Aye Dibs!
I don't think Jon has what it takes mentally when it comes to leading a team. To me he looks confused, nervous and at times lost. I know I should expect that from him but like many, i'm getting tired of watching the Bills get our asses kicked and getting NO offense while it's happening. Jon has a great arm, and quick feet but to me it seems he's too emotional whether it's good or bad.
Maybe i'm just sick and tired of losing...But it seems whenever he's doing well, say...mounting a comeback like the Jets game...only to blow it throwing a 5 yard out pattern at Lee Evans feet out of bounds. This Bills team is in the NFL...I expect to see a NFL caliber quarterback. I hope to God he can turn it around and make me a believer but as of now, I have no confidence he can lead this team to victories.
Go Bills!