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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Thus why I never brought up busses ... another poster did. I just responded.
  2. Whether it happens in 1 year or 1,000,000 years it doesnt mean that we arent actively trying to stop cars/busses from pushing out harmful exhaust into the air.
  3. Isnt that what millions of dollars is being invested into ... cars/busses that use less toxins and rely more on battery power?
  4. Even when your outside ... I can be walking down the street and still get a huge puf of smoke in my face. One persons "freedom" should not infringe on another persons right to live a healthy life. By your thinking, there would be no DUI limit, no drug laws, ... etc
  5. Maybe you should read this: http://www.lungusa.org/site/pp.asp?c=dvLUK9O0E&b=35422 Technically its illegal to possess marijuana. I dont believe I have ever read anything about it being illegal to be under the influence of marijuana (other than driving) ... DWAI ... Personally I believe if the U.S. government could find a way to tax the stuff, legalizing it really wouldnt be such a problem. If you get in your car and drive after a few more glasses ... then yes. But normally speaking, a glass of wine wont hurt OTHER people like cigarettes do.
  6. Thats exactly what I was thinking ... and always think when people post pictures of nearly naked females on this board.
  7. I prefer some team called the Buffalo Bills #2 #3 #4 #5?
  8. Stay far away from any video clip website when trying to evaluate talent. The difference is that when you are down by 17+ in an NFL game, you have to be a VERY good QB for a chance to come back. That is college ball he is playing and winning.
  9. There related because the Pledge Of Allegiance, is your PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE to your country government) .. I think thats what he was getting at.
  10. They have Read To Die by BIG, but not All Eyez On Me by Pac.
  11. We have the worst 0-line in the league? We are 20th in rushing offense 4th in sacks allowed So I would say atleast 3 offensive lines are worse in giving up sacks and about 12 offensive lines have gotten their RB's less yards. Pretty hard to argue that we have the WORST offensive line. Not to mention, our offensive line changes every year. Having a cohesive, intact unit is key to a good offensive line. McNally hasn't had that.
  12. I was actually going to say "nice (and probably true) assumption" .. but way to be an ass.
  13. Hack on him? Of course not. But dont call it a perfectly defended play. P.S> the "foolish" comment was directed toward the "photoshopping" thought
  14. haha OK then ... go watch the play for yourself ... slow it down .. and then you will realize how FOOLISH this is!
  15. So Im guessing your moving to Indianapolis and cheering for the Colts?
  16. Yeah it takes time to fastforward to that part of the game ... freeze frame the the pic I want, and then take a picture. Then upload from digital camera card to computer, then login to google albums and post them.
  17. I do have Adobe Elements, but I assure you that I did not touch those photos.
  18. You seriously think I photoshopped those photos? Thats hilarious.
  19. You could make the same arguement that if McGee had turned around in time, that he could have actually picked it off with that "perfect" throw. Heck the ball was only two foot away from him.
  20. On some plays I would agree with you ... but listen to this. Champ Bailey plays balls great, because he doesnt read the WR, he reads the ball (paraphrasing a commentator) ... he watches what the ball is doing. Not what the WR is doing. Manning throws that ball about 1 second after he snaps it. Yet it takes McGee 3 seconds to adjust. If he was watching the play he would have realized from the very first second the ball was coming HIS WAY ... why do you think the Colts dont score EVERY time they try that play? Becaus a lot of CB's realize what is happening in time to bat it down.
  21. I cant argue with that. One thing I will say though is this : McGee gave up 4 catches a TD to a good 2nd WR ... Clements pretty much COMPLETELY SHUTDOWN a HOF WR.
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