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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Its a new day. Im probably not going to debate it much more after this. Nooooo. Kelly will most likely always be my favorite QB. He was the QB while I was growing up and he simply stuck with me.
  2. Someone really needs to explain HOW they could have called that incomplete. He had 3 feet down and the ball SECURE. I cant wait to watch the NFL network this week. Does anyone know when that referee part where he talks about calls of the week is on the NFL network?
  3. Lead singer of My Chemical Romance.
  4. This is getting out of hand. How does the replay official upstairs and the official on the field BOTH f**k up that bad? You know im pissed when I start swearing.
  5. Awesome. Another thread kissing Maroney and the Patriots butts.
  6. HOW WAS THAT NOT OVERTURNED? UNBELIEVABLE! We need to start a petition outside of NFL headquarters.
  7. OK. I am NOT a homer with blaming the refs for stuff. I never have been. But the Ref-Patriot connection NEEDS TO STOP. The NFL needs to stop this. Its wrong. They made the right call, Belichick yelled and they overturn the right call.
  8. Jee. A Patriot fan picking Brady. What a suprise. Well anyway. Your entitled to your opinion. Personally I dont think Tom Brady is as good as Peyton Manning. Considering you said that SB's wont change anything, lets just look at some different things: ----- Peyton Manning is in the top 25 of NFL QB's (history of the game) for 4 different categories. Attempts, Completions, Yards, and TD's. Tom Brady is not in the top 50 of any category in passing. Here is my point. Brady is the most WINNINGEST QB in the leauge and probably of the past decade. No doubt in (I would *hope* anyone's mind). But (in my strong opinion) Peyton Manning is the best "pure" (without SB/playoffs in mind) QB in the league and one of the best of all time. Tom Brady's SB teams were a TEAM. Peyton Manning's teams are an OFFENSE. Peyton knows he will most likely have to outscore teams, just like he had to yesterday. Tom Brady had one of the best offensive minds of the past decade, Charlie Weiss. Peyton Manning (even though you dont want to believe it) calls his own plays .. and once in a while he will change his formation/play at the line if he sees something he doesnt like in the defense. Some of that arm stuff is just hoopla. But guess what ... that hoopla is effective. Something people havent seem to have noticed about Manning until this year is his ability to win close games. Vic Carucci just wrote an article on how when the game is on the line and the Colts are down with a minute left, he has no doubt that Peyton will lead them back to win. I guess my point is that I believe Peyton would have won all 3 SB's if he was on the Patriots those years also. Brady won the SB against St. Louis with 145 yard and 1 TD. Are you telling me Peyton wouldnt have done that and more? The win against Carolina was more impressive with 300+ yards, 3 TD's and 1 INT. Although they did just squeek out the victory. Then his last SB he had another decent performance with about 230 yards and 2 TD's. I think Peyton would have done the same thing in the same scenario with those Patriot times. To me Tom Brady sometimes has to rely on his special teams/defense to win games. Peyton has to win the game by himself (well the offense) in about 95% of the games they play. If you dont agree, then thats fine. Life goes on.
  9. I have mentioned that exact point many times on different message boards, and no one seems to listen.
  10. Its NOT a woman!!! Its Gerard Way.
  11. Its was just a general statement about some Patriot fans. For some reason I thought you have made arguements before about Manning not being the best in the league until he wins a SB.
  12. Spending a little time in the time machine huh?
  13. Boy we Bills fans love the Patsies.
  14. You mean like making him lose? I guess Miller and Biron are even now.
  15. I know everyone will disagree with me ... but ... to me a "great QB" doesnt mean one who just wins Super Bowls. Thats a great post-season QB. A great QB to me means one who consistantly gets his team to the playoffs, can win a game singlehandidly if he needs to, be the leader of the team, and if they want break or set a few records (optional of course). Peyton does all of that. YES, he has not won a Super Bowl yet. BUT. He does consistantly get his team to the playoffs. He can and DOES singlehandidly win many games for them. He IS the leader of that team, and he spends countless hours studying for each opponent. I think his work ethic is un-matched by any other in the league. He is pretty much RIGHT NOW a 1st ballot HOF'er in my opinion. Im still trying to get over the fact that Hollywood Donahoe thinks that a ton of other QB's call their own plays. Im sorry, but when 15 different sources (most credible, NFl.com, Cbs Sportsline, and other outlets, it really takes someone special to disagree with them. Someone who has a vendetta against disliking a player. Oh ... like Hollywood Donahoe against Manning ... will do whatever they can to refute and put down the player. Hint, Hint ... Charlie Weiss called the plays in NE. If Manning does win a SB sometime during his career, the rest of the world will be calling him one of the best 3 (if not THE best) of all time and the minority of Manning-haters will make up some ridiculous excuse. Manning has been in the league for 8 years ... He has been in the top 10 of completions EVER YEAR of his career He has been in the top 10 of passing yards EVERY year of his career He has been in the top 10 of passing TD's EVERY year of his career ALL TIME LIST: (provided Pro football ref) Pass attempts: 21 Completions: 12 Passing yards: 14 Passing TDs: 10 For all of the Bills fans ... Peyton has passed Jim Kelly in TD's and will pass him in total passing yards in about 2 games (not that any of that really matters). Not to mention he is extremely durable. Partially thanks to a good offensive line and partially thanks to a good release. He is pretty tough though also ... he has taken some hard hits. In Marino's first 8 years, he missed 9 games. Peyton has missed 0. Of course everything I posted above doesnt matter to fans like Hollywood Donahoe, because until he wins the SB he is just an average QB ...
  16. I am the same way. Never got any pleasure from it either ... in fact I smoked quite a bit on and off for about 3-4 months and I never got addicted. I never craved it. I never even wanted it. I only did it to be "cool" ...
  17. thats not entirely true ... I know people to this day that are 30, 40, 60+ years old who have never tried one
  18. Its a pretty intense song. I use to really like the genre of rap. I especially liked Tupac. Im no longer into it as much. For those who dont want to download the song, but still want to know what its about ---> Its basically about a young kid who wanted respect and wanted to be known as a real gangster, and the only way his crew would accept him, is if he did something brutal (murder...etc). So one day they were riding around the city and found this lady, they followed her wrapped her shirt around her head, and dragged her somethere. Their they broke her jaw, ribs, and proceeded to rape her. Then they handed him (the kid) a new gun and told him to finish her off. He took the bloody shirt off of her head and it was him mom ... it then talks about how much his mom meant to him and her working late ...etc. He then jumped off of the roof of the building. The song then talks about the person rapping, is actually one of the people who raped the mom. Pretty disgusting. Tupac had a song that bothered me called "Hit Em Up" (it was directed towards Biggie) and also a song he did called "teardrops and closed caskets" that told a story (though not as gruesome). Boondock ... if you want to hear a good "story" song without all the gruesome crap, listen to "teardrops and closed caskets" by Tupac & the outlawz. I truly think rap today is horrible garbage. Tupac made a poetry out of it. Common is really the only one out right now, who still seems to have poetry in his raps.
  19. Is it just me or does it not seem like their is just a difference when you watch JP v.s. other QB's in the league. It seems like JP just has a completely different feel to him. I have ALWAYS been a JP loyalist, but I have been noticing that their is just something different about JP.
  20. Yeah I suppose that was an ignorant comment. Whether or not you believe they should have started Biron from the beginning or not, one thing still remains. 1. Miller gave up 5 goals. A few of which were pretty silly and on his "on" nights he could have probably easily stopped. 2. Miller *could* have been tired ... we may never know.
  21. What exactly do you disagree with?
  22. I do think he is the best QB ... not the winningest (most SB's or anything) but the best 'pure QB'
  23. Thats why their is no point in debating it. I could show him multiple articles (which I did) and he will still refute it.
  24. Thats OK. Im more willing to say he is "good" ... not great or a winner. A winner means he has won a big home (NFC Championship or SB). Peyton Manning is a "great" QB, but he is NOT yet a WINNER because he hasnt won any BIG game yet. and trust me ... im the biggest Manning homer you will probably meet.
  25. The door didnt answer huh? Homer = me not willing to say Vick is great until he actualy wins something?
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