday
  6. I dont have a Clements jersey and Im not even a huge fan of his. Its just common sense to me. Dont give up a good player just because he wants money. For goodness sakes. We keep giving up good players because they want money (Moulds, Winfield, Pat Williams and the list goes on)
  7. Other than a few miss tackles do you mind telling me how exactly Clements has been sucking? He got beat ONCE all day, and that was on a push-off.
  8. We have a lot of money and can re-sign him in the off-season So your suggesting we give up a good CB for an average DT This is retarded.
  9. Your posts are getting worse and worse. Every team in the NFL including the Bills know that Clements is worth more than mcFarland. There is a reason why Tampa is putting him on the trading block. He is injured often and gets very few sacks (ie: no pressure on the qb) ... the Bucs would have to include another player or a draft pick for us to give up Clements. Thus the trade does not make sense for us. What you dont understand is that Clements has a lot of value in this league and once he is a free agents MULTIPLE teams will be offering him good money for hiss services. Fox pre-game said as much in the pregame saying he will be probably the best Free Agent on the market.
  10. AHAHAHA I guess I had Ted Washington and Pat Williams both on the mind
  11. It would depend on the situation ... in our situation - YES! We keep giving up good players because we dont want to pay them and think we can pick up a couple other players for the same ammount of money we could pay the one. Thus Winfield and Pat Washington is gone. Pat Washington would do wonders for our run defense right now huh???? Pay the darn player and you still have 12 million to do with how you please.
  12. This shows your lack of football knowledge ... a CB plays his side. RARELY does a CB have an assignment to a particular receiver. If you noticed Clements did cover Williams a few plays. When he was on his side. Heck even little kids who play Madden know this ... default is your CB plays a side and if you want you can switch up and give him a particular assignment towards a receiver. But either way stop saying Clements got torched because your making yourself look like a tard.
  13. The same way you type with your foot consistantly in your mouth.
  14. Dude what are you talking about? Clements only got beat once today and it was a definate push-off ... McGee is who got torched today
  15. Clements isnt having a bad year. He misses a tackle here or there but so does every NFL player. I dont think he has gotten beaten horribly for a TD yet this year.
  16. So we cut nate, draft a bunch of people for the lines and then what? Its not likely were going to be getting a good OL or DL in free agency. Teams re-sign good OL/DL before they reach the market. So we take our chance on draftees. Thats fine. The Bills are currently under the cap by nearly 12 MILLION and thats with us paying Clements 7.2 mill this year. So if we are so under the cap why cant we sign Clements to a 3-4 year contract, pay him a big signing bonus and then use the 12 million in empty cap to pay our draftees. People keep saying we can use the 7 mill we pay Clements to give to other players. Well first of all if we work the contract right we may not be paying him 7 mill next year ... a lot could go into signing bonus and over time, incentives ... etc. Also WHAT players do you want to give his money too?
  17. Because I dont see the point in giving up a good player just to get another play who is not going to be as good. Other teams pay their players, and we should to. Did you watch the pre-game today? Other teams are going to give Clements the money he wants because they (unlike rose-colored-glasses Bills fans) can see that Clements is a darn good corner. Some posters dont understand football ... not much you can do about that. The same McGee that got torched all game?
  18. Thats what I think ... yet others think they are genius's and believe he is not good at all. I say we lock him up for 3-4 years and pay him the friggin money and then we dont have to worry about getting someone else or wasting a draft pick.
  19. Im talking about the sack duh ... i take a sack over an intentional grounding . its pretty much the same thing and losmans going to be hit either way with a DT so close
  20. I would love to see that but dont forget we need to draft a CB considering everyone thinks we need to let Clements go.
  21. Wrong. If your in the pocket, and you throw it away (whether past the LOS or not) its still going to be Intentional Grounding. Losman would have had to escape 3 tacklers, run out of the pocket and then throw it out of bounds. Thats ridiculous and you know it.
  22. If you have to replay a down, their really should be a rule stating the time be put back on the clock for that play.
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