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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. From NYC.Gov Please notice how I said "in most areas" though ... certain districts do differ.
  2. Hate to break this to you, but is illegal for a police officer to threaten harm to anyone seeking information on their name or badge number. Welcome to law 101. P.S. In fact it is unlawful for a police officer to not give his name and badge number PERIOD ... in most areas.
  3. Right. And when he dies (I believe), he will be judged. If you DONT believe that then consider this. The wall of fame is for FOOTBALL. Not for the community. What he did outside of the stadium should not touch what he did INSIDE the stadium. He WAS a great player and IS deserving of the wall of fame ... if Neil Armstrong goes on to kill a person should we say that he was NOT the first person on the moon ... I know its extreme but Armstrong WAS what he WAS, and OJ WAS, what he WAS on the field. Now if their is some "oustanding person" wall of fame that he is on, then YES ... he should be taken off of that one.
  4. Ok so if Science is something that must be PROVED to be true (not just not falsifiable) then Evolution is not science either ... because Evolution can not be proved. What I MEANT by my comment is that their is evidence out their that hint towards intelligent design .. it doesnt mean it proves creatonism. Just that their is some small evidence. Such as the universe in general. If the earth was ever so closer or ever so further away (from the sun) and we wouldnt be able to live. Thats a possible *hint* towards creatonism. People who say it is not are just trying to argue for the sake of arguing. The Big Bang ... seems a little funny to me. If you want to believe in evolution then fine but dont try to say that a large bang caused millions of stars is not somewhat ridiculous. Anyway, anyway ... if you want to just read "interesting" (notice how I did not say TRUTH) facts look at this website http://www.icr.org/ Jump off of a building and tell me how that goes. What I really wonder is that *IF* (I believe) God is real and you guys always rejected him .. well .. I pray for you.
  5. Evolution is a THEORY of science. Its not fact. I hate to break it to you, but their are scientific facts that seem to point toward intelligent design. I cant remember their names but there were scientists who were evolutionists and then became creationists after finding a ton of info pointing towards it.
  6. OK. What dont you get? Im not the typical church going, holy water, Christian nut. What dont you understand about that? I dont go to church. I stay home and sleep then wake up to watch football. I havent been baptized. I dont believe in purgatory. Im not a nut! What I AM. I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was crucified as a sacrifice for our sons. I believe he is my savior. I worship him by praying, and singing. Thats IT! I try my best not too judge people ... but hey ... im human and I make mistakes just like everyone else. In fact you were the one who judged (or thought less) of me by saying that I wasnt one of those "nice people" who would give. What makes you say that?
  7. It relates to your post because if it is all hypothetical he wont be charged... usually.
  8. From the article: So yeah I would agree he is probably #1. Its the CFL.
  9. He wont be admitting he did it in the book or the interview. Its all hypothetical.
  10. Are you listening to what your saying? When I walk to Wegmans there are people outside smoking. I breathe that. When I walk out of work its the same. Going into and leaving college is the same. Same at Bills games. I guess I could just stay in my house the rest of my life, but then I would be on this board even more And how about the small children who have no choice but to live in a house where their parents smoke?
  11. He is not on the wall of fame for his personal moral attributes, but for what he did for the Buffalo Bills on the playing field. For THAT, and that alone, he deserves to stay on the wall.
  12. ha! what a way to advertise yourself ... "calling anyone willing to beat my ass to get a PS3 ... i have one now and its in my hand" over and over
  13. Agreed ... if I had the money to buy a system in the first place, I would have done the same thing.
  14. I dont know where you live, but where I live there ARE smokers everywhere. If you walk down a street you are bound to pass at least 2-3 smokers ... same on the other side of the street. The world is not that small, but I live in NY, Rochester specifically and Rochester in comparison, IS small. Over 40 million people smoke in the United States. How you can take what I say and twist it is amazing. This all starting with you saying "cross the street" and me saying "their is a smoker over there too" which led to a mini-rant by you about the WORLD (i thought we were talking streets?) is not small.
  15. To be honest I cant really argue with most of what you wrote above. Most of it is true. I must ask though. Why do you I am not a person who would do something nice? This may be a stupid question, but ... do you believe in God or take part in any religion?
  16. This whole time I was under the assumption that he said they should try him for violating his civil rights in a civil court Thats just my fault for not reading correctly.
  17. I figured you could all see him on ESPN ... or the stat charts as he is rising to the top. But HEY! He has a bad attitude!
  18. Ah. Mix up of words. Its been a while. Although to be honest, I have never heard of a right to life charge going against a ... ah , nevermind its not worth it. None-the-less. Its actually really simple. Criminal case you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt ... civil its just a preponderence of the evidence. Basically you need 3 less jurors to side with you.
  19. You can sue someone in civil court if you believe that violated your civil rights ... A civil court is primarily for monetary restitution. You (the defendant) has made the plantiff damaged by what you did to him or a family member of his (deceased) and he is suing you for monetary damages, so that he can become "whole" again. I believe OJ was tried in civil court on a "right to life" charge and was found guilty ... forced to pay 30 some million.
  20. Right because you giving me advice to "cross the street" so some guy can infest his lungs with cancer is a much better comment than myne about their being smokers on both sides of a street.
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