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Everything posted by cantankerous

  1. That was me.../\ Guess I wasn't logged in.
  2. How much are you guys betting on the Colts? I'm debating to go big or not...seems like a slam dunk, but those usually don't work out for me. Kinda like Atlanta last week.
  3. He'll be back in a month.
  4. I was wondering what the hell Green Bay was thinking when they decided to pass on 1st and goal from the 1 yard line. They had just ran it up our ass for about 50 yards prior to that Simpson pick at the goal line. There is no way in hell we could've stopped Ahman Green from getting 1 yard...
  5. The defense is the only reason we were able to win today. The offense looked putrid. Losman actually underthrew that pass to Evans...he was hit pretty hard on the play though and i'll take a 43 yard touchdown any which way it comes. WOOO HOO!!!
  6. Week 1 @ New England Week 5 @ Chicago and pretty much every other game this year. and didn't he overthrow him 2 weeks ago against NE?
  7. That sucks Buffalo is going to screw you outta that loot. You are one lucky bastard though.
  8. Bring him back? What for?
  9. Evans should have at least 4 TD's by now...if it weren't for Losman overthrowing him all the time... and he dropped that one in the end zone against the pats.
  10. Dibs...I think maybe he's saying there's no way in hell we'll sign Steinbach because why the hell would he want to come to Buffalo? A losing organization when the grass is much greener on EVERY other side? Plus the old timers in the front office will probably say "we don't need him" and pick up some other team's trash o-lineman. Just my opinion. I'm very critical because the front office hasn't done anything right in some time. (Although I liked our draft this year)
  11. Last year (don't remember which game) Jon fumbled when NOBODY hit him. Yes he has fumbled...and he will again unfortunatly.
  12. I'd like that idea if I thought Jon could hold onto the ball.
  13. I remember Lee Evans ripping off 50 yard runs on reverses...why the hell havn't they ran a damn reverse?
  14. McGahee isn't making much more than Henry if at all is he? I have no idea.
  15. Aye Dibs! I don't think Jon has what it takes mentally when it comes to leading a team. To me he looks confused, nervous and at times lost. I know I should expect that from him but like many, i'm getting tired of watching the Bills get our asses kicked and getting NO offense while it's happening. Jon has a great arm, and quick feet but to me it seems he's too emotional whether it's good or bad. Maybe i'm just sick and tired of losing...But it seems whenever he's doing well, say...mounting a comeback like the Jets game...only to blow it throwing a 5 yard out pattern at Lee Evans feet out of bounds. This Bills team is in the NFL...I expect to see a NFL caliber quarterback. I hope to God he can turn it around and make me a believer but as of now, I have no confidence he can lead this team to victories. Go Bills!
  16. Get real, Jon Losman has ZERO Peyton Manning in him at ALL. I'm not saying our O-Line is great or even good...but I judge Jon Losman on his decisions with the football and the passes he hurls. Delay of game penalties are not the O-Line's fault. Overthrowing receivers is not the O-Line's fault. Jon Losman fumbling when colliding with the referee is not the O-Line's fault. Go Bills!
  17. That's probably the only way he'll get "it."
  18. Maroney was the steal of the first round for sure...he's a BEAST. He runs like his life is depending on it.
  19. Absolutely. I've been saying the same thing.
  20. Man Deluca...those numbers really put things in perspective.
  21. They have given him plenty of time most games to make something happen, Losman definitely holds onto the ball too long...probably because of his tendency to lock onto Lee Evans and ignore the rest of the field. The blindside hits are awful...they are on the o-line but Jon needs to have the ability to hold onto the football.
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