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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Royal looked like garbage. The only ugly thing I saw him do was make a stupid block in the back,
  2. Thats retarded guys. Yes. Freddy Smith went to NE, spilled his brains, never saw it coming, then got cut.
  3. Im not going to call you any names but im sure you can imagine what im thinking ... why dont you go post this on a Miami, or Jets board. You will fit in better their. Not to mention, that the "best RB in the NFL" has a whole 0.3 or 0.4 YPC more than Willis.
  4. You guys seriously think Belechick picked Smith up just for info ... wow
  5. Ditto. Its like giving the media open exposure to rape the Bills.
  6. Well he was top 4-5 in the league, the 2nd half of 2004 and he was top 3-4 in the league in the 1st half of 2005 ... so that kinda sucks your theory.
  7. Think about what you are saying. You want to give our #1 , pro-bowl quality CB the ball and have him run at large fast football players looking to rail him.
  8. Perfect, pin-point, right on the money (in my opinion) ... look at Shaun Alexander and Larry Johnson throughout the game and see how many times they just drive themselves straight into the hole. Not very often. They are patient and let their line open holes for them ... oh thats right ... our line is currently not opening many holes.
  9. Great example of the fallacy of ignorance. You personally believe you havent seem McGahee show heart and passion, so therefore he must not be playing with heart and passion. Ignorance.
  10. The sad part is half of the audience will view this as ignorance and half of the audience will view this as truth.
  11. I understood what you said. What makes you think I didnt understand what you said? You just took the post out of context. He doesnt want a RB under center to run. He wants Losman to run. How is that hard to understand?
  12. I still dont understand how we are blaming the ref on this one. We lost by 2 points ... if we kicked the field goal and made it, then we win ... ref or no ref
  13. darn block in the back on Whitners return messed that up
  14. your probably right . i have no objection to the mods moving it
  15. Its in another thread bro ... just look around and you will find it
  16. Jeez friggin lahweese ... the dude messed up on a play. Its not going to be the last time. Maybe Jauron should have kicked the field goal. Maybe it should have been called a different play. Maybe the blocking could have been better. But not - its all on McGahee. Give it a break. Its game 1 of a rebuilding season. At this pace you guys will hate the entire team after they all mess up on a play or 2.
  17. Also. He never said "i took the play off because I thought it was third down." he said he wasnt worried ... jeez .
  18. Im starting to think the overall wonderlic score of this board would be about 12 ... jeez ... he is not very bright. A lot of good RB's are not. Thats nothing new.
  19. HAHA. I personally like PC's, but Mac's are fine too. The commercials are cute but the facts are a little misleading.
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