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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. To be completely honest I dont know what exactly your talking about and probably forget? I would think it would be better to ask whether I forgot about that wager instead of assuming I ignored it. I dont do that ... im an honest person. Ill put a $20 wager that Denver beats the spread against Pitt.
  2. Of course not, but im not going to sit here and feel sorry for him.
  3. I love when people try and make this arguement. Its make me laugh a little. They always say "manning has this awesome supporting cast" ... well uhm ... have you ever thought of reversing that role? Have you ever thought that it was Manning that made the people around him so good? Think about it. Do you think Edge would have enjoyed as much success as he did without defenses being afraid of Manning throwing bullets over their head when they stacked the box? Think about this. Very rarely do you see Manning's receivers have to make outstanding catches ... this is because Manning *usually* puts the ball right where it is suppose to be. Thus you see Harrison and Wayne always catching those floaters in the back of the endzone. Perfect passes. Tom Brady had one of the best offensive coordinators in the game. Charlie Weiss. Manning (in his own right) is his own offensive coordinator. That being said THIS SEASON Manning only has 1 superstar on his offense. Marvin Harrison. Reggie Wayne has never had a season over 83 receptions, and Brandon Stokely has been injured pretty much all year. Addai and Rhodes have pretty much the same rushing output that Edge had and Manning is still putting up numbers such as 2,000 yards, 15 TD's, and 2 INT's not even halfway into the season. Personally I put great QB's into 2 categories. 1. Those who are AWESOME QB's that just dont do well in the late playoffs. 2. QB's who are GOOD, but NOT great, but simply thrive in the playoffs. They do awesome and thus win SB's. Personally I would rather take the #2 QB, because thats the best chance of winning a SB. Yet still, thats not to say that the #2 QB is any better than the #1 QB. I dont think winning a SB should determine how good the PLAYER is. It should determine how good the TEAM is. PERSONALLY (and you dont have to agree), I think Peyton would have won the same 3 SB's Brady did if he was on the Patriots those years. If you look at Brady's passing output in the post season they are GOOD but not GREAT. Manning could have done that. Brady's defense and the 50 yard chuck rule that one year really hurt the Colts because they got INT'd 4 times ... they couldnt do that this year because they re-inforced the 5 yard chuck rule. One last stat. Indi-Patriots overall record since the chuck rule was put back into affect? Indi 1 ... Patriots 0
  4. Name 3 teams Losman has overthrown Evans in the endzone. And David Carr was benched? Thats ridiculous. He had 1,217, 9 TD's and 4 INT's with a 70% completion percentage and 94 Qb rating. How the heck could you bench him?
  5. Considering he is averaging about 7 receptions/game since week 2 I would say JP is throwing to him more than 3 times/game.
  6. I dont know much about cars but it seemed like he had enough time to hit the brakes. That being said, judging by the house and daddys car next to him, it seems like he can afford to repair it.
  7. Revelation 19:11-21 11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. 12His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter."[a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. 17And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, "Come, gather together for the great supper of God, 18so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great." 19Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. 20But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. 21The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
  8. Ah. Their should be legislation forcing people to give a breathalyzer when attempting to go online.
  9. Boces? Ah. I just didnt get what you were saying in the original post. Good to know.
  10. Im suprised that with so many horsey lovers in here that their is no topic on the big horsey race this weekend? It IS this weekend right? I dont know anything about horseys. Question: Is this a race where the little men on top, whip the horseys to go fast in a circle or a straight line? Well anyway. Looks to be an exciting, fun paced, race. EDIT: I feel like a dufus. I thought I was in the off-topic section while posting this. Can a mod please move this? Sorry!
  11. I agree with the bolded part ... but the post I replied to was you inferring that the Bible, not the catholic church, preaches that priests should remain celibate. Thats not true. The convo went like this: poster 1 : celibacy for priests is BS and thats why i dont like the catholic church your response : you dont like the Bible them wouldnt that mean that the BIBLE is what teaches celibacy among priests?
  12. Be careful not to mix Catholicism with The Bible. God sees nothing wrong with marriage and sex inside of marriage. God gave Eve to Adam to be fruitful and multiply. Many verses (and possibly the ones you posted above) are quoted out of context because people just search google and come up with ridiculous things. Many believe those verses speak about how you shouldnt be married until your time (aka until God tells you it is right). Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. I encourage you to use www.biblegateway.com. Great resource!
  13. HAHAHA ... So what if its 8th best in the league? If one year giving up 300 passing yards/game is best in the league does that mean your team is great against the pass? no . it simply means you suck less . 92 yards is 92 yards ... now if you want to talk about a stat that seems like it should matter ... Denvers defense is 2nd in giving up points. They only give up 11 points a game. They will be facing an offense that has looked less than spectacular this year. They scored 0 against Jacksonville, 13 against San Diego, and 13 against Oakland.
  14. Good post. What are you talking about? Where in the Bible does it say a priest (NT) has to be celibate?
  15. Atlanta not beating Detroit by 6 would stun me. Uhm. Pittsburgh gives up an average of 92 yards rushing a game. They gave up 109 yards and a TD to Vick and Dunn 2 weeks ago. Besides if you take the teaser then all Denver has to do is not lose by 10.
  16. I won almost every game last week except for Pittsburgh losing to Oakland.
  17. The only person I can bring up IS T.O. ... yes ... THATS WHAT THIS WHOLE CONVO IS ABOUT! Here is what I feel. If one player can destroy a team then you dont have a strong team. Period. The point is that he did everything in his power to bring Philly a SB (in the SB) ...
  18. I simply disagree. History disagrees with you also. T.O. was on a team that went to the SB. In that SB Terrel Owens had a GREAT game and did everything a WR possibly could to win the game for his team. Philly losing that SB was not even close to being Owens fault. In fact Owens seemed like he was one of the only players who was playing at the highest level they could for the Eagles. So tell me. Was it T.O's ego or his 9 receptions for 120+ yards that lost his team the SB?
  19. Thats what I would do if I had $150 to bet ... just bet on a sure win. But this week Im only giving myself an allowance of $50 to bet on.
  20. I noticed the Tennessee one ... its just that Jacksonville is so hard to understand. One week they win a game by 20 and the next they lose to Houston. I cant get a good enough grasp on them to bet on them. Denver seems so automatic ... also the Chicago over. I cant understand that. But im taking it.
  21. Yeah thats why I said this about the Chicago game "Thats usually bad news for me. " haha
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