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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. "Changes" by Tupac "Brenda's Got A Baby" by Tupac I know I broke the rule by posting 2 songs in one post, but I figured it was by the same artist so why not.
  2. What a beautiful, level headed play by Vanek. Took the puck, re-directed it towards the middle of the net, and then pushed it in.
  3. This has NOTHING to do with me. I dont need to feel better ... but guess what? That baby cant feel anything. Because that baby is dead. Oh I see. Well yes my religious beliefs definately take a role in my position about abortion but does not completely control it. I have a question for those on this thread before we move forward: Are you against all pro-life ideas or just ones that include rape?
  4. Its probably a good idea for you to watch the Chi-Miami game before we continue this discussion. It would make you realize that Miami defense "turnovers" were more of Chi dropping and throwing the ball into no-where. One of Grossmans INT's he threw about 10 yards short. It was ridiculous. All the DB had to do is stand their and catch it like a kickoff. Their was also 2 other fumbles where it seemed like their was some type of slick substance on the ball, with the ease of it coming out.
  5. Who are the 3+ published scientists?
  6. oh wow .. i dont know how I dont remember these.
  7. Who is our average QB? Did we sign someone?
  8. I dont remember any homework threads ... agh well
  9. Your arguements are simply weak. You pick out one word in a post and go with it. Learn to read the entire post and come back with some knowledge. P.S. our posts per day are nearly the same. Go learn something. You dont believe they wont remember that rape for 9 months? Try years, a lifetime ... etc. Go to google.com and search "escaping hades" and "surviving to thriving" and read the stories. Baby or not that lasts a lifetime. Your second sentence is what I dont understand about people. Babies dont have rights. Women do. But they will once they are born.
  10. I disagree. I have seen times where guys were charged (or came close to being charged) with similar things to this. Once a buddy (i was their) simply jumped in front of his girlfriend to beg her not to leave (she was mad at him for something, cant remember), never really touching her just pleading with her not go and the police said he could be charged with something similar to a "physical confrontation" I dont believe I will ever have an interest in criminal law.
  11. Right because it is even more "classy" to kill an unborn child because of something he had no choice in. Yep. Thats CLASSY.
  12. It usually evens out for me ... week to week.
  13. By your logic Jim Kelly was just another average QB. Get over yourself. Dan Fouts? Are you kidding me? In 8 1/2 seasons Peyton is about 1 1/2 seasons away from topping Dan Fouts career passing in 15 seasons. Manning already has more TD's in 9 seasons than Fouts had in 15. Manning has a 7% higher completion percentage than Fouts. Lets face it. In about 2 more seasons Manning will place in the top 10 in pretty much every reasonable statistical category for a QB. Now if you want to talk about him not winning a SB. Then fine. You will just be categorized as one of those people who believe winning the SB (a 60 minute game, one time a year) is a zillion billion times more important than the other 230+ other games a QB will probably play in his career. Now dont get me wrong. While winning a SB is the goal and is a GREAT accomplishment, it is mainly a TEAM accomplishment. Winning a SB doesnt fall on one players hands. It falls on a team. Not sure you if you havent noticed but ... Manning doesnt have a defense. Stop hating ... even I (who really disliked Miami) can admit Marino was one darn great QB.
  14. And we all knew our great liberal/religious hater/supporter of everything non-moral would come to put down the arguement.
  15. Re-read the first two paragraphs of my post. Nothing about God. The woman does not have to keep the child after birth. Give the child up for adoption. WOW!
  16. ... will this cause a change in the line?
  17. I would have agreed with you a few weeks ago ... but lets face it. JP has had some legitimate time to throw the ball the past few weeks. Of course there have been some sacks where he has had no time ... but for the most part he has had time.
  18. If the Bills win (cross your fingers), we would have to score more like 24 points (atleast). If you think we are going to hold the Colts offense to 14 points then you are insane. The Colts have only scored 14 points of less 7 times in the past 4 seasons ... an average os less than 2 times a season. I think its good that you have optimist for the Bills to win, but I GUARANTEE we will not hold the Colts to 14 points or less. Ill put big money on it.
  19. Way to be ignorant. You know very well I was talking about McGee getting torched every game.
  20. I live in Rochester and im about 70-80 miles from Orchard Park. The article says Santa Clara is about 30 miles away from San Fran. So tell me how it is like the Bills moving to Rochester?
  21. Get real guys. If we were 22-2 in the past 2 years with the best QB in the league, and had just came off of wins AT Denver and AT NE, and we were playing an Indi team who's QB has sucked, RB is hurt, OL & DL sucks, one CB gets burned every game and whos only 3 wins were VS teams with a combined record of 9-15 then the Buffalo news would write an article very similar to that one. Get over it.
  22. You forgot: "P.S. Bills fans. You will probably get a new stadium somewhere around 55 years from now. .... ............................ HAHA!" Thats better.
  23. Thursday will be my 2nd day completely off from either college/or work in the past 8 days. I get pushy. When you wake up at 9:30, college until 3, work until 10, and then you do it all over again, you start to get angry at life in general. My appologies. ha . while your point is made, I (starting this thread) did not purpose it to be about him being small ... it just turned out that way.
  24. Wow. Im speechless. I really cant believe that. Edit: Reading further, it says Santa Clara is about 30 miles from San Fran. That would be like the Bills "moving" to Batavia. Not as much of a big deal as I originally thought.
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