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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Exactly right ...
  2. Yeah and about 70 points away from a playoff spot ... its still kinda hard to believe that they have nearly 1/3rd of the points they need only 1/8th of the way into the season. Any guesses to how many points will win the East this season? I'll go with 112.
  3. I actually agree with your morals ... although I do think it could be said in a better way.
  4. I think my reading comprehension is just off tonight because I still cant seem to understand what your saying .
  5. Actually after cooling off, I do realize I was way to harsh on the subject. No need for that. Sorry. Secondly, what does my grammar have to do with anything? We are debating music, and you bring up grammar? That would be like us debating JP Losman VS Eli Manning, and me bringing up Foosball. It just doesnt make any sense. I dont pay any attention to grammar on a message board ... especially when half of the time I am typing in the wee hours of the morning. BTW: a slip of the tongue could lose a case for you (criminal case) ... its called reasonable doubt.
  6. Just because the Sabres didnt win the game doesnt mean the point was meaningless. For all we know Atlanta would have beat us 7-4 if they werent on that long road stretch. We just dont know, so you cant call it meaningless.
  7. John Nolan was in TAYF John Nolan even toured with TBS after the release of TBS. The more you post on this topic, the more ignorant you sound. Go to a scene concert ... just to recap for those just joining the thread: It is SilverNRed (thinking he knows everything about music) VS MTV, VHI, Rolling Stones, CD Universe, Rhapsody, Amazon, BBC, Stylus Magazine, DaQuixers_is_back of course he goes onto to say that none on the above list is credible and that he by himself knows more than all of them ... its ridiculous. With that in mind and silverNred's ignorance on THIS subject established ... I shall say "goodbye" to this thread.
  8. So our record would be 6-4? nah ... keep the shoot-out
  9. Spin and Error Operator were BOTH on Louder Now ... TAYF and WYWTB were both pretty emo, with the exception of Fred Astaire. How do you know they were "emo" ?
  10. huh? explain why you say its meaningless ... when your a team who has played a hard stretch of games (one losing to a much inferior team), and your playing the best team in the NHL at home, I wouldnt dare call that meaningless.
  11. Who are you to judge? If I am wrong on everything I post on, two things must be true ... 1. You are wrong on 85% of your posts, because I agree with you on about 85% of your posts 2. Your arrogance will one day make your head implode, if someone doesnt smash it in by then, because of your rudeness. Some people on this board ... agh ... even worse they seem like they can be really nice people one moment and jerks the next. Bungee Jumper ... you and Simon and Cantakerous take every chance you can to critisize me. Maybe if you clicked "ignore" it would help. BTW: I responded to your comment in the Sabres thread about me posting multiple times on me losing a bet. It must have made too much sense, because you didnt respond.
  12. I couldnt do it ...
  13. I changed it for you ... although I dont think Simon would care. He is probably mad at me for posting in this thread anyhow.
  14. Yes but Im not talking about the bed frame ... I said in my original post BED ... haha .. but seriously. The actual bed. Let your body hit a bed it doesnt like for a year, and see how fast you will be looking for a new bed.
  15. Sorry I am just trying to adapt to this porn section of the forums.
  16. Maybe you got lost in this thread of sexuality ... my point was that many people's bodies need a certain type of bed to sleep well/not hurt. I for one do not like to sleep on firm beds. I kinda like waterbeds. Its more comfortable for me. Children on the other hand will sleep anywhere. Floor, closet, carpet ... wherever. See what im sayin? maybe if I say it like this people will understand my point was that many people's bodies need a certain type of bed to sleep well/not hurt. I for one do not (*boobies*) like to sleep on firm beds. I kinda (*boobies*) like waterbeds. Its more (*boobies*) comfortable for me. Children (*boobies*) on the other hand will (*boobies*) sleep anywhere. Floor, (*boobies*) closet, carpet ... wherever. Everyone understand now?
  17. A bed is usually not "just a bed" unless your a child ... Yup.
  18. WHAT! Senior year is a breeze. All of the tough classes are behind you trig, geometry, math in general) ... senior trip, tons of study halls ... etc Senior year is a cake walk.
  19. Ugg ... Nolan is who I meant. Sorry. Although I cant agree that BN is the best. I think TBS is the best of the 3.
  20. Speaking of Rob Johnson ... when you look at his 2001 game log, they seem a lot like JP's http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/1033/gamelogs/2001 A game with 3 INT's and 0 TD's a few games with 1 TD and 1 INt .. etc
  21. Dont worry ... someone will post about him being a terrible, horrible back, who doesnt get 200 yards a game and its not the 0-lines fault that he sucks.
  22. Whats wrong with the new avatar? its the same guy (adam lazzara)
  23. Does South Florida not have ESPN? ESPN had a couple minute thing on the Sabres about to break the record yesterday.
  24. I dont know if you know, but the lead singer of Brand New and Adam Lazzara (lead singer of TBS) were best friends before their bands got even remotely popular ... then their was a fall-out and later Brand New wrote a song "70 x 7" which is about Adam and TBS wrote a song "Theres no I in team" which is about Brand News singer.
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