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Posts posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Anyone anywhere. There are hundreds of stinking rich guys all over the place that would love to be part/minority owners of a team. I personally know of a couple groups who are interested in purchasing the Bills. Right now, they are not up for sale as far as I know.



    ... and Golisano would still be the majority owner at 35% ???

  2. You are right, a lot of owners might have moved this franchise long ago...we can argue all we want about how much virtue he has, as an NFL owner. 


    You are not right, however, that the NFL is the problem, not Ralph. 


    Whether we like it or not, the NFL is huge, the ultimate corporate sport.  Ralph helped turn it into that, and has reaped tons of reward for that.  Now, he is warning us that it ain't gonna last much longer, instead of thinking of ways to ensure that it does.  It may suck, it may not be fair to a city like Buffalo, but it is the way it is. 


    If the Bills, and the NFL are too big for Ralph at his age, why not try to secure local ownership (while he is alive to do it), or at least a local co-owner, who is up to the challanges of the modern age NFL.  It is not going to get smaller...Ralph is the problem right now.



    I dont know of any local person who is worth atleast a billion other than Golisano. Do you?

  3. Notice how the emoticon is outside of the quote?


    The emoticon was part of my post, NOT yours.  :w00t:


    See for yourself: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...382



    Haha ... my fault :P


    It was STILL suppose to be a sarcastic post though. People had (like you) been saying that I kept posting about Nate Clements (although there was only 2 threads up to that point) so after he had another good game i posted that.

  4. No, you *have* been arguing that.


    The Wii (as the article author said) is a good children/family game system. I doubt you will find many (if any) hardcore gamers going at it with a Wii.


    This PROVES that your not understanding what I am saying. I UNDERSTAND that there are probably hardcore gamers that own a Nintendo system. What I am saying is that when they are actually hardcore gaming its probably with there PRIMARY system, which would be *probably* the Xbox, Xbox360, or PS. Sure they might play the Nintedo sometimes, but I bet the Xbox/PS is played double or triple the amount of time the Nintendo is being played? Do you understand my words?


    Your new argument is wrong as well.  Most hardcore gamers have grown up with video games, and thus is becomes a way of life.


    What do they play when they are young?  You guessed it, Nintendo.



    Your last sentence is actually what I have been saying all-thread long. If I would have to guess I would say that Nintendo is found in the hands of the YOUNGER (ages 6-16) crowd much more than it is with the older crowd (ages 17-35).


    edit: example: LSI Cadets :P


    This ENTIRE debate comes down to ONE thing. We disagree on the definition of hardcore gaming. I (personally) do not believe someone playing a single player game, which most Nintendo games are, is a hardcore gamer. You disagree. THATS what it comes down to.






    Do you say anything intelligent or just ride on the coat tails of other people?

  5. Lets try and not turn this into a "The Bills are moving" thread like every other thread on this board. Lets discuss possible owners for the future, and what plans YOU would make if you were Ralph Wilson before he dies.


    Personally if I were running the show, I would try to get Tom Golisano to become a half owner of the Bills right now. Then upon the death of Ralph Wilson, Golisano would take over the full reins of the team.


    Who else has a suggestion?



    OK. So I tried to start a thread that does NOT include the thoughts of 'we are moving' and the mods put that thread into a 'we are moving' thread :w00t:

  6. I have started THREE "lets sign Clements" threads in the past FOUR months. I posted 1 other thread on the topic of Clements but that was showing a video of his great hit on Tom Brady years back.


    Im not sure how THREE threads in 4 MONTHS turned into "every friggin week" ...


    Sorry, I don't follow your posts closely enough to realize that it wasn't a new topic every week.


    I figured it WAS every week when you said started a thread with a post that said "Jus figured I would start the Nate Clements to be re-signed thread for this week ... flame away." :w00t:



    Notice the (:P) .. it was suppose to be a sarcastic thread.

  7. We are not talking about the term "Nintendo fanboi", we are talking about the term "hardcore gamer". You are saying that hardcore gamers do not play Nintendo's systems, I call bull sh--.


    I think this is the main thing we are getting caught up with ... Im NOT saying hardcore gamers dont play Nintendo. I am saying hardcore gamers dont become hardcore gamers THROUGH Nintendo.


    You're obviously not getting what im saying ... maybe im just not writing it right.


    Lets just put it this way. We disagree.

  8. "What plans YOU would make if you were Ralph Wilson after he dies...."


    If I were Ralph after he died, I'd just let the chips fall where they may. 


    Before then, I'd start dropping hints in the media so other potential owners might contact me to make an offer....



    Yep ... sorry. Bad wording on my part.

  9. Lets try and not turn this into a "The Bills are moving" thread like every other thread on this board. Lets discuss possible owners for the future, and what plans YOU would make if you were Ralph Wilson before he dies.


    Personally if I were running the show, I would try to get Tom Golisano to become a half owner of the Bills right now. Then upon the death of Ralph Wilson, Golisano would take over the full reins of the team.


    Who else has a suggestion?

  10. No, I'm not arguing with him at all, the Wii is a great family console (unlike the other consoles) and that is going to have its largest appeal.


    He doesn't mention that the Wii will have its niche market with hardcore gamers as well.  He's reviewing it as if it is a primary system, which it obviously isn't, but there will be a lot of gamers who pick up both a 360 (or PS3) and a Wii.


    By the way, since when did About.com turn into a gaming magazine and a really respected website?


    Well about.com is run by the New York Times ....


    And that is the crux of your problem right there.  You cannot make a differentiation between games designed FOR kids and games that are designed to be kid friendly.


    Mario Kart and Mario platformers are designed to be kid friendly, but are still complex and provide strong gaming experiences for adults and hardcore gamers.


    Another example is World of Warcraft.  That game is designed to be kid-friendly, and there are many, many 10, 11, 12 year olds that play the game.  Part of the terms of service includes banning swearing and other kid-unfriendly activities.  World of Warcraft IS hardcore;  at the same time, there is no blood, no swearing, and nothing else that would make it kid unfriendly.


    To show the difference, compare that to a game like Teen Titans, which I would never personally play and is a game made specifically FOR kids.  It is hardly complex, challenging, or fun for an adult to play.


    And there is the MAIN problem as you said ... we disagree on the terms of hardcore gaming. To ME, one of the main definitions of hardcore gamers (along with a few gaming websites I pulled up), is a type of gamer who spends much more time gaming than watching TV, spends most of his expendable income on gaming, is willing to pay $50 or more to enter a gaming tournament, and is someone who will get into hardcore matches with a bunch of people (small tournaments at your house or something)


    Now lets go through this. The Nintendo USUALLY does not even get close to selling as much as the Xbox or PS does. There goes spending. I PERSONALLY dont know anyone who spends more time on there Nintendo as they do on other things (other thn 10 and under kids), gaming tournaments dont have Nintendo so there goes the $50 entry slip, and I havent (to this day) heard of anyone getting together a bunch of friends for a long night/morning of hardcore mario kart.


    You hit it on the head by saying its NOT a primary system .. to ME, something that is a backup/fun/kid oriented system does not APPLY to the hardcore gaming world.


    You have yet to say exactly what that reason is, even after I laid it out for you.


    Nintendo focuses mainly on first person games without much multiplayer.  Zelda, the Mario games, etc are all designed to be first person.  The only exception are games like Mario Kart, which have limited party-based multiplayer beyond two people.


    Xbox and PS2 games have focused on multiplayer due to the online capabilities of their consoles, and have thus made significantly better multiplayer experiences.  That is not Nintendo's forte.



    Which is another HUGE point. Hardcore gamers play multi-player with friends all of the time. Thats huge.


    I think we are getting mixed up with this:


    You think the hardcore gamer is someone who plays singleplayer for a few hours


    I think the hardcore gamer is someone who spends his money on gaming, enters tournaments, and plays against people with a passion to win. Kinda pathetic, if you ask me, but thats my definition.

  11. You know me... I am just piling on... :beer:  :doh:


    But, if Nintendo has its way, "hardcore" gaming may change much to your chagrin...  And they won't have to start a money trail like Fez has commented on...





    Nintendo has'nt had its way in the past 10 years (Nin. 64)

  12. I understand with what you say, still very sad IMO.


    The "childish" games IMO, give you more pure gaming...



    And thats OK ... people get much too bent out of shape over this. If you like Nintendo then good for you. Enjoy it! But dont mistakenly lump any of Nintendo's game (with the lone exception of Zelda) with hardcore gaming.

  13. You are trying to narrowly define the term "hardcore gamer" to mean a type of gamer who likes shooters, especially multiplayer ones.  From what I have gathered in this thread, being a "hardcore gamer" to you means someone who plays Gears of War, SC: DA, RB6: Vegas, GRAW, etc. offline and online.  Lots of blood and gore, with most likely shooters as a main preference.


    You are also attempting to take a console which has a broad spectrum of appeal and pigeon-hole it into one sector of the market.  The Wii has appeal for hardcore gamers with the Nintendo franchises, and for families with its gameplay and kid-friendly franchises.  A lot of the Nintendo game experiences are excellent.  You will be hard-pressed to find better platform games than the Mario games, better action/adventure games than the Metroid series and the Zelda series, and a better arcadey kart racing game than the Mario Kart series.  The Mario RPGs (like paper mario) have been extremely well done, and Super Smash series is great fun if you want a non-realistic fighting game that is not restricted to two people.



    I believe what I am trying to say is not getting through by typing it ... I would probably have to say it for you to understand.


    What I think is the funny part is that you are arguing with the editor of one of the more respected and largest gaming raters/magazines in gaming today. I am sorry but Mario and Super Cart and all of those other games that are rated ages 6 and up, are not hardcore gaming type of games.


    To answer your question, YES, hardcore games are mostly shooters just as Gears Of War, and the other games you mentioned. If you dont agree then fine, but there is now way your going to convince me that Mario Cart, Mario, Super Turtle Boys, Johnny Goes to Magic Land or whatever other childish type games could be considered in the hardcore market ...


    As I said in another post ... there is a REASON why a lot of gaming tournaments dont take Nintendo gamers. Only Xbox and PS.

  14. And gets mad if he posted something buried in some obscure, off-topic  thread a while back, and some poor soul dare post and provide proper title to a newer subject... :(


    Sorry, daqx....be a bit more circumspect ,my friend... :lol:



    Not really. But if there is a thread and that thread has a lengthy discussion of a certain topic why post another thread about the same topic? Its just better to not keep the board cluttered. Thats all.


    Except on himself.  For a while there, he was starting a thread on Nate Clements every friggin week to say that the Bills should re-sign him



    I have started THREE "lets sign Clements" threads in the past FOUR months. I posted 1 other thread on the topic of Clements but that was showing a video of his great hit on Tom Brady years back.


    Im not sure how THREE threads in 4 MONTHS turned into "every friggin week" ...


    Some of you just don't get it.


    Dayquill owns the board.

    Everything on it is about - or should be about him - or it's something he must comment as it relates to him or his feelings and vast experience in his 22 years of existence.

    The rest of you should just back off and let him have his unobstructed path to 10,000 posts in two months. Of course they have meaning - HE posted them. How dare you think otherwise!


    Say what you will about him, but he does exhibit an amazing lack of self control.  :beer:



    :thumbsup: I dont try to come off that way. :D

  15. you must live in a world where logic takes a back seat, Let me know how that all works out for you. Say hi to crayonz while you're there.


    I am curious how my defense against INTs gives Losman another TD though.



    Dropped ball in the endzone by a WR ... you were talking about how Miami's receivers were dropping Harringtons balls.

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