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Posts posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Ouch...I hope someone out there is playing Jones-Drew in fantasy football.


    Question though, do you bet online?  Where in the world did you (a) find Indy at +2 and (b) get an 11 point teaser?



    Yes I bet online and the site I use gives teasers up to 20 points. One week I won a teaser with the Colts at +15, Broncos at +20, Saints at +22, and I think it was the Chargers at +4 or something (against Raiders).

  2. Got any pictures of your stuck car?

    By the way, NO cars got stuck at Hammer's PARKING Lot.

    Thanks for the support.



    No pictures, sorry. Someone pulled over and lended us some rope(?) and my bro-in-law who had his hummer with him pulled us out.


    I have looked for your lot before ... just havent had the luck of finding it in time for the game.

  3. No, I don't necessarily think the author thought of that.  I've read plenty of reviews from places like EGM and others which ran into the same problem without knowing to switch channels. Just because they are "credible" does not mean that they don't screw up.  Given the wide number of people who don't know about the wireless channel issue with the Wii, including "journalists" whose reviews I've read in other sources, I have no confidence that he knew about that.


    Remember, also, that these people are on a time schedule.  It needs to be published ASAP, and not all of the information when they are reviewing the systems is necessarily out yet or widely known.


    Case in point:  PS3 reviews were overwhelmingly positive if published before/the day of launch, and negative afterwards.  Why?  The PS Network wasn't able to be reviewed yet.


    Im not going to debate this any further if your not going to give any respect to authors who have been reviewing game systems/consoles for years.


    Really?  Based upon what, you not liking it?  Anecdotal evidence?


    No one knows yet for sure what is going to happen with console sales.  I know plenty of people who own a Wii and a 360.  I always get the Nintendo console and whatever other console if theres another one.  In this case, its a 360.  Many employees in the industry are buying Wiis instead of 360s/PS3s.


    The evidence shows that there is a contingent of hardcore gamers who will be buying a Wii.  How many will we have no idea, as its not like there are real widespread surveys asking this.



    1. There are many high-profile games that the Wii doesnt offer (currently: Halo, Gears of War ... etc)


    2. IGN ... one of the leaders in game reports/publishing ...etc had this to say from the editor: "Contrary to what you believe, Wii games for the most part ignore “hardcore” gamers. Just look at its lineup. It’s filled with games like Elebits, Super Monkey Ball, Duck Hunt and Excite Truck."


    3. Reports of this have already began to be published, but the way the Wii remote/controller is now configured it makes it more strenous on the hardcore gamer to play high-itensity/movement games for long periods of times (aka tournaments).


    4. "whereas people intrigued by the Wii are mostly casual gamers. The console is marketed as a fun, cheap system that's easy for anyone to pick up and just play. The graphics are not the selling point, the innovation of the Wii-mote and nunchuk are." Geek.com


    Now dont get me wrong. If you like the Wii then good! But dont be blind and act as if its a hardcore gaming system ... but of course knowing you, you will come back and blindly defend the Wii, and trying to discredit every source.

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