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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. As facetious as you were trying to be you were actually correct. Well. Kinda. Their is a few different meaning when people refer to "flipping the poles" 1. The earths magnetic field (theoretically) flips every couple hundred thousand years. Thus causing (if it were to happen today) compasses to point S when you were heading to what you previously knew as North. A sign that this is happening is that the magnetic field actually reduces in strength ... which it is now right now. Dont mis-understand me though. This doesnt happen over night or anything. The sun actually reverses magnetic field every 10-11 years. 2. Some people believe that sometime in our future the earth will rotate on its axis differently causing the north poles to become warm and the equator to become cold. Some people refer to this as a flipping the poles (flipping the temps).
  2. No, no, no ... I was actually thinking solar catastrophe. Which I believe was last around snowball earth. Maybe someone can confirm.
  3. Once you go down by 14 points, you have no other choice than to pass. Thats when it will get ugly.
  4. HAHAHA .. 1. Eli Manning IS good. 2. Carr is having a good year. 1500 yards, 9 TD's and 5 INT's with a 70% completion percentage and a 93 passer rating. So obviously Indi is not the only team making him look good. 3. Brunell is ALSO having a good year. 1600-1700 yards, 8 TD's, 3 INT's, 91.5 passer rating. And if you didnt know Indi's pass defense is ranked THIRD in the NFL
  5. Thats so much harder said than done. 1. Thousands of people park in people's yards when going to a Bills game 2. Security for 70,000 + peolpe is insanely hard. Even if you have 1,000 cops (which is INSANELY high ... I think it would probably be more around 100-200 cops/game) that would still only be 1 cop for every 71 people.
  6. Call it a hunch but I think the Ralph has about 71,000 more "students" than LaSalle has.
  7. This is the NFL bro ... a team could go 0-16 for 10 straight years and not sell out 1 time and then start out 2-0 in the 11th season and the stadium will be sold out and the fans will be back strong. Thats how it is. The team isnt losing "support" ... just ticket buyers. If they start out 2-0 next year, the sales will be right back up.
  8. Thats not another incident. Just a re-cap on the same incident from before.
  9. I thought we werent due for one until 2017 .. hmm .. if your right, I must have been way off in my thinking.
  10. I love the Bills ... but I think im going to make some money this week betting on Indi.
  11. Well the Bears gave the Dolphins how many turnovers? 6 I think? (i cant remember the exact ammount)
  12. HAHA if anyone saw the recap and can upload the video, post it here. The clip showed Randy Moss on a 30-40 yard throw down the sidline jumping up and about to catch the balls by his fingers and 2 Seattle players smashing him simultaneously and him not being able to catch the ball and they say something like that. I was stunned.
  13. I cant believe one of the announcers just said "Why cant he catch the ball" after showing 2 plays of Moss dropping balls while being pounded by 2-3 Seahawks player as soon as the ball touches his finger tips. For goodness sakes. Any receiver would have dropped those balls. I do feel bad for Moss. The team sucks. He says they really dont care (he is on the inside, he probably knows more than us) and Moss really hasnt caused much trouble in the past 3 years.
  14. I would take the NON QB vick over this QB Losman anyday. While Vick "took so long to develop" he still helped his team win and make the playoffs. Largely off of his legs. LET JP RUN!
  15. Colts are my "2nd team" (I guess thats the best way to say it ... AKA the team i root for when the Bills dont make the playoffs) and watching the games every week I hardly EVER see Harrison catch a 3 step inside slant. If anything its a quick screen and ONCE in a great while a quick 3 step slant.
  16. All of those stats were from last year ... AKA 8 games ago. Brady didnt burn Clements at all this year. In fact Brady torched McGee quite a bit though I believe. And NO ... Im not going to judge players intent. I dont know if you have some newly invented "heart-o-meter" that attaches to your TV and tells you if someone is really playing or not, but I see a player who has shut down CB's for the past couple of years (with a few exceptions of course) and took 14 points away from GB, by tipping a Favre pass into Simpsons hands for an INT and tipping a long would have been touchdown play to driver.
  17. I just showed you stats showing that is NOT what Clements is all about. You dont hear Clements' name to often in a game this season because his receiver is not catching many balls. He misses a tackle now and then, but so does everyone. I remember the game your talking about, but im not sure who was covering him. It would usually be Clements. Didnt Brady just throw 4 INT's? Oh he sucks!
  18. OH YEAH! I remember that (kinda). I think he was actually AT the pro-bowl and on TV.
  19. Ah well. Their goes any respect your posts would have received. Clements covering Steve Smith: 3 receptions for 55 yards, 0 TD's Clements covering Andre Johnson: 3 receptions for 18 yards, 0 TD's Clements covering Randy Moss: 3 receptions for 43 yards, 1 TD Clements covering Eddie Kennison: 4 receptions for 41 yards, 0 TD's Clements covering Ashley Lelie: 1 reception for 40 yards Its not all about INT's and flashy plays. Its about shutting people down. Do you really want me to go into talking about McGee's receivers stats? Ill start with his horrid showing against Roy Williams in Detroit and then go to him being benched against NE.
  20. If the Ravens with Dilfer or the Dolphins with Fiedler can do it then we should be able to do it also.
  21. A KICKER questioning someones leadership. Thats funny. Oh well. Kelly use to throw some guys under the bus too. I like that.
  22. McGee is NOT just bad because the D-line is. If that was the case then Clements would be bad too, and Clements has only been burned about once all year. McGee gets burned about 3 times a game. Clements' receiver only gets the ball about 4 times a game. McGees' receiver (whoever that may be) gets the ball about 10 times a game. JP has had plenty of time MANY times. People are not getting open. You would think with Evans being double covered Reed or Price would get open. But no. They dont. Take off the rose-colored glasses.
  23. Oh so its all "talk" ... nothing from the players or coaches?
  24. He needs to give Fairchild the middle finger and start running whenever no-one is open. Screw this "stay in the pocket" crap.
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