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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Everyone was on Garrard's bandwagon also until he faced the powerhouse Texans where he threw for 4 INT's and 0 TD
  2. You should be banned from talking about JP. When your simply talking Bills football you have something intelligent to say once in a while. Yet once you start talking about Losman, every bit of common sense goes out the window.
  3. Gave Us The Best Chance To Win It was meant to keep Manning off of the field.
  4. This is true. He picked up a ball that was lying on the ground and ran.
  5. Dude. Follow me. The convo me and him had was from a DIFFERENT thread in which he bet me that the Colts would lose to the Patriots. Straight up. I won. He asked for double or nothing. I gave him my picks. He picked the Vikings. I won again. Now in actual betting with online bookies, then I dont just bet straights. I bet pointspreads, straights, and teasers/pleasers. Understand what im saying?
  6. Dude. I KNOW I am annoying to some people on this board .. but you take the cake. You are leading JoeSixPack for tard of the 2006 year. 1,000+ posts of crap about Losman.
  7. Where has he been all year? The last time he played poorly enough to influence the outcome of the game was more than 2 years ago against Jacksonville. He has been solid all year long. Just because he doesnt put up gaudy INT stats doesnt make him any less of a player.
  8. He put us in position to get a field goal (which we got) ... so if not for that then the score would have been 17-13 ... is that a blowout?
  9. Indi: Ranked 3rd in passing defense Ranked 32nd in rushing defense Hmm ... what should we do? What would keep the game close? Hmm ...
  10. That was the way we did it the 1st week AND this week. You were the one who jumped the gun and figured it was with a spread. I went 4-4.
  11. HAHAHA your last line cracked me up ... that philosophy has gotten us to where we are now. As far as 2 games ... Clements usually plays well against top WR's. I believe he shutdown Steve Smith to about 3-4 catches last year also.
  12. Right because the coach's pay is directly proportionate to how he will do with the team. Go tell that to John Fox (1 SB, and 2 playoff appearances), Jack Del Rio (12-4 last year and and barely missed playoffs the year before that), Levy when he first joined the Bills and the list goes on.
  13. But hey if we resign him we would have to pay the good player, good player money ... and Buffalo is all about NOT doing that.
  14. Im actually 4-4 right now going into the NO-Pitt game. Where did you get 1-6 from? Ill let him do triple or nothing if he wants though.
  15. The Colts are my 2nd favorite team ... but it doenst take away the frustration over this Bills team.
  16. Wasnt Peyton and Co. moving the ball down the field at 5 yards a clip and kneeled down at the 20 some yard line with over a minute to go? Or did I miss something?
  17. He has missed 2 clutch field goals ... this one (which wouldnt have mattered) and one against Pitt 2 years ago. WOH!
  18. Well, I know Bills fans wont be happy until he gets 28 interceptions every game, but he had another solid game. He shut down the best(?) WR in the league and held him to 2 catches for 21 yards. Which BTW is the lowest he has been held since LAST SEASON.
  19. Even if we scored a TD, were only up by 6 and I have a hard time believe McGee and Co. would stop Peyton within 2 minutes, which is where he excels.
  20. Good post. I have a hard time believing coaches "lose a step" ... its not a very physically demanding position. STOP posting
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