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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. I know a lot of states recognize fetal homicide through nearly every stage of the pregnancy but im not sure exactly how many or which ones dont (if any).
  2. Wow. Note to self: disregard everything BuffOrange says about betting from now on and keep riding your own winning streak. End note.
  3. As Bungee said the answer to your questions are all "yes" ... and atleast 37 states now have 'fetal homicide' laws. Yet abortion is OK. I just dont get it.
  4. Sorry I didnt make it more clear ... those are all the picks I will probably bet on ... but I will be doing probably 3 different parlays of 2 or 3 games each. See what I mean? Baltimore is overrated? They have beaten San Diego, NO, Cinci, Atlanta, and Pitt by a combined 63 points. Those are teams win a combined 36-24 record by an average of over 12 points a match. Indi I agree with on principle ... but I dont see them losing to a team that Buffalo and Houston(2x) beat.
  5. Im riding a 3 week winning streak ... gotta keep workin ahead.
  6. Well the first attempt failed miserably (most likely due to the fact that it was so close to last weeks games) so lets try this again. Who does everyone have this week? Im doing a few different parlays consisting of: Baltimore +3 Atlanta pick Titans pick Colts -1 Seattle Pick
  7. Arent they moving the press box to add more seats though?
  8. Nearly 15,000 more people there than was on Sunday too.
  9. Because we have PROVEN in the past that with a great defense and poor offense, your not going anywhere. We need an offense, of which we havent had one since the first half of 2002.
  10. Well its certainly not the *top* priority.
  11. Bingo! Heck reffing a high school game can be challenging. Think about how fast an NFL play happens. You have to be fast with those calls. I cant tell you how many times I thought a receiver caught a ball and a ref called it incomplete and when they slowed it down, the ball actually did touch the ground. Its a tough job and they are good at it. Great post. I agree and I posted in another thread about this a few months back. ON THE OTHER HAND: NFL Refs make between $1,500 and $4,300 per game ... thats a lot of money for 3 hours of work.
  12. We had a top 10 rush defense for 2 or 3 straight years ... and in those years we didnt make the playoffs once.
  13. Well if thats how you feel then its only "logical" to not charge people with a double murder if they kill a pregnant woman. Correct?
  14. Ha. OK. Since this board has turned into a grammar critiquing clinic ... That was a great post of YOURS.
  15. Yeah. The NFL is gonna shut down this message board because we know the secret! Haha ... What do you mean "pushing" outcomes? Im sorry man, but there would be wayyy too many people having to keep quit. If the NFL was pushing wins, I cant help but think that the Colts would have won the SB the year that Manning broke those single season records and was league MVP. No its not a huge stretch of the imagination ... but neither is us not landing on the moon. To answer your question, why dont they? I dont know. Maybe because it would take WAY too much time if every play was reviewable, and especially if ANOTHER referee had to do the reviewing (any remember the Sabres game a few weeks back where it took them about 10 minutes to review a call. that was painfuly long) You guys are talking about a multi billion dollar a year company (in a sense). If they were altering (or 'pushing') the outcome of games in their favor there could be some HUGE consequences.
  16. I love when people bring up conspiracy theories like this.
  17. I cant say I agree with you on that one.
  18. Give us a break dude ... that is clearly not his domain. If the referee who was closest to the play does not throw a flag, what is Ed supposed to do? Come 20 yards across the field and throw a PI flag?
  19. I believe we would have to give up a ton to get Turner ...
  20. Out of all of the refs in the league, Ed Hochuli is one of the few I can very rarely complain about. He usually calls a great game. I for one wish we could have him more often than we do.
  21. No comments? Wow. Who does everyone else have?
  22. I made the key reference very large ... people change. Furthermore THAT is coming from the guy who posts ONE new thread for every 10 Reply's to someone elses thread. I post ONE new thread for ever 24 reply's to someone elses thread. But yeah, Im the one who posts everything that pops into my head. And as far as any of my threads being the same ... well ... looking through my thread/post history the only posts that are the same are the Clements/Betting ones. All others are different.
  23. "Whereas DirecTV’s all-inclusive package, the “Total Choice Premier,” costs $99.95, Time Warner Cable’s all-inclusive equivalent, the Total Digital Premium, costs $101.95, almost $12 more. Mind you, both of these prices are simply for “one receiver.” However, DirecTV’s package fee does include the monthly DVR subscription. Time Warner Cable, on the other hand, charges an additional $8.95 for their monthly DVR subscription fee. " http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5...vs_directv.html http://www.connectmydtv.com/directv_vs_cable.html
  24. Yes. The most profitable sports league in the country is stupid.
  25. You may be right ... but there are WAYYYYYYYY more urgent needs than getting a better RB. Once we get atleast a "better" team, then we can look for a superstar RB that will make all of you happy and giddy inside. P.S. Tomlinson has rushed for LESS than 80 yards 9/16 games last season. Tomlinson has rushed for LESS than 4 YPC average 9/16 games last season. Tomlinson has rushed for 1 TD or LESS in 11/16 games last season. In 2004 his stats were similar to those above. In 2003 his stats were similar to those above. In 2002 his stats were similar to those above. In 2001 his stats were similar to those above. McGahee last season had 8/16 games wit LESS than 80 yards. Thats one more game than Tomlinson. McGahee had 9/16 games with a 4.0 YPC average or less. The SAME as Tomlinson ... In fact since 2004 Tomlinson has had 23 games with 80 yards or more, while McGahee has had 18 games with 80 yards or more ... and that is with McGahee starting SEVEN less games. Anyway. My point is not that LT isnt the best RB in the game ... because I believe he is. All I am saying is that you cant give up on someone just because they are not living up to your standards. Give me a break. I have probably defended McGahee in less than 10 posts ever.
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