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Posts posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. All I have ever said was not to overpay the guy. when you first started you Nate ballwashing he was playing well, but doing nothing special and didn't do anything to deserve the amount he wants. It would not have been that hard to find someone who cold play around that level for far less money.


    Now he has shown he can be a playmaker, and deserving of being payed rather well. He has now shown that he is worth spending that little bit extra to keep.


    You don't overpay a player who is good some of the time, it can get you in cap trouble very easily.


    And as stated many time before, no one is saying to let him walk, they are just saying that because of how he was playing, don't overpay for the guy. But in the past couple weeks, he has become the playmaker that is deserving of what he is looking at getting payed.



    Right. You can find CB's who can consistantly shutdown big game WR's consistantly like Clements has done. :(


    Everytime I hear other fan talk they speak of how they "need a CB", "need secondary" , their teams "pass defense sucks" ... we finally have a darn good one and were willing to let him go.

  2. 1. Stats do not show his play. Granted, half of his are poor QB decisions, the other half are passes that his WRs dropped, or deflected. I wish the NFL would show INTs that are not the QBs fault.


    2. Good receivers is one thing. Having time to pass to them is another.



    Oh OK. So by that logic Losman is really 2,500 yards 15 TD's and 6 INT's ... nice!

  3. Maybe I understand the playoff tiebreak wrong, but doesn't this is one of the scenarios that Bills go to playoff?


    In this case, Bills beat Jets based on better conference record and KC beat DEN because of better division record. Then, Bills wins wild card over KC because of better conference record.



    Thats what im thinking.

  4. Okay so I checked out the playoff scenario drawn up by professional Bills nerd Chris Brown and found his analysis to be thin and containing a lot of Bills-friendly what-ifs.  Here are my predictions for how the rest of the season will likely shape up for all AFC "contenders."  By my good sense, the Bills are out of reach...(home games capitalized)

    TEAM    WEEK 13    L3Opp    Outcomes    FINAL REC


    NE        9-4            HOU       Win             10-6

                                jax         Loss     

                                ten        Loss


    BAL      10-3          CLE        Win

                                pit          Win

                                BUF        Loss             13-3


    SD        11-2          KC         Win              14-2

                                sea        Win

                                AZ         Win


    INDY    10-3          CIN        Win              13-3      

                               hou         Win

                               MIA        Win


    CIN     8-5            ind         Loss             10-6

                               den        Win

                               PIT        Win


    JAX    8-5             ten        Win              10-6

                               NE        Win

                               kc        Loss


    And the following teams finishing 9-7 will be- NYJ (minW, miaL, OAKw), KC (sd L, oak, W, JAX W), DEN (azW, CINL, SFW), BUF (MIAW, TENW, balW)


    with TEN (JAXL, bufL, NEW) and MIA (bufL, NYJW, indL) finishing 7-9



    Do you have a link for Chris Browns playoff scenario?


    edit: nevermind I found it



  5. It will be fun to look back in 6-8 years when the PS4 and XBox 720 Extreme (I took a few liberties with the title) will be copying the interactivity of the Wii. The first "true" next generation system will combine the interactive elements of the Wii with the Hi-Def graphics of a PS3 or Xbox 360.



    Xbox720 Extreme ... :P Thats pretty good. You should send that too Microsoft for consideration.


    Next gen systems probably will have interactive elements ... no doubt. Although I do doubt that it will be like the Wii with the remote and nunchuk.



    Yeah, I've never heard of Metroid either.  :(


    And Crimson Skies?  I've never even heard of that, so I don't think lumping it with Zelda and Halo is such a good idea... :beer:





    Metroid ... Is that a joke?


    Crimson Skies was extremely heralded and popular when it first came out, but then it died down.



    You mean fat dorks might actually have to use more muscles then their fingers? Just horrible.



    I guess you could look at it that way. Or you could look at it in the sense that certain people (whether smart or not) play these games for 6-8 hours at a time. I do once in a while when playing at my bro-in-laws house with the guys. After 6 hours of that constant movement with the remote, it is going to get tiring. Thats all.

  6. Theres a huge difference in playing like a $25 mil corner and wanting 50 mil than playing like a $40 mil corner and wanting $50. For the past 2 years, up until a few games ago, nate was playing like a $25 mil corner. Its only been the past few games that he's stepped up into the 40 mil range.



    I agree with you except for I think that he has been playing like a $35 mill corner the past few years and a $45 mill corner the past 6 weeks. You have to remember that Inflation is hitting the NFL hard.

  7. It seems like only a couple years ago, the salary cap was in the $60 million range.  The increases are becoming out of control.  Guys like Schobel are getting absolutly screwed because they signed deals 2 years ago and the cap has gone up 30% since then.  Keeping Clements, Kelsay, or Fletcher is going to be very difficult because there is so much cap space available to the 32 teams.  It has gotten to the point where a billion dollar owner is a necessity in order to keep up.



    Thus why I welcome Tom Golisano. I say Ralph makes him part owner now and upon Ralphs passing, Tom takes full reigns of the team.

  8. Nope, we're pretty much in the same boat there. Neither Marino nor Kelly got a ring.... but Losman and Harrington aren't fathoms apart either.



    No, not fathoms. But they are apart. Put it this way. Harrington has started THREE TIMES the ammount of games as Losman (more experience) and in his 5th full year in the league he still has worse numbers than a QB in his 2nd full year with 40 some less starts?



    Fins passed on an injured Brees, for an injured Culpepper. And if you had to choose a QB with an injured shoulder, or one with an injured knee, which would you pick. Hindsight is always so clear.



    When that QB's main attribute is scrambling with the ball, then the knee injury is much worse of a situation than for others.

  9. Losman: 2,348, 14 TDs, 10 INT, 84.8 RTG.


    Oh, I can clearly see I was retarded in thinking Harrington was doing alright.  :( Losman is so clearly the next Marino. Or is that the next Kelly... I suppose that all matters on how many Superbowls he plans to lose.



    Your kidding right? 4 more TD's than INT's and a 85 QB rating is worse than 1 MORE intereption than TD and a 72 QB rating. :P


    BTW: are you saying that having 1 AFC Championship ring and 0 SB rings is better than having 4 AFC Championship rings and 0 SB rings?


    Boy the people around here are getting weirder.


    P.S. Coulda had Brees.

  10. So Clements is assumed to have been playing well because you never heard him get his name called. That could be true, but that is not someone you OVERPAY to keep because you can get that from others. You Overpay for guys who are PLAYMAKERS, guys who get on the highlght reels and make the picks which is something Nate is doing NOW. Like I said no one was saying not to re-sign him, they were saying not to overpay for him because he wanted top CB (or even top NFL) kind of money, and for the way he was playing, he didn't deserve it. Now he deserves some big money because of his play.


    I'm going to try to explain this differently. Lets say you work in an office, you constantly do yor job and exactly what you are supposed to do. It comes time for a new contract. The company is going to give you the going rate for a person doing your job. Now lets say you come in and do everything your supposed too but you also have secured multiple big accounts for the company, have come up with a bunch of new money sving ideas and have helped the company out in other ways. When it comes time for your new contract, the company is going to give you a better contract just because they don't want to lose you because you bring something extra to the company.


    The first part of that example shows Nate in the first half of the season, playing his position and doing a good job. The next part of the example shows Nate in the second half of the season, playing well, making the big hits and key interceptions.




    Ok. So basically your saying this:


    Nate has always done a GOOD job at his position and has shutdown wide receivers like Steve Smith, Johnson ... etc but it was not until he past 6 games that he became a true PLAYMAKER. One that can break a game open? Correct?


    So now we are going to let him go to another team because we dont want to potentially "overpay" a GOOD player ALL the time and who is a PLAYMAKER some of the time? That is the type of thinking that has gotten us to no playoffs in the past 6 years. We need to stop getting rid of players because we dont want to overpay them. Think Pat Williams, Ted Washington, Antoine Winfield, Sam Cowart ... etc


    I don't know whats worse, the constant, I told you Nate was great attitude, or the Nate clements Man love you keep posting


    :(:P Find me two other times I bragged about me being right about Nate.

  11. 2. Has McNally salvaged his coaching job here at Buffalo ?



    I dont think McNally's job was ever in jeopardy to anyone but the fans. There is a reason why many have said that he is the best OL coach in the game when we picked him up.


    I guess to Nate, 6 terrific games, cancel out a season and a half of spotty performances.



    :( Refer to this post for my answer to that.




    You're replacing Clements with a 3rd round pick who has yet to do anything in his rookie season with only 3 games remaining? :P



    Ditto what he said.

  12. Man, how far have these teams come since the last time they matched up. The Fins finally found aa quarterback, and I wouldn't want to be playing Buffalo if I were playoff bound...


    Enough politeness. Bills Suck.



    The Fins found a QB? Really? Who?


    Harrington: 2,100 yards, 12 TD's, 13 INT's, 72.9 passer rating.


    Surely not that guy.

  13. And the Lord said "shut up."  :(


    I feel that we could stand to write and speak intelligently while enjoying our football, that's all -- particularly when the meaning of a word is completely changed when it isn't used it correctly.


    If it's that much of a problem for you, I'm terribly sorry.


    Go Bills.



    Since when do you consider me the Lord? :P


    If you feel the need to write "intelligently while enjoying our football" then do so ... but quit judging other people who dont feel like it.

  14. Exactly.


    I just don't think we can afford the guy.


    When we let Winfield go, I was all for it--because I wanted to spend that money on re-signing Clements rather than Winfield. But the fact is that Clements will command a monster salary (perhaps the biggest contract in the whole league). How are we going to be able to pay him that kind of money?



    :( Clements will probably be looking for about $50 million. The biggest contract in the league is more than double that.


    How do you we pay him that kind of money? Well perhaps we actually SPEND some of the nearly 30 some million we will have in un-used cap space. Its really sickening to go year after year after year dumping players because we dont want to pay them.

  15. At the time you started those posts, he wasn't playing half as good as he is now.


    And most people weren't against re-signing him, they were only against overpaying for him



    Thats one theory ... OR he was playing just as well as he is now except he wasnt doing all of the flashy stuff that gets the announcers/station to notice him, such as the huge hits and batdowns.


    If you cared to pay attention at the games late last season and earlier this season, you would see that Clements has been blanketing his receiver every since he dominated Steve Smith last year. He just wasnt having those chances for huge hits and batdowns ... mainly because the QB's havent been throwing to his side since then. In fact I cant remember him giving up more than 1 TD total in the past 17-18 games. Can you?


    Its tough to see how good a CB or S is doing unless your at the game, because the TV station and announcers are most likely going to be paying attention to the other, more high profile, players on the field.


    Im sorry to break it too you and everyone else, but Clements has been as solid as a rock since week 11 or so last year and every game this year. It's not all about that huge INT or that bone-crushing hit. It is about being consistantly solid in covering your receiver and taking that WR out of the game. Clements is probably in the top 3 in the league in that category.

  16. :nana:  :lol:


    Sounds a bit uppity, doesn't it?


    What are you?  10-15 years your nephew's Sr.?




    Discard the blinders and you will have a lot of fun!





    I have no "problem" with Nintendo systems or the Wii ... but I take it as it IS, and I dont try to classify it into categories it simply does not fit in. Hardcore gaming and Nintendo consoles simply dont fit together. There is a reason why Nintendo consoles are commonly not found in national gaming tournaments.

  17. The !@#$ you talking about?


    Zelda is beloved by all sorts of gamers.



    No doubt. I was actually laughing at Super Smash Bros Brawl and Wii Sports. Nintendo is mainly known for Zelda and Bond. Thats about it. When you think of Xbox you think of Halo, Gears of War, Crimson Skies ... etc.


    Although I dont know much about Zelda, one reviewer basically said (paraphrasing) "Although Zelda is beloved by many, it is not a game that the hardcore gamer is likely to be downright enthused by"

  18. Just wait until Super Smash Bros Brawl comes out.  We could say Legend of Zelda and Wii Sports are games that people, like myself, are really going at it.



    HAHAHAHA .. do I even need to say anything else? That is too funny.


    I am buying one for my 7 and 8 year old nephews though.

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