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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. This must be in response to Frez's post ... lol
  2. TheDean made a very good point about Trent Dilfer above ... check that post out first. Second of all. Tom Brady was cradled by one of the greatest offensive minds that that I believe this game has ever seen. Charlie Weiss is a straight up genius. The New England offensive line is pretty good and the receivers seem to be consistent. There is more to argue, but it is too hard because you are so incredibly biased (thanks for the spelling correction by the way)
  3. Can you give me the background on that situation. Was Fox the head coach? If not what was he? Why did he quit?
  4. Well then why is Marino and Kelly in the HOF? The biggest (most remembered in my opinion) Bills playoff game ever was Quarterbacked by Frank Reich and Kelly never won a Super Bowl. And neither did Dan Marino. So why are they in the HOF? Their QB rating?
  5. I am almost starting to think that the Colts inability to win playoff games is partially because of Tony Dungy. Has he had problems with this, coaching elsewhere?
  6. Here is the thing The question I am asking is this: Who is the better QB? The better pure QUARTERBACK is Peyton Manning. If the question was: "Who has the better playoff record?" Then of course the answer would be Brady. Brady and his TEAM wins more playoff games. But Brady is not a better pure QUARTERBACK than Peyton Manning and stats can prove that.
  7. Yes - because telling the team website that the QB (instead of a man up-stairs), calls the plays is a HUGE deal ...
  8. Did his lineman block well today? .... crickets chirping .... no - they didnt ... that was a horrid job of blocking today BTW: Do you have a link for that?
  9. I wont blame him for that ... only because it is pretty hard to tell which coaches are going to be good and which are going to be bad. Just part of the game in my opinion.
  10. Wow. How did I miss that .... alright, a mod can delete this ...
  11. Here is another link ... from Tom Brady himself: (It is a question and answer thing on the Patriots website) http://www.patriots.com/mediacenter/index....d=13068&pcid=85
  12. ... do you think Tom Brady would be all fun and magic with the ball in his hands in our backfield? He isnt exactly a running QB. Its funny because Peyton Manning averages about 15 more yards scrambling per year than Brady does.
  13. With the Bills on TV in the background ... I cant remember exactly what it said but it was something about a Bills player being "dragged down at the 30 yard line" ... it is all done in cartoon or clay mation. Outside the flowers die and then they go inside and there is a women knitting or something and there is a big guy being lazy in a chair. The commercial is something about "What would we do without Sports" or something like that. Anyone else see it?
  14. Well. Brady does not call his own plays ... there were a ton of articles on this, but here is one of the ones on the top (http://www.senorcafe.com/archives/000135.html) Here are the stats: 3,607 24.6 TD 13.2 INT 61.9% 88.5 rating (Brady) 4,148 30.5 TD 16.2 INT 63.9% 93.5 rating (Manning) I personally dont consider 541 yards, 6 TD's, 2% more accurate and a 5% better ranking close. I just dont. 541 yards is TWO games worth of yards, 6 TD's is THREE games worth of TD's. Tell me that is close and I shall just laugh. BTW: Supporting casts? I believe YOU GUYS have a better offensive line than the Colts have. Not to mention that you are a Patriots fan and I am NOT a Colts fan. So you are definately biast. Also ... Charlie Weiss is an amazing O-Coordinator. Isnt it odd that the first year he is gone is the year that you guys dont make it past the 2nd round?
  15. I honestly can't remember a kick that was so incredibly bad.
  16. See, you are leaving out major factors. If he touched the ball on every offensive snap and also called the plays and HAD TIME TO THROW THE BALL and HIS RECIEVERS WERENT GETTING INTERFERED WITH then I would completely agree with you. But as it stands you are missing 2 major factors: 1) Until the end of the 2nd and the middle of the 4th quarter, the Colts offensive line failed to show up. He had very little time to throw the ball. Vick would have probably had trouble escaping some of the rushes Pitt was sending. That is not Mannings fault. That is the 0-lines. 2) Until last year his receivers were getting interfered with. Is that Manning faults? Didnt think so!
  17. None-the-less, this really doesn't matter to me. If you guys want to believe Brady is better then that is fine. Statistically it is not even close and that is why no one here wants to bring in stats. Leadership I will admit, Brady probably has the edge. BTW: Does Brady call his own plays? Didn't think so.
  18. Why are people acting so ignorant today. MANNING did not lose any playoff games. The COLTS lost playoff games. Manning was just one of the 22 players on the field. 1) Do you not remember the infamous game where Ty Law and company were mugging the Colts recievers? And the following year the NFL re-inforced the Ty Law Rule (5 yard bump rule) 2) Do you not remember how horrid the Indianapolis defense was the last 5 years? Manning would have to score 30+ points a game just to keep his team close. 3) Did you not see todays game where Manning had only 2 seconds to throw in the first half ... how about on that 4th and 16 sack with 2 minutes to go? How long did he have to throw then? 3 seconds? And yes ... I do believe if Manning had Brady's COACHING, DEFENSE, and SPECIAL TEAMS, he would have 3 SB rings also.
  19. Uhm - Mannings offensive line is good ... there not great. Did you see his offensive line in the first half today. Manning had nearly NO TIME TO THROW THE BALL. That is not his fault. And as for your Bledsoe point ... I don't even know what to say. I want to laugh, but then again I know you will just come back with something stupid again.
  20. HERE IS THE REAL POINT for all of those who think Brady is better. Put Manning on the Patriots and Manning has 3 rings also. Period. Until THIS year, Manning had NO DEFENSE BEHIND HIM. Until last year, the CB's were allowed to mug his recievers. You guys are all arguing that Brady has 3 rings ... the PATRIOTS have 3 rings. Brady was just part of the system. Jeez - use your brains.
  21. Just checked - no news on the conversation yet.
  22. I believe you have forgotten that I love the Bills and Jim Kelly ... ... but getting there means nothing if you cant win it. As much as I love Kelly, he never won the big one.
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