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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. I now know how it feels to talk to a moron. Discussion over.
  2. As far as crap teams making the playoffs. I can name a few from the last few years. So when Bledsoe and the Cowboys makes the playoffs what exactly are you going to say?
  3. Of course it is. But last time I checked, a win verses a bad team counts just as much as a win versus a good team. This isnt college dude. No ranking system. If we played San Fran, Detroit, Tennessee and the Jets all season and went 16-0 we would still be 16-0 ... they dont negate half our games because we beat a poor team.
  4. Did I ever say that he had MANY good games against winning teams? No. I said he had many good games. Period.
  5. Well lets take a look giggles. 19/25 for 314 yards, 2 TD, 0 INT 19/35 for 211, 1 TD, 0 INT 19/26 for 244, 1 TD, 0 INT 19/29 for 252 yards, 2 TD, 0 INT 17/30 for 168 yards, 2 TD, 0 INT 15/24 for 184 yards, 3 TD, 1 INT 19/30 for 277 yards, 4 TD, 0 INT 35/49 for 463 yards, 3 TD, 0 INT 27/41 for 283 yards, 2 TD, 0 INT 28/36 for 328 yards, 4 TD, 0 INT 19/33 for 254 yards, 2 TD, 0 INT I could go on, but I think you get the point.
  6. You are WRONG. NFL Rules say that a block in the back is a SPOT foul. It was during the play and the play was a 3rd down play. The foul was committed 8 yards from the line of scrimmage. It is a 10 yard penalty, and re-do the down. Thus making it 3rd and 2. Now if Price stepped out of bounds and then a few seconds later Royal blocks the guy in the back, then the play was over, and it was a 1st down because the play was over. Then it would have been 1st and 20. Get it?
  7. This goes into voting for most ignorant post of the year. Drew Bledsoe had MANY good games in Buffalo. Heck - he had bad games for us in which he had better numbers than 15 completions for 160 some yards and 0 TD's
  8. I hope this is sarcastic. Just for anyone who took this as right ... its not. Royal commited the foul 8 yards from the line of scrimmage. It is a 10 yard penalty, making the next play 3rd and 2 .... do the math 10-8 = 2
  9. Which play are you referring to? Both block in the back calls, WERE block in the backs and we as Bills fans would have gotten mad if it was the other way around and the ref didnt call it.
  10. We as fans have went from (2-3 months ago) thinking that we would get blown out in this game, and on our way to 4-12, to now being dissapointed that we didnt beat the Patriots in Foxborough .... I mean come on. Maybe Jauron should have kicked the field goal ... but lets face it. If he kicked the field goal and we ended up losing, we all would have questioned him for not having the balls to go for 4th and 1. Its a two-edged sword. We went to Foxborough, we gave them one hell of a game. Losman is definately better than last year. McGahee had a few great series. Thomas showed he is a very nice change up back. Overall - good game.
  11. Lovin it .... thats the loudest I have screamed in a long time
  12. Before each game I sim the current game through Madden. Here are the results. note: a few of the substitutions I wanted to make were not available due to not enough players in that position to take his spot (example: deion branch) and I got my Vbills announcement that Bruschi was out too late Bills: 24 Patriots: 27 Losman: 7/22 for 180 yards, 2 TD's, 0 INT's and 30 yards rushing Brady:19/32 for 283 yards, 2 TD's, 0 INT's McGahee: 17 attempts, 102 yards, 1 td Dillon: 12 attempts for 39 yards, 0 TD
  13. You have Baltimore beating Tampa (with Carnell starting), Cleveland beating NO, Jets beating Tenn (haha), and Houston beating Philly (what!)
  14. Pitt 28 Miami 17 (decided) Car 27 Atlanta 14 Balt 17 Tampa 27 NE 23 Buff 24 Cin 31 KC 13 Den 28 STL 10 Clev 20 NO 27 Jets 06 Tenn 20 Hou 13 Phil 28 Sea 27 Det 10 Chi 20 GB 14 Dall 38 Jack 14 Ari 31 SF 10 Ind 38 NYG 28 Was 31 Minn 20 SD 21 Oak 7
  15. No matter how late I go to bed, or how hard I try to not wake up, I always wake up around 9 or 10 on GameDays. I just wish I could sleep to 12, watch a little pre-game, make some food, and then watch NFL all day ...
  16. Maroney would do nothing. He is coming off of a injury
  17. Your right. Although the board is flooded with threads of stupid nature.
  18. Thats crazy talk ... Chad Johnson + Rudi Johnson + Carson Palmer. Sorry but the Bengals win by 7 at least
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