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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. I agree with the other 2 replyers ... for the most part. If the pat-downs actually were an effective way to safely regulate the stadium, then I would agree with them. But as it stands, the only thing they do is make mothers happy (that the NFL is being "safe") and long-time fans angry.
  2. For some odd reason, I think that the Bills will find a way to win this game. As if my opinion matters ...
  3. I agree with "e-dog" ... ... if we lose Nate Clements, then you will TRULY see how good he is. The few times you have to complain about the secondary every other game or so will become EVERY game on every other series. I personally believe Clements carries that secondary.
  4. That is a GOOD FAN!
  5. No. He is 3-4 (after today).
  6. How come Peyton Manning breaks records, and is the best QB in the league for the past 5 years and yet doesnt have a SB ring ... sometimes things just dont fall your way. Just my 2 cents.
  7. Wow - how sad. The guy is hitting nearly 81% of his kicks (17 for 21). He is 7-8 from 30-39 and 6-8 from 40-49 and 1-1 from 50+ ... How much more could you ask for from a kicker that is kicking in BUFFALO ?
  8. LOL! Funny you mention that - Im a senior, so I do still live with my parents!
  9. Sorry - I'm in the "rule mood" today. Does the opponent gain any yards when the offense fails to gain a 1st down when going for it on 4th? I always thought the offense got the ball back right back at the line of scrimmage. Yet NFL.com said "1-10-BUF 46 (3:32) One-yard difference on change of possession. W.McGahee right tackle to 50 for 4 yards (S.Knight, K.Bell)." Can anyone explain?
  10. Because useless knowledge could come in handy some day ... just ask John Carpenter!
  11. Wow. I could'nt imagine how it would go down when Owens complained about Brady or Belichik in New England. OUCH!
  12. Agh I see. Thanks for explaining - I love to learn more about different football rules in other leagues!
  13. I dont understand - does the CFL count Field Goals as 1 point? Sorry - maybe i just dont get the joke ??
  14. Trust us ... you really dont want to watch it man.
  15. Yes, but what if we went for the run and McGahee was dropped for a 2 yard loss like he was 2-3 other times this game? Couldnt agree with you more with #2 ... dumb move to pull him out
  16. Controversy isnt the issue for me ... the mental games he is playing with JP is my problem.
  17. TOTALLY DISAGREE! Sends what message? Sends the message that we just put your backup in to see if he could do the job, but he couldnt, so now your thrown back in? Come on. MM should have kept Losman in there.
  18. Mhm ... no matter what someone tells you, you will NEVER EVER EVER get better when you lose a huge star player who is the best in the league at his position. Are the 49ers better since Owens left? Maybe in the locker room, but not on the field. What would you pick? 1 - Fights in the locker room but WINS on the field - or - 2 - Peace in the locker room and LOSS's on the field I dont know about you, but I would take option #1 just my opinion
  19. Uhm ok ... this is odd.
  20. It was even worse watching some of it ... it seems like Daunte is just tossing it up and hoping for the catch like he did when Randy was there.
  21. I would'nt go as far as calling him flat out awful based on one bad game ... but I do think that we should have re-signed Pat Williams.
  22. It is an NFL rule ... not much the refs can do about that one
  23. Sorry ... im not an English major ... VABills ... i didnt see anything else like this ... my bad
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