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Posts posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. People. Please. In 2003 we had the 8th ranked run defense. No playoffs. In 2004 we had the 7th ranked run defense. No playoffs.


    Forget about the defense for right now. I would rather build up the offensive line. I dont know who it is but I would want the best, YOUNGEST Offensive Lineman if I had to pick one player.

  2. :(  :doh:  :doh:


    the bolded part still leaves me stunned that Nintendo has not fixed/started/got this going yet.


    I asked why you thought that, and then we got into our discussion. You mean to tell me that the author said everything that you talked about?



    Yes but then you said


    "My main point in all of this is that it is not unexpected that Nintendo is where they are at given the circumstances that surround the release of the Wii."


    While I UNDERSTAND what you are saying, what I AM SAYING is that dont you think the article author, the "pro" for lack of a better term, didn't think of the that? He probably did and realizes that there is no excuse for a system to come out, publicly saying it offers a service and have it slow, no games, faulty browser ... etc. You also said it needs to be set to a certain channel. Dont you think the author thought of that? THATS what I was saying when I brought up the author. He probably thought of most/everything of what you said and STILL decided to give it the review he/she did ... for a REASON. He has probably been around long enough and knows enough about systems to know that this one fell short in certain areas.



    I do.  Do u? :lol:  Why do you hate the Wii so much?  It's the best family system ever.  Even my aunt and uncle who don't let my cousins have a video game system enjoy the Wii.  I don't think an Xbox can do that.



    Thats actually the most truthful comment you have had in this thread. That is EXACTLY what the Wii (and pretty much all Nintendo systems) is/are. The Wii (as the article author said) is a good children/family game system. I doubt you will find many (if any) hardcore gamers going at it with a Wii. :( . Sorry, that just sounded weird.

  3. I was responding to a comment that YOU freaking made, so why are you blabbering about this article's author?



    No. You were responding to a comment that I made about what the AUTHOR said. Most of what I said was from the author!!!


    Man!  U really think the XBOX is the greastest think ever.  Have u ever tried the Wii?



    Actually I have now. Not my thing.


    That being said, you never seem to have ANY idea what your talking about.

  4. Are you using it wirelessly?  Thats built into the Wii, and that is what the wireless channel issues determine.  There are many different wireless adapters for the Xbox 360, including some which don't work all that well and others which work better.


    Wireless networking has all sorts of kinks based upon hardware/router compatibility. 


    Some routers don't work with the 360.  Microsoft started an Xbox Live Compatibility program in order to certify them.


    I understand that there are bugs, and in a perfect world there would not be any bugs.  However, there are plenty of bugs with the Xbox Live! service that I've run into in my time of owning a 360, and there are also plenty of bugs with the PS3's network as well.

    That is because Microsoft and Nintendo took separate strategies in releasing their online products.


    Xbox Live was NOT released for a year or so after the xbox was released.  This gave game developers time to adjust to the new system and then develop online services based upon Xbox Live.


    Nintendo, on the other hand, chose to include it in their console.  If Nintendo's service required a fee to play online, I'm more than positive that Nintendo would not have released any online services yet.


    However, given that it is a free, brand new service in a brand new console with a brand new controller, it is not unexpected that the kinks are yet to be worked out.


    Except that the Gamecube didn't have online play. 


    The Phantasy Star Online games for the Gamecube *did* have online play, but it required a special adapter not provided by Nintendo, and it was not built into the console.  Also, the console did not have a network built into it.

    No, thats not true.  The Wii isn't about focusing on online play, its about focusing on a new style of play which is different from the 360 and the PS3.


    Nintendo is launching their online system in a different generation than the PS2 and the Xbox.  Both of those systems did not have functional online play when they were launched, just like the Wii doesn't have it now.


    This is not to say that the Xbox Live service on the 360 isn't superior.  It obviously is.  If you want to play online/FPS games, the 360 is the best choice.  For a different style of gameplay and something new, the Wii is the best choice.


    My main point in all of this is that it is not unexpected that Nintendo is where they are at given the circumstances that surround the release of the Wii.  This is their first generation of true network support, and they are not focused on network support.  To be surprised that they haven't come out with a completely working online service at launch is to just not understand the industry very well.



    The funny part is that you dont think the guy who does this for a living (the guy who wrote the article) didnt think of everything you just noted before he wrote the article??? Give me a break. He knows what he is talking about. He has probably reviewed every other system for many years. The NY Times and About are reputable companies. They are not going to allow just any smoe to write any article.

  5. He plays like an average an NFL cornerback for at least 3 complete seasons, and then suddenly looks sharp in the 2nd half of his contract year. I'm not saying thats DEFINITELY the cause of his improved performance, but I do question whether he'll bring the same intensity to whatever defense he's a part of next season. In other words, it looks a bit sketchy to me.  :nana:


    I guess I'd still be aggressive and try to re-sign him though. We just can't create another position of need on this team when we can instead hold on to the hope that Clements will play at this level consistently from now on. I'd take my chances with him.



    Average CB ... look at the "average" WR's he has shutdown the past 3 years ... names including Porter, Smith, Johnson ... etc

  6. :nana:


    I like that you are keeping track of my ratios.  If you're bored, I can give you some more work to do.



    I did it once ... and once you do it its not hard to see that when someone posts 5 new threads in a 48 hour period, that the ratio is probably going to go down. :nana:

  7. I have an easy prediction for Petyon Manning:


    He'll be referred to as Peyton Marino in 10 years.


    I'm sure he'll own all the passing records achievable but he will never win the big game.


    I'd bet good money that Eli will win a championship before Peyton will.



    Ill take that bet. $20.



    Daq are you Ben Franklin or does this poster have a thing for stealing?



    No im not that poster.

  8. and whereas I can't think of any neighborhood a black man couldn't walk, there are several black neighborhoods that mean guaranteed harassment and/or violence if you are white or Hispanic.



    Its funny you mention this because that is what the media makes people think. You watch movies like ATL and Boys In The Hood or whatever else and it seems like people are made to think that the situations in the movie are 100% true and happen in every black neighborhood. I have quite a few black friends and they constantly refute this (your & others) theory. A few of them have lived in some very tough neighborhoods where murder, rape, stabbings ... etc happened quite frequently throughout the year. They also said that the rumor of "if your white and you walk down there your gonna get blasted is not true" ... they talk about how most of the murder comes from broken drug deals or vengeance for someone elses murder over a drug deal. Of course there are SOME neighborhoods in SOME places that are like what you decribed. Thats a sense of "pride" or becoming a true "gangsta" ... it gives you rep ... but those are NOT the majority. In fact they are the very small minority. So unless you or others have BEEN to those neighborhoods you speak of its probably best to not lump them in with the worst of the worst.

  9. My question was more asking why you were surprised that the web browser and weather didn't work yet.  Some bugs are preventing it from working, and they aren't fixed overnight.


    As far as it being "unreasonably slow", thats most likely because the author of the article didn't bother to find out that Nintendo recommends routers be set to either channel 1 or 11 in order to function at full speed.


    Xbox Live is fast and you dont need to set your router to any certain channel.


    Its not a surprise that the Wii doesn't have any games yet that let you play online.  The console just launched, and for the first time ever, a traditional Nintendo console will have networking capabilities.  The console also has a brand spanking new remote unlike anything ever seen.


    Please read what you just wrote and realize the fallacys in it. If you come out with a game system and it has online capability, dont tell me that there is no games available for it yet. When Xbox Live came out they didnt say "Well yeah. There it is. But sorry, there is no games for it yet. And its really slow unless you change it to a certain channel ... and well. The browser is really a mess right now."


    It is not like people can base their code off of old online and controller code in previous Gamecube games.  These are brand new features which will take time to develop.  The big time spent in game development I'm sure is to create something that works with the controller.  If that means that online gameplay is cut in order to make a release date or for budget reasons, it'll happen.


    Considering Gamecube games are compatible on the Wii, I dont understand why it wouldn't compatible online.


    The point of the online capability being there is that the online capability is there.  Games will be made for it, and online play will come.  Yeah, there aren't any games out now, but they are in the works and will come.  Well, hopefully, anyway.



    You realize that everything you just said points to that the Nintendo developers werent ready for release?

  10. The bolded part still leaves me stunned that Nintendo has not fixed/started/got this going yet.


    Why, exactly?


    Microsoft's Xbox Live service has had issues with downloading movies/tv since it launched. The PS3's network is absolutely filled with bugs.



    Complete difference. Xbox Live experienced problems for a short time and then dominated th market (PS3's live service always was worse). Second of all, Wii has NO games that let you play multiplayer online? Whats the point! The article says it is "unreasonably slow." So lets review. It takes a long time to load, is very slow, you can only send emails, and there are no games to play multiplayer online with. :wallbash:


    On another note I am probably going to buy my nephews/niece one for Christmas. Its a good system for children.

  11. I was just looking at Losman's splits on ESPN.com in response to another thread on this board discussing a comparison between him and Jake Plummer.  While checking it out, I just noticed his redzone #s were daaaamn good.  It's been awhile since we had a QB who didn't sht his pants near the endzone.


    Too bad we have only been in the redzone 26 times (3rd last).  I mean, we have only scored TDs half of the time, so by no means is JP crushing it.  But his numbers ain't too shabby.


    17-25 68.0% 7 TDs 0 INTs 117.7 rating....plus 1 rushing TD.


    Rating compared to the top 5 rated QBs:

    Romo: 98.6

    Manning: 90.0

    Palmer: 101.3

    Huard: 101.5

    Brees: 72.5


    Could mean nothing, but I thought it was pretty cool.



    Its funny because a few threads ago you said I liked to start a new thread whenever something popped into my head. This is your 5th thread in the past 2 days and your "threads to replys" ratio is dipping lower. Go figure.

  12. I realize that odds change based on where the money is placed, but is it generally wise to plunk down before the Thursday injury scratches are published?



    There is some relevance to that, but for the most part you know when a key player is out or not. If McNabb slides out of bounds in a game the previous week and is carted off of the field, then NO I wouldn't bet on Phili the next week unless I knew for sure it was just something minor and he would play ... but if it is Indi and there #3 WR is questionable, I could care less. Harrison, Wayne, Addai (been on fire lately) are all fine, then I'm not too worried. See what I mean?


    P.S. I dont put large amounts of money down before Saturday anyhow.

  13. I've a question. I mean absolutely no disrespect, so please don't take this the wrong way.


    When trying to counter points that non-religious folks may make, is there another source of information to quote and/or reference besides the bible?  Agnostic and atheists lack the faith required to believe that what the bible says is divine.  It's a circular argument.


    To you, the answer is easily answered in Genesis. To someone that is on the fence, the next logical question is "what makes Genesis right? What backs that up?"







    When asking a question about God, of course someone is going to repond with "Gods Word." If it was a question of the world, I wouldnt respond with the Bible.

  14. Which album do you suggest?


    I can always go for a little faith-based music, though I get really annoyed when song after song is about the same thing over and over and over. And I don't mean that to be a slight on Christianity at all....I mean it to be a shot at the musicians. I think Jesus Himself probably gets sick of hearing about "Calvary" and some of the other overused themes that can be found in damn near every song somtimes. I just think there are many, many ways to express a Christian viewpoint or write about Christian life without using the same buzzwords time and time again. I hope you know what I mean....



    Haha. You have some good points. If you were to pick up a copy of a Casting Crowns CD I would probably suggest their first CD (self titled).


    Otherwise, I shall repeat again. My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade.

  15. They should and better.  We should try and trade up to get into the top 5 in the draft.



    And who do you propose we get with that high draft pick?



    Yeah, cause the Minnesota offense looks great with Hutchinson  :)



    Minnesota has the 14th ranked offense in the league.

    Buffalo has the 31st.




    Well, we could trade Willis for something.



    You love to follow the crowd huh?

  16. It's accurate.  The Wii will dominate everyone soon enough. :)



    Stop saying stuff that you cant back up. PLEASE!


    The Wii will NOT dominate and it most likely will not even beat Xbox360.


    Moving on: About.com review of the Nintendo Wii is EXACTLY what I was thinking it would be. This from the article:


    "The difference in graphical quality between the Wii and the other two next-gen systems is immediately apparent in side-by-side comparisons. Simply put, the Wii will never look as good as the Xbox 360 or PS3. In fact, you'll be hard pressed in the launch lineup to find a single title that looks as good as Resident Evil 4 for the GameCube."


    It does go onto say that they dont believe bad graphics necessarily turn a good game into a bad game though. I agree.


    Like all the next-gen systems, the Wii has online capabilities. They're also untestable at launch. With no games that support the Wii's online multiplayer abilities, there's no way to judge how well Nintendo has managed to compete with Xbox Live or the PS3's online support. The News and Weather Channels are not functional yet, and Nintendo hasn't released the Opera web browser for download. Connecting to the network is sometimes unreasonably slow, and is limited to the Wii's Virtual Console and the ability to send e-mails.


    The bolded part still leaves me stunned that Nintendo has not fixed/started/got this going yet.


    The Wii's other online feature has to do with communicating. The Wii allows you to register your friends and communicate with them. You can register the friend codes of other Wiis, which allows you to send them messages from your system, or you can register e-mail addresses and send and receive e-mails from people on your friends list. Typing on the system is done using the Wiimote pointer with an on-screen keyboard, and while it sounds cumbersome, it comes more naturally than you might expect. You'll never be typing 60 words a minute, but it's not too painful to produce a short e-mail to say hello. Compared to the mature offerings of Xbox Live, though, which allows voice messages and even video chatting, the Nintendo Wii is still a ways behind the curve.


    Well yeah. I dont think anything can beat XboxLive.


    While I'm an avid fan of the Xbox 360 and games like Gears of War, the Wii is the system I'd recommend the average parent buy for their children if you're looking for a good gift. It has a childlike appeal that is simply hard to match.


    Completely agree. Any Nintendo system is great for children and young teens.

  17. (flea17 @ Dec 7 2006, 03:43 PM)

    Well, Kelly drops in now and then and defends Willis for reasons only he knows, but Peter has since disappeared.  I'm sure they'll both chime in and say Marv has no clue as well.


    Actually if you read the article you would see that Dawgg conveniently left out the part where Marv said (paraphrasing) "Its a combination of things. The OFFENSIVE LINE ... etc"


    I've been saying this this season and last, consistently.  Not only that, if his running is subpar, what do we have in him?!  He's a terrible blocker, non-existent receiver, terrible short yardage, so what DOES he do so well that these guys defend him game in and game out?


    His blocking has gotten remarkably better. Non-existent receiver? Maybe because he has gone through 3 QB's since he has been here, and all of them were below average. They all locked in on their primary receivers. Terrible short yardage? Every short yardage situation I can think of, the offensive line has been stood up at the LOS. Cant blame McGahee for that.


      This guy is a big part of the problem, has been for 2 years.  It's pretty clear when a castoff guy like A-Train can play better football than Willis.


    A-Train can play better than McGahee? Jeez dude look stuff up before you say something. A-Train's three full games he played the #32, #17, and #16 ranked rush defense: Thats an average of the #22 ranked rush defense's in the league.


    McGahee you might ask? He has played the #3, #7, #27, #1, #2, #22, #3, #5, #6 ranked rush defenses in the league. Thats an average of the #8 ranked rush defense's in the league.


    Now evaluate what you said again.

  18. Tissue time? :blink:


    I notice you don't espouse NC as much lately, I guess that's because you don't need to.....it must be a nice feeling having him vindicate your faith in him so definitively.

    I'm hoping we re-sign him ASAP......each week he is becoming more & more expensive. :)



    Well I don't want to hear people talking about how I have some sort of man love for Clements just because I was right since the beginning of the season on how valuable he is.



    Those guys were awesome!  I believe that was the Canadian air force...........probably all of it    :w00t:


    With the wind, I was waiting for one of those guys to land in the crowd, or better yet get hung up on a light standard



    The first guy really did seem like he was going to land just right of the scoreboard endzone back pylon. I don't know if you noticed but the last guy to land had prosthetic legs!

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