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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. What would you like him to do? Where a display in his helmet that tells him when his line is going to suck?
  2. Im not one of those people who say that the officials favor Tom Brady ... but their is a reason he didnt call roughing the passer, and thats because that wouldnt fly with the league office. It doesnt fit the description. But whatever. I dont really care. As I said: Tell Losman to fall whenever he is about to get sacked so we can get those penalty's. RIGHT?
  3. http://www.nfl.com/fans/rules/protectionofpasser No mention of penalty. But whatever. Lets just tell Losman to sit down every time he is about to get sacked.
  4. Thats what I always thought. QB's instead of getting sacked should just sit down and hopefully get touched so they can get a penalty called against the defense. Im not being a homer either. If that happened to Losman, I would be confused about why they called it still.
  5. I never knew that it was a penalty to tackle a QB who sat down? I guess im wrong. Notice how it wasnt "roughing the passer"
  6. Well atleast im arguing play instead of a players "heart" Someone actually called the Howard Simon pre-game show with a comment like you said before about heart and I thought all the announcers were going to laugh him off the show.
  7. AHAHAHAHAHA Re-tooled 0-line? McGahee would LOVE to have that 0-line because his 0-line is 10x worse. LT has been playing with a GREAT 0-line for nearly his every year with San Diego. Thats the point. As soon as they get shaky, see what happens. TE Gates? uhm well McGahee doesnt have a TE So for the first year their actually equal. BTW, Tomlinson just fumbled.
  8. The thread is now official as we have an official "heart-meter" with us! Wohoo!
  9. My radio feed (murph and the gang) and DirecTV is exactly on track for me now. Just for anyone else who wanted to give it a try.
  10. Who is going to be the first one to say he is too slow ... anyone?
  11. Thanks Lori. I appreciate it. Thank-fully I got back just in time for kickoff!
  12. I think your forgetting that Thurman DID have a team of all-pros around him. By the way ... are you talking about the same LT who has less YPG and less YPC and has 20+ receptions but NONE for more than 20 yards, so what does it matter? Willis has 1 receptions for more than 20 yards BTW.
  13. Sorry. Kinda urgent. Anyone know if their is a station in Penn State / Williamsport / back to Rochester that I can get to carry the Bills. I can get WGR 550 by around 11:30 or so into the drive, but I dont believe they carry the game. Anyone know? BTW: This is the 2nd time I have been to Beaver stadium/visit Penn State (I plan to finish my law degree their) and the stadium just dissapoints me. I hear such cool stuff about it (ie: being so large and shaped oddly) and the concessions are built into these small ports in the middle of the aisles and the bathrooms rival the Bills for being the worst in the country. Also the support bars for the stadium are all over the place. Your walking up the ramps and around the concession aisles and their is metal ALL OVER the place. Wohee. That being said it is HUGE. I think its around 96,000 + capacity. Anyway. Any help with the radio would be nice. With all hope I will be back home in town to watch the 2nd Q and on. Thank-you.
  14. I recall our rookies dropping a bunch at Chicago. Im not sure about McGee ... maybe? of course not
  15. Dont you mean that "same" team minus Drew Bledsoe, Jonas Jennings, Ross Tucker, Travis Henry, Pierson Prioleau, Pat Williams, and Takeo Spikes (injured)? For it being the "same team" they lost 5 starters. Im sorry bud, but you are the LAST person to be talking about credibility. What is this week? Your 250th straight week of leading the votes for "tard of the week" ? The Fox thing was in reference to a post made earlier about how lower paid coaches CAN do well. Also. Im not saying that Parcells is a bad coach. He is a great coach. The point in the original post was that he is getting paid oodles more than Fox is and Fox seems to be doing better. That was all.
  16. Your acting somewhat ridiculous dont you think? What was "silly" about my rebuttals. I brought in relevant facts.
  17. And then Parcells took that playoff team (which got crushed in the first game of the playoffs and squeeked into the playoffs when Minnesota lost their last game) and did what? Anyone? Anyone? No playoffs in 2005, No playoffs in 2004, So right now he is 1-2, and possibly going 1-3 considering that they are in arguably the toughest conference in football. John Fox on the other hand is 2-3, with one SB appearance under his belt.
  18. Thanks for the bump again! decent = pro bowl to you? tell me thats sarcasm please As far as me insulting WR's saying that their job is easy ... Im not. I played middle school ball, high school football, and now hoping to start college football somewhat soon. Players with a great ability have the ability to do other things. Reggie Bush can run the ball as a straight up RB - or - catch the ball LINED UP as a wide receiver. K. Stewart could QB one game and play WR the next game. Their have been kids who have been scouted as a talent because the kickoff went too short and they had no choice but to field it and ended up taking it 60 yards for a TD. Hidden talents. What im NOT saying is that McGee would be a great receiver. I never said that. Yet how is it unrealistic to think he has a shot at atleast being a decent one? Pa-lease. Anything is possible and to be honest I really dont think Troy Brown is a exceptionally good athlete. He was forced into the CB role because of injuries and ended up doing well. But lets face it. His original (and still his) position is WR where he has netted a whopping 529 receptions for 6,150 yards in 13 seasons. Thats 40 receptions for 473 yards. Evans avg: 44 receptions for 668 yards Peerless avg: 51 receptions for about 690 yards Thus by your logic they are "exceptional" athletes also Just messin around but still
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