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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Oh I forgot your the one who thought the NE-Vikings game was fair.
  2. Depends. Is Marvin Harrison going to be called for phantom offensive pass interference calls? Is Dallas Clark going to catch a ball, take 4 steps, fumble it out of bands and have it be called incomplete? Who knows. We must watch and see what the refs do next!
  3. uhm . i dont remember it being on my basic cable ... i remember channels 3, 5, 7, 8 , 9 , 10, 12, 13, 16, 17 Anyway. Does ESPN2 come with Basic aslo?
  4. Brady: 265 yards, 3 TD's, 0 INT Givens, Branch, and Brown all had 50+ yards receiving. Dillon had 70 total yards Vinatieri had 3 XP Colvin, Samuel, Vrabel, Bruschi, McGinest, Hobbs all played Who was injured? Give me a break. So what is the excuse for them losing by 10 points to the team that Indi beat by 3?
  5. The genius got beat up at home by 19 points last year (around the same time also. November)
  6. I dont really put too much stock into it at all ... I just dont see the point in what they do. But hey - What goes around, comes around.
  7. This is true. I just really think its sad that some people have to be such an ass that you would have to ignore them. Your right though.
  8. Here he goes again on his subtle little quirks that are meant to be so witty by putting down another person. Unbelievable.
  9. You are seriously trying to convince me that ESPN said "Reggie Bush is/will be the best running back in the history of the game of football to ever play."
  10. Most people on this board are in love with the Patriots, so Im guessing most will say NE. I on the other hand think the Colts will win this one. Does anyone remember NE going into Denver and losing by 10 points? Ok. Now does anyone remember the Colts going into Denver last week and winning/breaking Denvers long home winning streak? The Colts are well-rested (bye week just 1 week ago) and I think they will take it too the Patriots. Tons of people will probably talk about the Colts and Peyton's problems dealing with the Patriots. Well if you dont remember history very well, Peyton and Co. had problem with the dominant Patriots of 2-4 years ago. The Patriots team that had Charlie Weiss, Romeo Crenell, and Ty Law. This Patriots team will NOT have those 3 key aspects this time around. In fact since those people have left the team, Indi is 1-0 against the Patriots ... beating NE by 19 points (40-21) last year (BTW: that was IN New England also) People will then probably bring up that Indi has lost Edgerin James ... well if those people didnt realize. Edgerin James at this point last year has the pretty much EXACT ammount of yards as Addai and Rhodes have now. Their has not been one slight decrease from last year to this year. Colts - 31 Patriots - 28 P.S. The Colts scored 34 points on the Broncos defense which is better than NE's.
  11. I guess I did miss that part ... think about it. NE scored in the 3rd quarter because Maroney got them to the 20 yard line. OF COURSE YOUR GOING TO SCORE IF YOUR STARTING AT YOUR OPPONENTS 20! Minnesota didnt score any points ... partially thanks to the refs calling phantom offensive pass interferences and calling fumbles out of bounds for a 1st bound an incomplete pass. P.S. Minnesota probably would have lost ... but guess what ... we will never know because the refs didnt make it fair.
  12. When your in college from 9 am - 3 pm and then work from 4 pm - 10 pm , and your only time to do anything is between 11:00 pm (by the time I get home/shower) - 3:00 am then yeah I have too much time on my hands.
  13. Considering he has 3-4 games under 3.7 YPC , Im going to take a wild guess and say that he can be tackled. Not to mention he doesnt catch worth a damn. I think he is on pace to have like 20 some catches this year. Bush on the other hand. 96 catches or so. And as far as the long runs go ... thats my point. No one in the league consistantly gets 4 yards a carry. Its usually like 3.0 - 3.5 and then the few long spurts drives it up. **Now refer to what I was saying about teams stacking the box when Bush is in the backfield.
  14. Here he goes again on his subtle little quirks that are meant to be so witty by putting down another person. Unbelievable.
  15. She claims she never pursued being his agent. It depends on who you want to beleive
  16. I dont think I would ever even THINK about doing such a thing ... unbelievable.
  17. Not sure. But he couldnt have been too injured considering he was playing the next game.
  18. What is the exact game you both are referring to?
  19. 5 games? 8 games? uhm, guys ... the most ammount of games he ever missed for us was 5. He had seasons of missing 4 games, 1 game, 5 games, and 2 games. So the figure (averaged) should really be that he is good for about 13 games (with the Bills anyway)
  20. And yet millions of people still shell out the money to have it, and will continue to. The funniest part of all of this is that people are complaining about it and still paying the bill at the end of the month. Unbelievable.
  21. Dude Ill save you the time. They never said it.
  22. Then you (and many others) are probably wrong. ESPN does some dumb stuff, but im pretty assured that Chris Berman and co. did not say that Reggie Bush was going to be the best running back in the history of the game of football. If so, then find me a link.
  23. I cant believe I have to go back to basic football knowledge ... but ... their are certain turning points in games. Odds are NE still wins the game, but the Vikings were driving and had they scored they would have cut the deficit to 10 points (after being hyped about the big punt return for a TD) ... the defense had stopped Brady and Co. 3 and out the first time they had the ball in the 3rd quarter. They scored a TD only because Maroney got them to the 20 yard line with a good kickoff return. So hypothetically Minnesota scores. 24-14 Patriots winning. Then Brady and Co is stopped, Minnesota gets the ball and is on a roll from the previous 2 TD's and gets a TD or Field goal and zoom they are within 3-7 points. See what Im saying? Last game aside their have been quite a few games where the Patriots have only won by a TD or less, that they have gotten favorable calls to win them the game.
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