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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Sorry wasnt really paying attention ... tell you in a minute
  2. ... according to Buffalo Bills.com Interactive depth chart.
  3. Wow thats nice for a change. Im so use to Bills QB's faltering drive after drive, especially after making a mistake. Its nice to see a Bills QB bounce back after a mistake .... and two weeks in a row at that.
  4. Are you talking about the Carolina game from last year or this pre-season? Because the game this pre-season he had 6 punts. Two landed inside the 20. One was 64 yards long and his average was 43 yards (only 2 yards les than his average last season) ... am I missing something?
  5. Why in the world would you say that?
  6. If the QB position was still not decided by the end of the season due to poor play of whichever QB was playing and we were in the top 5 then I would do whatever it took to get in position to draft Quinn. If it took trading to get to the 1 or 2 spot then so be it ... ... on the other hand if Losman plays better each and every game and by the end of the season his QB rating is around 80 or higher and he looks comfortable then I would draft the best lineman rounds 1-7
  7. If anyone has a link to a website that has the video of that hit can you post it here please? any help would be appreciated
  8. Most likely ... or at the other end of the TBD spectrum you would have a few nameless posters (stevestojan) posting about that it was a fluke and JP is terrible and the NFL rigged it just to tear our hearts our next game ...
  9. Well I dont think I suck, but I was a little bit happy when Holcomb got picked ... I want the better player behind center and if that involves an older and inferior QB doing poorly in a game that means absolutely nothing in the standings then so be it ... but I still dont think I suck.
  10. Holcomb helped JP's cause the most .... ... and Williams on Defensive line was suprising good
  11. You kind of made me teeter off of my chair when you mentioned trading one of the best kick returners in the entire NFL (and one of the few ways we score or get great field position) but you really lost me when you mentioned trading Willis McGahee in favor of Lionel Gates who is coming off of his rookie season as has not had ONE single rushing attempt in a regular season game.
  12. I am also interested to know why one of the leagues best KR's was not returning kicks ... doesnt he need practice also???
  13. Thats not too bad of a thought. Its hard to believe that the starting QB going into training camp may be cut ... but its not a terrible option. Losman>Nall>Kingsbury wouldnt be the end of the world as far depth chart goes.
  14. Good stuff ... other than the fact that Keyshawn Johnson is a 2 time pro-bowler ...
  15. This is such an easy post to attack .... all I would have to do is start going through the hall of fame QB's and the great QB's of the past 10 years and today that have had HORRID pre-season games and your post will be toast. Pre-season is just like practice, except against a different team and their have been some of the greatest QB's having HORRIBLE pre-season games. Your reply =
  16. I truly wonder if Jauron truly believes there is much of a competition ... or does he know that Losman will be the starter come regular season.
  17. Reggie Bush averaging nearly 10 yards a carry in his debut - 59 yards on 6 carries. 0 TD's. Vince Young - 4/11 for 56 yards Alex Smith - 16/21 for 137 yards Jay Cutler - 16/22 for 192 yards and a TD well anyway - maybe, just maybe (contrary to popular belief by haters on this message board) Reggie Bush may just do well in New Orleans. And his yards came in the first quarter ... so he wasn't exactly taking advantage of 4th string no-body's.
  18. Yes but that all changed when Jauron announced that he would compete for the starting job.
  19. Of course not. We just put him as second/third string ... put the athletic kid who has a CHANCE to become kid.
  20. One could dream cant he ... ???
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