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Posts posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Wow. Do we hate or what? Manning and his 'theatrics.' Manning and his poor post-season play ... etc.


    Guess what!! Manning statistically is one of the best ever. Manning (after he wins a SB) will be considered one of the best ever. Manning has been in the playoffs how many years straight? And in those years, how many times have we been in it? OK then. Dont get me wrong. I'm a die-hard Bills fan, but the hating on Manning is ridiculous and plain chilidish. Grow some balls and admit he is a great QB.


    BTW: I cant remember who it was who said that his theatrics made him more noticable ... well ... I dont know about you, but I kinda thought his 64% on his passes (better that Kelly's), his 33,189 yards (only 2,000 from Kelly in 3 less years), his 244 TD's (already more than Kelly) or maybe it is just his 93.5 rating (better than kelly's). While Im comparing him to Kelly ... Kelly Superbowl Wins (0) --> Peyton Super Bowl Wins (0)


    So please ... before you hate ... consider what your hating.

  2. Okay, you weren't.  I expect you to produce photographic evidence, then, of any NFL DB anally penetrating any NFL WR - or otherwise coercing them into uninvited sexual activity - at any point in history.


    If you cannot do this, then your statement is hyperbolical.


    THAT'S the meaning of the word.  Feel free to add it to your vocabulary.



    The definition:


    rape1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rp)


    1.The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.


    2.The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.


    3. Abusive or improper treatment; violation:


    These are the 3 explanations for rape ... I choose #3 ... thus no evidence required. If you watched that game you would know that.

  3. Certainly.  Do you?


    "exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally."


    Bringing up the concept of rape in a discussion about illegal contact penalties = hyperbole.



    Yes but I wasn't exaggerating ... did you watch that horrid game? Was it the Division playoff game or the AFC Champ game a couple of years ago? I thought there was going to be charges brought against Law for the rape of Marvin Harrison and company.

  4. I don't see them getting past the Panthers. Just a hunch.



    hmm ... Im not sure who is going to win the Panthers/Bears game tomorrow ... If I had to bet money I would put it on the Panthers ... but thats gonna be a good game I think.


    ... and I really dont know if Carolina's defense can stop the Colts offense. It is the best offense of the past 10 years in my opinion.


    And if the defense can play well, I think they can stop the Panthers offense. Lets face it - the Bills shut down Steve Smith and nearly beat the Panthers. Freeney should have a pretty easy time getting too Delhomme ...


    Colts - 31

    Panthers - 20


    If I had to guess

  5. See you went and put the word pure in there, and that gets me thinking Marino, the best  pure passer ever...


    Who would you rather have as your QB:  Marino, or Montana? 


    Same question, only 20 years later:  Manning or Brady?


    Yep, I'd take Montana too.



    It depends on the team. Most of the time I would take Marino. He was the better QB. Put Montana on the Dolphins and see what he does. He would'nt have won a Super Bowl either. Put Dan Marino on the 49ers and I bet he wins nearly as many as Montana did. Thats the point. Most of the time it is the team around and the system - Marino was a better QB than Montana and Manning is a better QB than Brady. But Montana and Brady have a better team and a better system.


    That being said, I think Manning will be better than Marino after this year, because I think he will have a SB ring at that point.

  6. But that wasn't in January, as I recall.



    You do know what a hyperbole is ... right?




    They could have had the chance to play the Colts again in January ... but ... oh wait ... the New England Patriots lost ... Tom Brady didnt ... the Patriots did. :(


    In my opinion, I think the Colts are taking it all this year. I just think its going to happen. I suppose we will see though.


    I think Vic Carucci said it best about Peyton Manning



  7. Three rings to none. 10-1 in the playoffs and unbelievable in the clutch. All things Manning is not.


    Manning is the better passer. Brady is the better leader.  I'll take Brady.



    Brady fits well into a system and is a better leader. But the question is : who is the better QB. Well that is simple. The better pure QB is Peyton Manning. In fact, once he wins a ring (if he does), he will probably be listed in the top 5 as one of the best pure QB's ever. I cant remember another QB who was able to read a defense as well as Manning can ... and this is coming from a Bills fan. Im not a biast Colts fan.

  8. Does he become illiterate in January?  How's that work?



    MadBuffalo kinda beat me too it. But here are my 2 answers:


    1. Until last year, the CB's could basically rape the WR's until they got the interception. Thus the 5 yard bump rule was reinforced last year (known well as the "Ty Law rule)


    2. He is going against a defensive mastermind in Bill Belichick


    BTW: What happened to the Patriots when they played the Colts this year?

  9. In my mind there still is no question who the best QB in the league is. And his name isn't Manning.


    I'm glad the Pats lost. I'm glad the love fest is over...but they will still be the team to beat as long as number 12 is taking the snaps in my mind.



    In my mind there still is no question who the best QB in the league is ... and his name IS Manning.


    His brain alone could'nt fit into Brady's ego. He comes up to the line. Reads the defense like a college student would read a 1st grade book and then exploits the heck out of it.


    Best QB in the league = Manning

    One of the best ever after he wins a SB = Manning

  10. What makes you think we are any different than any other cities fans?

    I dont think we are much worse than anyone elses and I know we are a whole lot better than most.



    Yes - we are better than a lot of other cities. On the other hand I believe we can be worse than others also. I still can not believe that we are against Jerry Gray after 1 season (out of the past 3) that we were not in the top 5 in defense.


    The fact of the matter is that I am stunned that we were in the top 5 in defense for 2 years with the horrid offense we had.

  11. Reading comprehension is your friend.  Don’t run away from him.



    You said


    Speaking of which, since you don't really understand the ins and outs of government (well, unless you've been a Congressman, Senator or President) you really shouldn't vote or have an opinion on policy.


    How am I reading it wrong?

  12. Let's all be blind followers.  Good idea.


    Speaking of which, since you don't really understand the ins and outs of government (well, unless you've been a Congressman, Senator or President) you really shouldn't vote or have an opinion on policy.



    We have a vote on the policy of the United States? Since when? That is unless your part of congress.

  13. I will not be satisfied until the bills at least make the playoffs, then an eventual super bowl someday. Until then, as a fan, I refuse to accept mediocrity and below.



    Agh yes! And by not accepting mediocrity, you mean that you will continue to post about the coaching candidate YOU want, and the play-calling YOU want .... good job bro - you will make a difference. :devil:

  14. The one thing about the fans here that has become increasingly annoying is the unrealistic view of everything.  If people are expecting the perfect Offensive line...the perfect play calling...the perfect QB...the perfect coaching....forget it.  It's not gonna happen.  Even the best playoff teams fail to get a running game going on occassion, call the wrong plays and give up sacks.  Stop thinking that every other team has such a better team than us because they really don't.  Alot of it is chemistry, luck and lack of injuries (and an Elite QB makes a huge difference).



    I also think that Bills fans as a whole need to stop thinking that they know everything about football ... when in reality, the ins and outs of an NFL team would probably shred their brains.

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