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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Sorry. Was typing a bit to fast. Meant "illegal" ...
  2. I thought that is where you are suppose to say something like "Jee thanks. I dont know how I could have went on without you agreeing with me" ...
  3. Worshipping? Jesus freak? I have told you this a few times but I will tell you again. Thats not the type of person I am. Please do not try to lump me in with the nuts of the Christian body. In fact they would (and have) called me a heretic. They believe I am against everything they stand for. I dont go too church very often. I dont like the plastic smiles and the fake everything that is associated with it. I dont read the Bible as much as you would think ... and I try to never shove my religion down other peoples throats. Many people say I do so by saying such things as "abortion should be illegal" ... well maybe so, but guess what? Im not perfect, nor are you. I try to be a decent human being and not an ass to anyone spells something wrong or doesnt agree with my religion. In fact Im starting to think that you simply dont like me because I am a Christian. Big deal. Why you have to be an ass to everyone who 1. Doesn't agree with you or 2. Doesn't spell a word right. So just share it. What is your problem?
  4. Do you scroll the board looking for things to be a jerk about? Is it possible that you could just NOT respond to things that would cause you to be an ass? Im not someone who is going to start swearing at you and try to act all tough online, but jeez man ... what is the deal? Fair enough. To be honest the only reason I asked is because im not far enough out of highschool to truly tell yet.
  5. I dont exactly disagree with what you said, but do you remember much of what you learned in highschool?
  6. Oh well. I cant make people like me.
  7. Dude. Read the other posts in the thread.
  8. Sorry man ... I will try not to disturb you as much.
  9. You wanna know what ... alright (refer to first quote in signature)
  10. Yep. Which is from Random House Unabridged.
  11. Sorry. For some reason I didnt post the whole thing and I dont know why(??). I was trying to say Websters and Random House Unabridged. Sorry. Anyway. From Random House Unabridged came my definition of science and Websters is similar. Look it up for yourself. Im going to take a wild guess and say you simply dont like me ... why is that? Have I ever done anything to hurt you in any way? If I bother you, why dont you just ignore me?
  12. Your so pathetic it has me laughing. Your on a message board, critisizing grammar. You harp on the fact that I belive in God (even though you have ZERO clue on my stance about it), and to be completely honest you sound like a 14 year old in your comebacks. Why act like this? Its immature and adds nothing to the conversation. Then you laugh about a tragic situation that left kids without any parents? Give me a break.
  13. Well there is an answer.
  14. Of course he is going to be beat once in a while. Heck, I can show you two times in the past 2 games that Champ Bailey was beat. Have you been to any games this year? If you do go, please just pay attention to Clements all game. You will see him in a different light then when you watch him on TV. The broadcasters dont give him credit when he just blankets receivers all day long. They just pay attention to the 1 or 2 times he gets beat for a 10 yard gain or something. As I said, I cant remember a time all season he has been beat for a TD. Can you?
  15. Not sure ... very good question though.
  16. He has been blanketing wide receivers all year long ... heck I dont remember him even giving up a TD yet this season. Just because he isnt flashy doesnt mean he hasnt come to play.
  17. Actually reading comprehension must not be YOUR strong point ... all I said is that you BROUGHT HER UP first ... As for the 2nd comment ... your ignorance is over-whelming. I cant remember the last time I read The Bible.
  18. Your such an ass its unbelievable.
  19. Yes I understand ... as I said. Its not very funny.
  20. I dont really find that funny ...
  21. You brought it up first ...
  22. I was thinking the same thing when I read that ...
  23. Websters and Unabridged dictionary ... what do you use?
  24. Not that I know of ...
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