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Everything posted by cantankerous

  1. So here in Salem, Oregon we had 101 sunday, 103 monday, 89 tuesday, and today it's currently 77 with sunny skies. Weird weather is Oregon's norm. Sorry to hear about all of you east coaster's getting flooded out. I wish you well trying to sort out all that mess.
  2. If you couldn't tell EVEN last year that McGahee is our best offensive player then you're retarded. Give the man some help and he will whip some booty.
  3. 1st national championship in baseball in school history! Give it up people! The Beavers were underdogs pretty much all the way and fought back from the brink of elimination twice to win the title over UNC. That was awesome. I can't believe that 1st baseman didn't catch that toss from the 2nd baseman. It wasn't that bad of a throw and it hit his glove for fuggs sake. He also wasn't set up like a 1st baseman normally would...he had his foot on top of the bag! I haven't seen that since little league! I know the guy is normally a catcher but that was awful! Congrats to OSU though, they deserved it!
  4. Oh c'mon...it's football. Emotions run high. It's been said many times that Butler's actions on that play were completely out of character and that he's a great person, competitor, and teammate. That guy he took out wasn't even hurt was he?
  5. Don't be such a sissy, that guy was acting.
  6. So what did Donte Stallworth do???? And that Brad Butler clip didn't look that bad. It was totally a cheap shot but I don't think he intended to hurt the guy.
  7. ok so the Beavs lost a close one in game 1...then came back from a 5-0 deficit to win the 2nd game 11-7...tonight is for all the marbles! Go Beavers! Not only am I a Bills Billiever i'm also a Beaver Believer! Here's to a national championship for OSU!
  8. Anyone that doesn't eat meat is a sissy.
  9. Yesterday it was 101 and today it's currently 103 degrees...rediculous for the willamette valley in which I live... Last week it was like 75 and this week it's off the fuggin charts. Working outside in the sun blows when it's this hot and humid. LanaK...what do you think of this? and what is the temperature where you live? (to all) I feel like this... deliriously hot.
  10. This is the best news i've heard all day! My old man has DISH and I found a way to take one of his boxes and make it work at my house! Muahahahahahaha! NFL Network is finally mine!!!!
  11. It's not just the starters they ranked I believe...and if you're going on the whole RB corps that sounds right. Behind Willis we have nobody that could be considered a legitimate starter.
  12. what did Dante Stallworth do? I'll add Nick Saban to that list...he'll take any dirtbag player despite what kind of dirty deeds they've done.
  13. Bledsoe doesn't get hurt...his only injury was in 2001 when he get his chest torn up. Rosenfels looked pretty decent to me last year, especially when he beat us with 6 seconds left.
  14. Damn I miss those days...I can't wait to see the finished product.
  15. Go OREGON STATE!!!!!! The Beavers are going to whoop some Tarheel ass today! Bank on it! GO BEAVS!
  16. Agreed! That's just crazy talk saying a manual is more homo than an automatic. This is the first i've seen anyone say that. The Toyota Matrix is pretty gay however, stick or auto.
  17. There's no way we're better off without Eric Moulds. He no longer wanted to play for Buffalo...we all know that and i've accepted that but production wise there is no way Peerless Price, Roscoe Parrish, Josh Reed, Andre Davis or any of the other receivers will be able to match what he brought to the table. JP couldn't hit him on long passes because Moulds couldn't get seperation? WTF? More like JP couldn't see him because he was too nervous and didn't have the patience or time to quickly scan the field and find him. The Bills are NOT better off without Eric Moulds, but it was time for him to move on. IMO.
  18. Exactly Dibs. People need to stop being so damn sensitive about players missing a voluntary practice and getting caught up in "Willis said he's the best, how dare he!" C'mon people, just root for the Bills and stop all this nonsense of bashing our team. There are enough people bashing Buffalo already that aren't fans.
  19. I will be attending none of the games due to the fact I live 2,711 miles away from Ralph Wilson stadium and the Bills don't come west this year One day i'll get there.
  20. My brother and his wife had a healthy 8 pound 14 ounce baby girl they named Kaitlin on tuesday night...I'm one happy camper! She had the baby with NO drugs and NO painkillers of any kind...a pretty tough woman. My family all waited about 6 hours at the hospital once we heard she was in labor. Well worth the wait. Here's a pic in case anyone wants to see ------\/ My brother and his first child.... http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f319/Lan...03/papababy.jpg Wooooo hooooooo!
  21. Considering how well Lindell kicked last year I can't believe this topic was even brought up...
  22. Wow, you'd think that article came from a Patriots fan...Fu-- that guy!
  23. Thanks millbank...if the spots don't disappear when I polish/wax it this weekend i'll try the vinegar. Good lookin' out!
  24. You're talking about the upcoming NFL season, correct? If so i'm in!
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