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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. I agree that it is a rebuilding year. Losman has already made big strides towards becoming a good QB, but he is not quite there yet. Maybe by the end of this season and start of next training camp. We need a good OL. Period.
  2. I believe it was 1997 ... it was extremely cold and I believe we were playing the Denver Broncos. Anyhow, we were losing most of the game but at the end we made a pretty good comeback. Of course we ended up losing by a field either very late in the 4th or in OT ... this was back when we had Todd Collins. Anyway, this guy in back of me spills beer on me, then another guy is totally sloshed and is pulling his pants down. Security comes and drags him up the stairs. Then I have another guy in front of me, jumping on the bleechers (we were under the score board end about 20 rows from the field) screaming "turnover, turnover" ... just a ugly scene all around me and AT THE SAME TIME ... if any of the actual game details are in-correct, then please correct me. It was nearly 10 years ago.
  3. What does that have to do with Howard Simons opinion? It just proves it ... Two days ago or not. Dont be a dick.
  4. I dont know if anyone was listening this morning, but my father said that WGR 550 Howard Simon show was saying that they believe Willis McGahee was only joking about teh 4th down play being 3rd down ... not that it means anything, just thought id post it
  5. #1 ... talking about 90's #2 ... he was criticized by the media ... I as a fan loved his mouth
  6. Eric "problem child" Moulds.... What in the world is wrong with people today. Holy crap.
  7. It actually is the only suitable metaphor ... Spikes at least should be (probably is) the face of our media franchise right now (along with McGahee), and throw in the fact that the situations are different? Pa-lease? That just proves Spikes more. You should be more pissed about Kelly saying it was re-building during a SB year then Spikes during an ACTUAL re-building year. Get off your high horse.
  8. With Losman, Spikes, and McGahee all cut or traded we have to see who we want to (as fans) get rid of next week. Lets hear our predictions.
  9. Actually I can think of a few instances where Law, Brady, Branch, McGinist, and a few others actually spoke out against the Patriots. But none-the-less. I dont care if they won the SB 2 years ago. We are NOT the Patriots and I hope we never are. for the 3 SB's they won, NOT running their mouth, there have been 30+ other teams who have ran a SB while running their mouth at full steam ahead. Heck how many did Terry Bradshaw win? And no one could keep him quit about stuff he disagreed with.
  10. Ok. Now that I got the "shut up" out of my system. For goodness sakes people. If Jim Kelly said this in 1992 no one would give a crap. Heck, everyone would be praising him for being the leader and defending one of his own players.
  11. "mcgahee doesnt run hard" I over the past few days have learned why most of the media thinks we are morons ... well .... at least possibly to posts such as this you all complain about the media giving us NO credit outside of Buffalo when you guys are bashing us inside and out inside Buffalo. Jeez.
  12. Well if Spikes pounding Brady on the first play of the game wasnt him at 100% then I dont mind having him at whatever percent he was then. And if winning makes a player good then we should have shipped Jim Kelly off before he reached the 3rd Super Bowl in favor of a younger QB. After all by that time he was 0-2 in SB's. Right?
  13. Well I dont believe Wire was the only player fooled. If he was then the tight end probably would not have scored. Somone- anyone - would have batted it down. But I understand what your saying. He is not a good safety. But to call him the worst in the league is quite a blow.
  14. Thats the 2nd odd (for lack of a more offensive word) statement you have made in the past hour. Your telling Takeo Spikes, our best linebacker and one of the higher quality linebackers in the league to stop his whining or we are going to bench or deactivate him? You must be kidding. I guess you forgot what happened on the first play of last game. btw: i have news for you. AJ Hawk and that "kid from FS in Cleveland" are no where near the caliber that Takeo is.
  15. Thats quite a loaded statement to say that he is "... easily the worst safety in the league."
  16. Why must you ruin some of the good posts you have with dumb posts like this?
  17. Everyone who agrees with the original thread should be banned. Moronic.
  18. Hate to break everyone's love fest with Merriman but jeez you guys are contradicting yourself. "merriman looks unstoppable. but gallery and the Oakland line sucks" You just made your own point. Merriman looks so darn incredible because its the Oakland 0-line he is going against. Dont get me wrong. THe guy is very good. But take a break on saying that he will surpass the sack record just because he got 3 sacks on a bad 0-line.
  19. Ding, Ding, Ding! The lightbulb goes on. Heck - if Willis had gotten the 1 yard for the first down this discussion wouldnt be happening. But people are ... uhm ... interesting (for lack of a better term)
  20. To think that Bill Belichick resorted to signing a Bills WR to get insider info and then had the Bills offense score on the first two drives is just unlikely in my opinion.
  21. Mainly because the Bills have had very very very bad experiences in prime time in the past 10 years.
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