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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. What is wrong with you? He is right. Jeez.
  2. 21 seconds into Overtime. Beautiful.
  3. Why would you book a flight leaving so early after the game? Plane status' suck. I always (if I am going somewhere to watch a play/game/event) book the flight many hours after the event is over. That being said, plane status's suck.
  4. I dont know anyone who counts his day of conception as his actual "birthday"
  5. Its been over 6 hours ... Common - I use to love her
  6. Yes, but you dont "sell-out" just to get people to buy your album. Thats ridiculous and Jay-Z isnt any good either. He is the most popular rapper right now but he is not on the same level as BIG or Pac. Not much else I can say about it though, other than, their is a reason why Tupac WAS and STILL IS considered the best rapper of all time.
  7. Dont get me wrong ... I LOVE this Sabres team .... but I sure do miss fights that like that in Sabres games.
  8. The Bills put the ball in the endzone against the Bears. Have you ever played organized football? Well here is the thing that offensive lineman (like I was) LOVED about getting a short field. When your going agianst a better defense, and you have to drive 70-80 yards to score, that means you have block perfectly and be physical for about 10 plays. On a short field, you only need to do well for about 3-4 plays. Not to mention your less tired because you didnt just march 50 yards downfield to get where you are right now on the Bears 20. Thats football. If you dont believe in luck, then watch the music city miracle game one more time.
  9. Just like you said "duh-quicks-ers" .. though its not French.
  10. No I actually never mentioned BIG and I dont even think he popped in my mind during those posts. Yet now that you bring him up ... sorry to say but those lyrics are elementary compared to Tupac. Even in 94,95,96 when the feud was going back/forth BIG was known for this melody driven rap and his poppy sound (mostly recognized in "Biggy, Biggy, Biggy, cant you see? Sometimes your words just hypnotize me" Tupac wasnt about poppy songs that stick with people. He was about WORDS that stick with people. Not only were Tupac's raps better, his poems beat out anything BIG wrote in his songs.
  11. ... and I would tend to agree with him. I believe that anyone who judges someone to be a "thug" because he got shot in the back of the head, is in fact a classless person (at this at that particular time/post/speech). Maybe President Kennedy was part of a world wide drug trafficking organization and thats why he was assassinated. What a thug.
  12. Bro, I usually have your back, but what you said in that thread was simply wrong. Devils Advocate or not, you are implying that Pata was a thug and you have no sympathy for him. Which place has more "thugs" or "gangs?" Hamburg, Buffalo or South Florida? Easy answer. South Florida. The place you live can mold who you become. Again your infering that Pata had thugish relations and performed thugish actions. One of the best posts of that thread. Are you serious?
  13. Find where he mentioned your name in his post. Do I really have to explain it ... by using the word WHO it implies that the classless posters is NOT everyone but only WHO referred to Pata as a "thug" ... how is that so hard to understand?
  14. Except for the fact that he was referring to (and I will finish the sentence) "who claimed Bryan Pata was a "thug""
  15. You cant be serious. You are saying that HE is over reacting for giving the guy the benefit of the doubt while the rest of the posters (not all) on this board are passing judgement on him?
  16. Wouldnt it be more like his 19th B-day? 75/4 = 18.75? Well anyway.
  17. Shortly after, members of the college had abortions, committed adultery, and yelled aloud swear words at small children ... after all. It is their right.
  18. Can you explain to me what you mean by 75th trimester? Maybe Im just ignorant on the subject, but when I think of tri, i think of 3 ...
  19. Someone posted this link on another board, so props to them ... But I couldnt help but be proud of Hasek after seeing him come skating down the ice at full speed to join the fight ...
  20. Very much agreed. Eminem I liked but only because of the humour ... now he has turned very serious and I kinda blanked him out of the picture. Rap songs now revolve around a few themes: 1. How many "ho's" they can get 2. How tough they are and how they will kill you (Tupac actually wrote "Im NOT a killer, but dont push me") 3. The money they have and thus the girls want them Its total garbage. Not to mention nearly every beat sounds the same these days.
  21. The song is just amazing. I cant think of another song that has more powerful lyrics than "Changes." It still amazes me when people refer to his death as "just another rapper dying" ... it wasnt. His death pretty much (with the exception of a few inlcuding Common), ended poetry in the rap genre.
  22. It is really beginning to become disheartening hearing this crap on the streets of Rochester. For the 7th time THIS WEEK, someone has been killed in Rochester. Unbelievable.
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