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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. What defensive formation are they playing in?
  2. He was averaging about 2 yards per carry, in his first 5 carries. He has had one long run and that boosted his average.
  3. Unfortunately we are not in practice ... the coaches must see something that tells them that Youboty is not ready, as he has played about a total of 2 minutes in the past 14 games.
  4. Do you know how many holds are not called during the course of a game? Atleast 10 + for both teams.
  5. McGahee. Hit the goal-line and literally drove a Tenn Lineman 3 yards into the endzone.
  6. McGahee just had a nice Goal-Line drive Jarthur. Kinda hurts your theory.
  7. Yeah. Right. So lets just stop trying. Good plan!
  8. Your such a joke. Every game you say stuff like this.
  9. Have you been watching LSI's posts this season? They have not been too successful.
  10. Uhh . Crosby is pretty darn good.
  11. This early in the game you take the points.
  12. For some reason I just dont understand this. Some people are saying that Ralph pays out of pocket to sign players ... I always thought that the league gives each team the ammount of money that the salary cap is set at. Example: if the cap was set at 100 million for the year, then the team would get 100 million from the league. Is this not true?
  13. Not that I agree with your choice of language, but I do agree with the overall concept. Some people just dont seem to realize that not everyone can AFFORD to buy Bills tickets. I go to about 3-4 games a year and that is when my parents/sisters/brother-in-laws pay for my ticket. Otherwise I can really only afford to go to one game per year. You figure the cost for me to go to ONE Bills game is about what I make in over a week.
  14. Completely agreed. Also this is the exactly why the judge should be ordered to inform the jury of the prison sentence before deliberation.
  15. "I said 'Congratulations on your failed magazine'" ... hahaha. I cant believe he walked up to her and actually said that.
  16. Does this mean they will actually show all the replays? Every game there are plays I want to see again and they simple wont show it. Agreed. Heck I wouldn't mind if they pumped the radio feed into the entire stadium so I can hear it while watching the play.
  17. Care to explain how you arrived at that conclusion?
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