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Everything posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. Buffalo has a ton of fights each games ... so ditto poster above
  2. Yeah I actually am taking Philly now. And I would take Houston ... but even with the teaser they are only +10 and for all I know Portis and Co could go nuts on the lowly Texans and route them. You dont agree that Washington will beat Houston? Also. With the way the Bears are playing, I woiuld take them over almost anybody, anywhere. Maybe not by a ton, but at least WIN ... which at +2 as long as they win the game, I will win my bet. And after Brett Favre's 3 TD performance last week, Im worried that the Lions may not win the game against GB. Pats at -1 is not too bad.
  3. I like Drew ... he was a quality HUMAN BEING if nothing else. He never seemed to throw anyone under the bus. I liked Drew.
  4. I think this is a pretty solid lineup for this week ... teased results Buffalo Bills Pick (0) Football - NFL Lines NFL WEEK 3 - Pointspread Indianapolis Colts -1 Football - NFL Lines NFL WEEK 3 - Pointspread Washington Redskins +2 Football - NFL Lines NFL WEEK 3 - Pointspread Chicago Bears +2 Football - NFL Lines NFL WEEK 3 - Pointspread Baltimore Ravens -1 Football - NFL Lines NFL WEEK 3 - Pointspread Baltimore Ravens vs. Cleveland Browns Over 27½ $60 to win $400 edit ... also possibly adding in Atlanta over New Orleans
  5. Great post. It doesnt matter what you are. Democrat, Republican, Independent ... whatever. If your going to complain, bring an alternate way of doing things. Dont just complain.
  6. I disagree.I agree with another poster. cant remember who it was. But if your going to come out and post this article, then name names. Dont just say a Bills LB. That leads me to believe that he is just starting trouble.
  7. I dont know about other people, but it has been 2 weeks so far on the local channels and I have still received the HD game on DirecTV
  8. Dont bother Darin. I dont think he reads what people say on this board. Its pretty obvious over the past few years that people think that Losman should be throwing for 3,000 yards
  9. I dont get what you mean? You think I just randomly thought that Peyton Mannings first 3-5 games would represent his entire season and checked??? I was just checking on his stats and noticed that the first 3 games of the past few seasons seemed similar to his whole season (simple math in my head) ... once I started doing it on calculator it actually needed to be re-formatted to 3, 4, or 5 games. Still consistent.
  10. Your not very good at this whole message board convo are you? This thread was just supposed to be interesting. Not scientific. It wasnt suppose to be published in the New York Times either. It was just a little thing I looked at early in the morning. Also. If you look at other NFL players, not many have that same consistency from weeks 3-5 in weeks 12-16. It just shows that Manning has consistency. That was my whole point. Of course each varied from 3-5 weeks. That was the ammount of weeks it took for him to get on his pace and play great. The first year I did it took 4 years for him to get going. The next week it was 3 and last year I believe it was 5. How is that hard to understand. Also. I was using 2 games to predict a 16 game season. Not 15. Unless they chopped off a game and didnt tell me. Anyway. The only reason I did the 2 week comparison is because WE HAVE ONLY PLAYED 2 WEEK SO FAR! We can open this thread back up in 2 weeks and put the new predictions up then. By the way Denney is on pace to have 24 sacks and Kelsay is on pace to have 16. I dont know where you got the 32 from. But hey. Thanks for being a dick. I hope it made you feel better.
  11. So thats the answer to my question? What I am saying is this. When a screen is thrown to a WR on the out (just as the Dolphins did to chambers when McGee made the nice tackle) ... the Dolphins WR's were engaged in their blocks well before Chambers caughtnthe ball. So why if your theory is correct wasnt there PI on every Dolphin receiver on that play?
  12. Sorry I forgot to edit that. In the first 5 games he actually had 6 TD's and 2 INT's. My fault for not changing that. I will due so now.
  13. huh? your saying that if Reed made contact behind the line of scrimmage it would not be PI ... well duh ... but what WR do you know, would take a step back and wait for the DB to come to him, and then block? The fact is that if it was a screen to McGahee behind the line of scrimmage (as it was) and Reed makes that same block I bet it doesnt get called. I think the ref just blew the call. He saw a receiver catch a ball and he saw Reed block the defender. Yet you watch Westbrook catch the ball behind the line of scrimmage and his WR's are already blocking downfield.
  14. Just very simple math. The average of the first 3, 4, or 5 week stats multiplied by a 16 week season and ta-da.
  15. Just a little interesting pattern for fans of Peyton Manning such as myself. Over the past couple of years, Peyton Mannings first 3-5 games have told what he was going to do for the year, unlike other QB's who go up and down as the season rolls along. For example: In 2003, in Peyton Mannings first 4 games he had 914 yards, 9 TD's and 3 INT's. This works out to 3,656 yards, 36 TD's and 12 INT's ... Peyton ended up having 4,267 yards, 29 TD's and 10 INT's. Some what close right? In 2004, in Peyton Mannings first 3 games he had 9 TD's and 1 INT. This works out to 4.816 yards, 48 TD's and 6 INT's ... Peyton ended up having 4,557 yards, 49 TD's and 10 INT's. Pretty darn close huh? In 2005, in Peyton Mannings first 5 games he had 6 TD's and 2 INT's. This works out to 3,593 yards 24 TD's and 12.8 INT's ... Peyton ended up having 3,747 yards, 28 TD's and 10 INT's. Once again. Pretty darn close. Now so far in 2006, he is on pace for 5,408 yards, 32 TD's, and 8 INT. Not really important or anything, just thought you guys would think it was interesting.
  16. CBS Sportsline have the Patriots at #3 ... what the heck!!!
  17. Dangit. You guys are going to make me cry with this type of talk.
  18. Dont rub it in. But I hope that crowd is loud enough that Penningtons noodle arm falls off.
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